Welcome to My Fishing Cape Cod!
My name is Ryan Collins, and I'm happy you are here. I struggled for many frustrating years figuring out how to catch fish. Now my goal is to share what I've learned, and provide the resources and community to help locals and visitors make the most of their Cape Cod fishing and outdoor adventures.
Many people have told me that My Fishing Cape Cod membership has helped them shave as many as 10 years off the learning curve - so if you are looking to catch fish on Cape Cod (and throughout New England) then you've arrived at the right place!
Please click or scroll below to learn more details about why I created My Fishing Cape Cod.
My Story
I grew up and still live in the town of Bourne. I started fishing the Cape area when I was 5 years old and I have been hooked ever since!
I have my Dad to thank for that...

Here I am in the early 90's with my dad Jake and sister Katelyn. This photo was likely taken somewhere on Buzzard's Bay, perhaps while en route to Cuttyhunk Island, which we visited every so often.
When I was in elementary and middle school, my dad and I fished Cape Cod Bay out of a 12 foot aluminum boat powered by a 6 hp engine.
We chased stripers, bluefish and even tuna in that little boat!

Here we have my dad with our first 12 foot aluminum boat. This boat was eventually swept off the beach during an October nor' easter and has since been replaced. Incredibly, the engine is still working to this day. This photo was taken at the East Bar in Barnstable Harbor, circa 1995.
I experienced so much during those years fishing with my dad. We caught fish, rescued whales, and had countless memorable father-son fishing experiences.
During my years at Bourne High School, my dad upgraded to a 19' Carolina Skiff. Eventually we upgraded to a 21' Hydra Sport walk-around named the Miss Loretta which we still own and use regularly.

The Miss Loretta was named after my grandmother, who passed away not long before we purchased the boat.
I then set off to Assumption College which is located in Worcester, Massachusetts. I did some traveling abroad in Australia, but throughout it all my interest kept coming back to Cape Cod and fishing.
My early twenties began with a desperate search to find a job that I actually enjoyed. During the summer I would sell fish, take people out on fishing charters, and mow lawns.

In my early twenties I operated a small charter fishing business called Miss Loretta Fishing. My specialty (if you want to call it that!) was fishing at night for huge stripers on Cape Cod Bay with live eels and the tube and worm. I would stay out as long as was necessary to find the fish, and it was not unusual for an 8 hour trip to turn into a 14 hour trip.
During the winter I tried selling AFLAC insurance and computer software, and even worked for a moving company to make ends meet.
But then everything changed in 2009 when I met (and fell in love with) a wonderful young woman from Connecticut named Lauren...

This photo was taken the night I met Lauren. We were both at a mutual friend's BBQ in Bellingham, MA. I made her a margarita and the rest is history!
Not long after meeting Lauren, I was mowing one of my weekly lawn jobs, when the owner gave me a book called Do What You Love And The Money Will Follow.
The book taught me that in life all things are possible. The only key is to never give up. My Fishing Cape Cod had not yet been born, but I had a newfound feeling of hope that something big was on the horizon.
How MFCC Got It's Start
In 2011 I started the myfishingcapecod.com website in an effort to help promote my fishing charters. However, soon after launching I realized the website could become much more than just a tool for gaining charter business.
People started reading the articles and watching the videos I was sharing on the site. I began receiving emails from people who told me that my tips helped them catch the fish of their dreams. I was thrilled!
That year on Christmas Day I asked people to support what I was doing by joining MFCC as a member. Within a few years enough people had signed up and My Fishing Cape Cod became my full-time gig.
Fast forward to today and I can confidently say that I am living the dream I had when I was a little kid. My Fishing Cape Cod is a community of more than 1,500 members, with an additional 80,000+ more people following along with our social media, TV show, and other platforms.
I owe a big thank you to everyone who has helped to make my dream of doing what I love for a living come true.
If you’d like to learn more about how I got my start, then please read > The MFCC Backstory: Ryan Collins’ Journey Creating My Fishing Cape Cod
My Mission
The mission of My Fishing Cape Cod is to help you catch more fish and have more fun, and to help you make the most of your time on Cape Cod. However, My Fishing Cape Cod is much more than that.
