December 5, 2015

"Those are fish!" is what I said to Lauren when I suddenly noticed birds working and fish crashing on the surface. For me this was a big relief.After all we had just traveled more than 2,000 miles, invested countless hours in preparation, half-forced Lauren into taking a month off from ...

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Fish On! Hooked Up in Costa Rica
December 5, 2015

(Continued from Fish On! Hooked Up in Costa Rica)I prayed to God that this fish would stay on the line. She was pumping just like giant tuna do when they are doing a death circle beneath the boat. To say I was excited to see what species I had hooked would ...

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Fish On! Hooked Up in Costa Rica | Extended Report
December 3, 2015

Lauren Blacker December 1st had been on my mind for a long time. The thought of standing on a beach far from just about everything I had grown accustomed to was unimaginable.The idea of sleeping under a canopy of palms and listening to the sounds of a wild jungle just didn't ...

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The First 24 – Day #1 in Costa Rica
December 3, 2015

Continued from The First 24We started walking down the dirt road in an attempt to find the jungle house, when a very friendly local named Jonathon offered to give us a ride. Jonathon grew up in the area and is about our age, so we immediately hit it off, and ...

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The First 24 | Extended Report
December 2, 2015

Note from Ryan - We are just getting settled in Costa Rica. I plan on publishing a report very soon, probably tomorrow! Captain Jason Colby When I announced open boat for this particular trip over a month ago the boat was filled up almost instantly. Strangely, of the 6 people ...

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Last Tautog Of The Season
December 1, 2015

The past several days have been pretty wild as Lauren and I prepare for an adventure in Costa Rica. Right now we are high in the sky on our way south to the most bio-diverse ecosystem on the planet.To be honest, this moment feels quite surreal! ​9 years ago while ...

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We Are Currently En Route To Costa Rica
November 29, 2015

Dave Frennesson I arrived on the Outer Cape (North Truro) very late in the night on Thursday October 15th, with visions of huge stripers filling my mind as I drove along. I rigged up the pole as soon as I got in and figured I would start out fresh on Friday ...

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A Weekend Spent Fishing the Beaches of Outer Cape Cod
November 27, 2015

The following report was sent in by Ryan French. Ryan has been part of MFCC for several years now and we are excited to have him contributing! Ryan French September 16th 2015I had the opportunity to fish the Canal this past weekend and I'm very happy I did!On Saturday (September 12th) I ...

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Night Blitz at the Cape Cod Canal
November 25, 2015

Danny Guadagnoli Billy had been behind the group, and while catching up he witnessed the crashing bass annihilate my plug. He screamed, “Woah! Danny’s got a big boy on, fellas!" All went silent as I fought hard to keep the fish from taking me into the rocks. It hit directly behind ...

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Midday Topwater Monsters at Cuttyhunk Island | Part #2
November 23, 2015

Danny Guadagnoli Growing up as a surfcaster, I have read many epic tales from the fabled striper waters of Cuttyhunk, yet for some reason at 24 years old, I had yet to take the plunge and experience it for myself. The stories are almost mythical, and like many legendary fishing ...

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Midday Topwater Monsters at Cuttyhunk Island | Part #1
November 17, 2015

2015 was my second year ever fishing from a kayak. I learned a lot, caught some fish and explored unique areas only accessible via kayak or shallow draft boat. I still have no electronics whatsoever installed on the kayak. I am tempted to outfit the boat with the latest gadgets because ...

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My 5 Best Cape Cod Kayak Fishing Trips Of All Time
November 15, 2015

Ryan Collins As we ease into the saltwater "off season" here on Cape Cod, I figured it would be fun to reminisce on some memorable trips of years past.This particular trip happened way back in 2012 when I was pretty obsessed with fishing the Cape Cod Canal. This was certainly ...

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Torrential Thirty Pounders