By consistently publishing content on the website, in the TV show and via MFCC's social media channels, I hope to have a beneficial influence on the people and world around me.
The internet can be a scary place, but if you spend some time on MFCC, it won't be long until you notice my focus on keeping things positive, friendly and helpful. My goal is to provide members with a safe and comfortable place online.
I also love nature and want to do everything in my power to help heal the damage that's been done to local habitat and ecosystems. I try to infuse this perspective into everything I do, whether it's here on the site, on our social media channels, or on our TV show on NBC Sports Boston.
Topics Covered
One of the main things we do on My Fishing Cape Cod is provide consistently updated Cape Cod fishing reports, information and advice, in a friendly and respectful manner.
However that's really just the tip of the iceberg! Here on My Fishing Cape Cod you can learn about all sorts of different types of fishing.
Topics covered include:
- Striped bass fishing
- Tuna and offshore fishing
- Fishing for tautog, bluefish, black sea bass and more
- Information about areas to fish on Cape Cod
- Fishing the Cape Cod Canal
- Freshwater fishing
- And much more...
If you aren't ready to join the membership, then the next best step to making the most of My Fishing Cape Cod is to join the more than 20,000 people who receive my weekly updates, which are sent out via email.
You can get our email updates for free right now by clicking below.
The Membership Option
As you become familiar with the website you will quickly realize that one of the most beneficial aspects of this site is the membership community we've built, which consists of thousands of anglers from diverse backgrounds and age groups.
My Fishing Cape Cod is comprised of people who love fishing the Cape. Many of us live on Cape year-round, others are seasonal residents, while some visit just on vacation.
The one thing we all have in common is a passion for fishing, and a love of Cape Cod's wildlife, beaches, ponds and of course the ocean.
Here's what people have been recently saying about MFCC...

Please keep it up!
Ryan, I would like to mention how impressed I am by the subtle manner in which you weave an ecological sensibility and respect for the fish and the natural world into your articles, while avoiding anything that might seem political.
My Fishing Cape Cod landed me my dream job!
A captain posted a first mate listing this spring on MFCC. Now I’m working as a mate on his boat. It’s incredible. Thanks for having such a great community!
Thank you for doing what you love
"Thank you for doing what you love so well, and for sharing it with all of of us who follow, learn from, and admire you."
I've gone from struggling, to catching 100's of stripers per year.
Thank you to Ryan, and all the members of My Fishing Cape Cod. I have only been a member for a couple of years, but I have learned so much from listening to the podcasts, reading the insightful posts, lure suggestions, and all-around great information.
I’ve been following MFCC since 2016
I want to take a moment and thank you. I’ve been following MFCC since 2016, and all the fish we caught during my recent trip to Monomoy, were caught using techniques I’ve learned from your site. Thanks so much for being part of my learning experience.
Try the membership and test it out for yourself. I did, and fishing has never been better.
I joined MFCC because I wanted to get back into ocean fishing and surfcasting. After doing the trial one month membership and viewing the information and videos on the MFCC webpage, I knew this site was very different. Ryan gives all the members the ability to actively enjoy the membership by learning on their own, but also by going on fishing trips to meet other members and learn from Ryan and the other professional captains that work with him. Ryan has given me the opportunity to get the most out of my fishing experiences. If you enjoy fishing and want to become part of the MFCC community, try out the membership and test it out for yourself. I did and fishing has never been better.
I want to thank everyone in the forum for their advice. It was SO helpful. I have been having a blast kayak fishing this season!
My approach and game plan has greatly improved, especially at the canal.
Thank you Ryan for the information you provide on My Fishing Cape Cod. Your website and team has allowed me to accumulate years of knowledge in a short time, and has brought more enjoyment to my fishing at the canal and surf. Catching fish is a bonus, but knowing I am well positioned for the fish of a lifetime is exciting and makes my time on the water more enjoyable.
My wife and I look forward to retiring on the Cape in a few years and I look forward to my toughest decisions being to fish, golf, or join my wife at the beach. Thank you for all you do and please keep the same approach you have now, no matter how big My Fishing Cape Cod may get. Your approach and sincerity in what you do serves you well in my opinion.
Awesome place - I wish I found it earlier.
I guess I didn’t expect this place to be that fantastic, with real anglers and enthusiasts, with so much content and activity (sharing and discussions. etc). Awesome place - I wish I found it earlier.
The amount of information Ryan's made available to members is unbelievable!
I look forward to long time membership!
I just wrapped up an incredible Cape Cod vacation and wanted to thank you for the terrific info/instructions you provide. I met friendly and helpful people during my canal trips, and was amazed at the valuable information forum members provided. I look forward to long time membership!
The MFCC family enabled me to fine tune my efforts to the point that I actually thought I knew what I was doing.
This blog has continued to evolve throughout the years and continues to provide guidance, information and knowledge to the newest among us, as well as to the more mature and seasoned veterans. Of note is the fact that it has always been a place of sharing without judgement. Some of us older guys may not be as active in our posts as we used to be, but there never seems to be a lack of individuals ready to step in and offer their guidance and knowledge to those seeking to learn. It really is a unique environment for all.
MFCC is worth every penny.
Thanks for continuing to upgrade My Fishing Cape Cod and reinvesting in the Members. The monthly dues are worth every penny.
Joining this group is one of the best things I’ve done for myself.
Being able to meet like minded people, go fishing and having fun the entire day is the best!
MFCC helps keep me going and reminds me to continue to appreciate the beauty of the world around us, and enjoy time on the water. It's just being out there, and taking in the magnificence that exists all around us, when we slow down a bit, and absorb the splendor of this place we get to call home.
I’m thrilled with the club!
I LOVE the emails! I’m quite a bit less mobile than previously, but while I’m doing therapy and going forward, I love reading MFCC. I even dream about some of the adventures and it gives me another reason to push harder to live some myself!
Thanks from a Canal newbie
Thanks to everyone on this site who help out Canal newbies like me. I had never fished the Canal until this week, and with the info on this site, the forums, and the members, I didn't feel lost or intimidated by the "Big Ditch."
This is such a wonderful community!
I will start by saying this is such a wonderful community, and I have already learned so much from many of you-thank you all for that!
I wanted to take the time to shout out Capt. Steve Leary, an MFCC member. A few buddies and I were headed to the Cape this week to relax and do some fishing. One friend of ours suffered a spinal injury and is in a wheelchair.
This posed a few concerns for getting out on the water, but Capt. Steve and Capt. John of the Lucky Lady II couldn’t have made it a better experience. We reached out to Capt. Steve in advance, and he was quick to find us a boat that would accommodate us. Within hours of speaking with Capt. Steve we had a charter booked and were in great hands.
We had a great day on the water with Capt. John and his mate Blake. Caught lots of big blue fish, and schoolies. We also had the pleasure of meeting Capt. Steve before we headed out, thanks again Capt. Steve you’re the man! And thank you Ryan, and the MFCC community for all the resources and great people available to us all!
I’ll say my first year’s membership was definitely $ well spent.
I'll say my first year's membership was definitely $$$ well spent. What a great year! Best part was meeting some folks who are not only great fishermen, but just plain old good people. From adventures fishing new spots at night to riding heavy chop tossing docs, it was awesome.
I can’t thank you enough for putting this club together!
It’s been an amazing year of fishing! I have had an AMAZING summer of fishing and I learned SO MUCH! I can’t thank you enough for this group. It’s been wonderful to fish with captain Tyler and all of the other guides. I can’t wait for next year!
Joined MFCC about 6 months ago. To date an overall great experience!
I joined MFCC about 6 months ago, and to date it's been an overall great experience! I've learned much from the articles, podcasts and of course forum which I read daily.
Do yourself a favor and get onboard with My Fishing Cape Cod today!
My son and I have had amazing fishing adventures with My Fishing Cape Cod; catching (and bringing home fresh) Striped Bass, Blues, Mackerel, Black Sea Bass and more.
I OWE IT ALL TO My Fishing Cape Cod
Caught a 39 incher at the Sandwhich bulkhead, Thursday 6AM, on a Sebile swimmer in mac color. Biggest I have ever caught and I owe it all to MFCC.
The openness and information available for fishermen is unreal.
MFCC has such a unique fishing forum. I really enjoy reading everything at the end of the day - such great info and very entertaining. I look to the expertise of "the MFCC crowd” for advice. Thank you Ryan for creating something we all wanted.
Thanks for striving to give members a high quality experience!
Since joining MFCC I’ve been inundated by the wealth of knowledge and generosity of the members who share the same passion as me. Being a teenager with a small fishing network, MFCC has been a dream come true as fellow members have given me the opportunity to not only grow in the sport, but to also give back to the sport.
Best fishing decision I have made to date!
I joined MFCC 5 years ago when I just started fishing on Cape Cod. MFCC has really shortened my learning curve and made me a much more successful fisherman. It has also helped me find some great people to fish with. It was just what I needed when I need it. Best fishing decision I have made to date! So glad this group exists!
I had a fabulous time going out with captain Cullen!
The fishing was awesome, the people fun to be with, and the BSB dinner that night was delicious. We have more fillets in the freezer for a few more yummy dinners. Thank you for setting up these terrific charters!
I caught more than 30 stripers and blues.
Thank you for the advise when I was on Cape for vacation. I caught more than 30 stripers and blues.
My Fishing Cape Cod has given me the "salt life" that I've yearned for!
Some of the greatest friendships and connections in my life right now are because of My Fishing Cape Cod. All of us have formed incredible life memories and we talk daily- we've all become super close.
I have great pride for MFCC and really respect it. Its brought so many beneficial aspects to my life. It's helped make me the angler I've been striving to be, and honestly given me the "salt life" that I've yearned for!
You've helped my son build up his confidence as a fisherman.
Ryan - you've helped my son build up his confidence as a fisherman. I am not sure you really know what type of impression you have made on him. THANK YOU!
MFCC is my great escape!
I work as a detective, and with all the horrible encounters that I manage daily, it is so nice to unwind while reading the MFCC site. Keep up the good work!
I owe my success to Ryan and others who have advised me through MFCC. You made my summer! I cannot thank you all enough.
I'm happy to be a member!
Thanks to My Fishing Cape Cod, I have met a bunch of really great fishermen. I never would have met these people without being part of MFCC. Thank you Ryan for running this gig. I'm sure it's more work than any of us realize, but it's such a great thing you do for the community.
You lead a really great trip and we woke up this morning feeling pretty elated from our adventure.
"Last night was SO FUN!!! Brad and I have been sending the photos you took of us to family and friends, showing off our first-ever stripers. We learned so much and are eager to get back out again, we’ll be reading your forum to see where members are going and what they’re catching."
The folks on this site are genuine, respectful and sincere.
Ryan you do a great job with MFCC and it’s obvious that it comes from the passion and caring that comes from within. With all that is wrong in this world it gives you hope and makes you proud. Thanks again for all you do.
I can't say enough about My Fishing Cape Cod.
Between my group fishing trip last summer with captain Cullen, and my most recent surfcasting trip with Ryan, I've had some amazing experiences with MFCC. The trips, community and website have been a ton of fun.
I am thankful for the site and everything that I have learned
I am thankful for the site and everything that I have learned and continue to learn about fishing and the joy of living on the Cape with all its natural beauty.
I learned so much!
Ryan, in my first year of membership I learned so much about fishing, the caring people and MFCC community. I have a place in Bourne and next Spring I will try again to take on that mysterious "Big Ditch."
I can't thank you enough for the advice.
I can’t thank you enough for the advice. Nobody else around, just me, beautiful water and big fish. Wow! Spectacular morning on the water, especially for November 9th for heaven’s sake!
One Of My Most Memorable Fishing Experiences Ever
Thank you for helping me put together a plan for the handful of days I was on Cape Cod. On my first night I hiked from Inman Beach to Swan River with great luck landing blues and stripers, using techniques mentioned throughout the website.
It was one of the best trips I have ever had.
I went out with MFCC member Eddy Kooyomjian, his brother Mark and son Jack on the fluke fishing trip I won through My Fishing Cape Cod. We had a fabulous day. Great conditions, super fishing and fun family. They took the best care of me! It was one of the best trips I have ever had. It was only my second time out this year because of a knee replacement and it made my summer complete!
You'll improve your fishing skills and knowledge of Cape Cod.
Ryan has forgotten more about fishing than many of us will ever know. He’s a student and always learning - and sharing information. His knowledge of Cape Cod - from the surf to the bays to the ocean - plus his knowledge of the species, means he’ll be able to get you on fish. You’ll come away with some great memories - but also improve your fishing skills and knowledge of Cape Cod.
Thank you for your generous donations throughout 2019 totaling $600.00!
We are thrilled that you see the value in helping struggling parents raise thriving babies. We greatly appreciate you joining our mission to make that happen by supporting A Baby Center! By assisting over 1,500 children from low income households on Cape Cod, Nantucket and Martha’s Vineyard last year and donating over 250,000 free diapers to keep babies healthy and well, it is clear that the need is great in our local community. Because of kind donations such as yours, each visit our clients not only receive critical health and wellness items such as supplemental diapers, wipes and formula, but are also invited to select from our donated inventory of gently used clothing, equipment and other baby care items. Thank you for caring enough to make a difference in the future of the babies we serve!
I owe a ton to Ryan and the My Fishing Cape Cod community!
Without My Fishing Cape Cod (and my best bud coercing me into switching over to salt water fishing) I probably wouldn’t have moved to south Plymouth to get closer to the fishing grounds I’ve become obsessed with over the last 4 years or so. I owe a ton to Ryan and the My Fishing Cape Cod community & it’s evident that plenty of other MFCC members feel the same way. #tightlines #capecodforlife
The members in the forum are great!
Last week I posted about some extra fishing gear I was hoping to sell, and so far I've already sold 2 rods and 3 reels. The members in the forum are great!
Ryan, just watched my first few sessions of MFCC TV and I have to say excellent job!
Also, the spot about picking up trash in your shows, what an absolutely magnificent thing. From a human standpoint, I've noticed you seem to be a very grateful and charitable person. Thanks for doing what you do, teaching us, and bringing us this content. We appreciate it very much! Cheers!
The monthly membership fee is a small price to pay for the amount of information you can access and the amount of information that is shared throughout the network by the members.
Ryan has always been quick to respond to emails and has always been extremely supportive of all efforts to promote fishing both on and off Cape Cod. He has been equally supportive of efforts to improve the lives of those less fortunate here on Cape Cod. The annual breakfast meeting is always a must-attend event not only for the good food, but for the opportunity to meet others with similar interests and concerns. It is all informative as well as entertaining. Thanks Ryan for starting MFCC and doing a great job keeping it up and running with informative speakers, interesting articles, fabulous pictures and always being eager and willing to lend an ear and offer advice and support.
I have learned practically everything I know about Striper fishing from your blog, and from other members on the site.
Ryan, I just wanted to reiterate how much I value the site you have created. I also value the ability to share my own success and failures with others throughout the season. My wife makes fun of me because I don’t do social media….except when it comes to MFCC when she frequently says… “are you on the fishing site again?!?”
Our trip to Cuttyhunk was a great time.
What impresses me most about MFCC is the quality people that you meet on the site. All posts in the forum are friendly, helpful, and show a desire to connect with nature and others through fishing.
The best investment I have ever made was to join My Fishing Cape Cod, and take a guided surfcasting tour with Ryan.
As a novice saltwater fisherman, I've had limited success from shore. The best investment I have ever made was to join My Fishing Cape Cod, and take a guided surfcasting tour with Ryan. It was my best day of fishing I've ever had in fresh or saltwater.
I’m finding MFCC to be an excellent resource between the forums, blogs and videos.
I first discovered MFCC through your television program last year. My dad was excited to share an episode with me since it dealt with our region and the type of fish we liked to target. From that time on we made it a point to watch whenever a new episode would air. A few months back I decided to become a member of MFCC to learn more. Thanks for putting the work in to make content and facilitate this site.
It's a big one Dad!
Just wanted to say thanks to Ryan and My Fishing Cape Cod. My family and I spent the weekend at Smugglers Beach and all the advice and tips that Ryan provided were very helpful in catching stripers. My son was most impressed when I pulled that first striper from the ocean. It was especially nice meeting some of the local anglers, and just talking about fishing like I had known them forever. Then to top it all off we stopped at the Canal on the way home. On my second cast I hooked up with a nice one, as my son was jumping and yelling "It's a big one Dad" - Great times!
I caught 34 stripers!
Just got back from 2 days fishing up in Falmouth. This was my first time ever striper fishing, and I just wanted to thank you for all the info you post because it totally made the difference. I had a blast, and in 2 days I caught 34 stripers. Thank you again for all the pointers!
I've caught 4 stripers over 40 inches.
Thanks to the help of your site I have gone from trying to catch my first keeper, to having caught four fish over 40 inches, all in less than a year at the canal.
i just can't say enough good things
I'd been following MFCC via email and Facebook for several months, before deciding to join. I think the MFCC site is AWESOME! Now that I'm a member, I'm sure I will enjoy the increased content that much more.
Your site has been a huge factor in helping me.
First of all, thank you for all the work you do and information you provide-it has helped me more than you know. I've grown up my whole life fishing the North Shore, mainly the Merrimack River and Plum Island beaches/estuaries.
Today my son and I landed 2 schoolies where you told us to go.
Hi Ryan,
Back in February my son and I came the breakfast that you hosted. I told you that we had not had much success catching stripers, and you gave us some suggestions. Today my son and I landed 2 schoolies where you told us to go.
Thank you for your help and insight!
MFCC has been a life saver.
Ryan, I wanted to let you know your column has been a life saver. I always enjoy the articles, advice and lessons. Gets me through those days when high tide is just how long before my next physical therapy.
Thanks for your help!
Hi Ryan, I took your advice and got some frozen mackerel. I put a chunk on a size 6 circle hook and caught a beautiful 33 inch striped at Cold Storage Beach. What a thrill!
I never miss a posting!
I went from never catching a striper to catching them in my own neighborhood with the guidance from Ryan and this site. The reports read like good journalism-especially with the photos & videos.
This site is outrageous!
Ryan, this site is outrageous! I could spend a month just watching the videos and reading the stories about the canal. I was expecting just a fishing report about various locations on the Cape that would give me a heads up in regards to spots to fish, methods and equipment to use-but I can see that MFCC is much more. I am really impressed with your site and will recommend it to others.
My Fishing Cape Cod is a fisherman's dream.
Having fished my entire life, I have been looking for a place to learn, share, and grow with other people who share this passion. Whether I am checking the forum/blog from work in my morning routine or listening to the weekly podcast, the amount of information on a daily basis is truly special. The community Ryan's built has been a pleasure to be a part of as a member!
You guys are awesome!
Thanks to tips from Ryan I was able to catch my first striped bass this past summer. Suffice it to say that I'm hooked on surfcasting. Thank you for your kindness and generosity.
Your stuff works. It's proven!
I'm fairly new to the canal but used your jig and drop technique and man can I tell you, it payed off!
Last night was phenomenal and would only add that it perfectly aligned with what we hoped to get out of the evening.
We each had the thrill of catching a fish, but as important, you’ve given us the confidence to now go out on our own. We really appreciated that you answered detailed questions about things like tides and knots, on top of your willingness to share other locations on the Cape that we could explore, in addition to providing cooking and gardening tips. It was an absolute pleasure.
It is a breath of fresh air to open the MFCC membership forum / blogs / etc. at any point in time of the day & immediately begin feeling a sense of positivity and unity.
If I didn't come across My Fishing Cape Cod in my search to gain more knowledge, then I wouldn't have grasped the sport as quickly as I would have liked. This community is filled with people that love to fish, that want to preserve the fishery and enjoy the great outdoors. MFCC got me up to speed in a timely manner and got me excited for all the fishing possibilities I could encounter in the salt. It's a breath of fresh air to open MFCC and begin feeling a sense of positivity and unity.
I love this site!
I love this site! Where else can you post a question, get a response, and yield success in a 2 hour window? Thanks for helping me catch my first striper on my fly rod!
The people in the forum are wonderful. Someone stole my bag while I was at the canal, so I posted about it inside the forum, with the thought of letting the other members know to be sure to watch their stuff carefully. To my surprise I had many offers (more than I could count!) from members who wanted to send me lures lures to help rebuild my stolen bag. There are just some wonderful people here on MFCC.
I’ve learned a lot from the MFCC site over the past few years.
Having the opportunity to spend several hours on the boat with Ryan was another excellent learning (and catching) experience. Ryan is an excellent teacher and he does it in such a way where you don’t feel silly for not already knowing how to do something – whether it is applying a certain technique, or simply forgetting to use your thumb to guide line back on to the reel properly. I learned 2-3 new techniques and now have a lot more confidence in my ability to find and catch fish.
Thanks for helping me catch tuna!
I joined My Fishing Cape Cod when I first moved to the Cape. Over the next three seasons I caught my first bluefin, followed by 9 more tunas from 60 to 85 inches. I owe a big thank you to MFCC, captain Cullen of Cape Star Charters, and the many others who helped me get started.
I finally caught my first fish on the Cape!
Ryan, after years trying to surf fish (and using everything you suggested) I finally caught my first fish on the Cape!
Ryan answered all of my questions and heightened my passion for fishing
Being relatively inexperienced at fishing, spending time with Ryan and tapping into his vast knowledge has been wonderful. Ryan answered all of my questions and heightened my passion for fishing, without treating me like an amateur.
MFCC got me out of the doldrums.
When I was out of work 2 years ago with hip surgery, I found your site and it gave me the "go" I needed to get out and do it again. Now my wife of 41 years can't keep me out of the woods or on the water. Thank you.
I love this site.
It’s my go to for fishing info, that’s for sure.
We got an incredible amount of intel about where to fish, where to park and where to eat.
I’ve been a member of My Fishing Cape Cod for the last four years. This year, I decided to switch things up a bit and plan a June kayak fishing trip to the Brewster flats. I reached out to the MFCC community and the response was overwhelming. We got an incredible amount of intel about where to fish, where to park and where to eat. One of the members invited us to join him for an outing fishing the incoming tide on the flats. We had a blast! I just wanted to let everyone know what a valuable and generous resource we found MFCC to be. Keep up the great work!
Once you start exploring the website, you'll probably notice that there are no pop-up or banner advertisements on MFCC. That's because My Fishing Cape Cod is funded through the financial support of more than 1,500 members.
A lot of people follow My Fishing Cape Cod for free, whether it be here on the website, or via our YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, or television show on NBC Sports Boston.
However, none of what you see on the website, on television or on social media would be possible without membership support.
After a period of time, a lot of people then make a decision to hop onboard as a supporting member. There is no longterm commitment and you can cancel anytime.
In return for their financial support, MFCC members get access to everything our website and community has to offer, including:
- Our members' only forum, which features hourly reports and updates shared by our members.
- Thousands of helpful articles and videos about fishing Cape Cod and beyond.
- Tutorials, podcasts, courses, webinar recordings, and other premium content.
- Unlimited access to TV show episodes.
- Special giveaways, events, group fishing trips and much more.
To learn more about membership, please click here.
In Conclusion
If you are already a member of My Fishing Cape Cod, then great! I am pumped to have you onboard and I really appreciate your support.
Of course there will never be any pressure to sign up, but if you are not yet a member, then please know I think it would be wonderful to have you onboard.
As you navigate around My Fishing Cape Cod, please don't hesitate to reach out, by clicking the green chat bubble in the lower right hand corner. I do my best to reply to all messages in a timely manner.
Thank you for reading, and as always, tight lines! 🎣