October 7, 2015

Yesterday morning started off "very weird" to say the least. There were still some large swells hitting the river when we began casting eels. The swells breaking in the rocks were making eerie sounds compared to the quiet we are used to in this particular spot. After at least 45 ...

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October 7th Capt. Jason Colby Fishing Update
October 6, 2015

I love my life! However the past 72 hours has been extremely difficult...I have missed out on 2 epic shoreline bass bites. Both of the unreal blitzes occurred when 20+ pound striped bass cornered football field size schools of peanut and adult bunker against the beach. ...

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Surfcasting for Stripers is on Fire! [VIDEO]
October 5, 2015

During our last several tuna trips we have been seeing and catching mako sharks, blue sharks and a crazy amount of thresher sharks. My father actually had a thresher shark jump into his boat!Thank God my Dad didn't get hurt, because that thresher was close to 400 pounds. Fortunately the ...

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Sharks Have Surrounded Cape Cod
October 4, 2015

So far the first ever My Fishing Cape Cod Derby is off to a terrific start! The leading 28.4 pound fish was caught Friday night by MFCC member Matt Bach. I was all sorts of pumped up when Matt submitted a catch and this photo of the striper. ...

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A Good Start To The Derby, Despite Difficult Weather
October 3, 2015

The wind has been cranking on Cape Cod and seas in some spots have reached 14 feet. It's been pretty intense out there and the surfcasting has not been easy!However, the girlfriend is working all this weekend so I figured I might as well fish hard. October is the month ...

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Persistence Pays Off!
October 2, 2015

Before tropical storm Joaquin showed up, the tuna bite off Cape Cod was very good. On certain days in the past 2 weeks I have had up to 10 bites during a single trip. I did have one day when we did not get a bite, but more often than ...

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October 2nd Cape Cod Tuna Report
October 1, 2015

Throughout this season many folks from MFCC have been asking when we are going to have our own tournament. Well, I am happy to report that the time has come!The first ever "My Fishing Cape Cod Derby" will start today and end at 11:59PM on October 31st​. This derby ought ...

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The 1st Ever My Fishing Cape Cod Derby
September 30, 2015

This is part #2 of a series of posts about my 27 mile hike along Cape Cod's Great Backside Beach. Click here to read part #1.It was 8:30pm by the time I reached Ballston Beach in Truro, which at this time of the year, means the sky was pitch black. ...

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What it’s Like to Spend a Night on Cape Cod’s Great Beach
September 29, 2015

This video clip which I filmed during a recent surfcasting expedition highlights one big reason why I feel you should always work the plug all the way to your feet. Sometimes the biggest bass are swimming in just inches of water...​ ...

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Here’s Why You Should Fish A Plug All The Way To Your Feet!
September 28, 2015

To say that this past weekend's tog bite was "rather slow" would of been an understatement! The water temps need a little work but at least they are headed in the right direction. I suspect that with the cooler weather the past few nights and with the waning moon later ...

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Tautog Fishing Is Slowly Starting Up
September 27, 2015

You definitely do not have to wake up early right now to catch fish on Cape Cod! Yesterday I experienced one of the best striper blitzes of my entire season smack dab in the middle of the afternoon.​To make this event even more unusual was the fact I was fishing ...

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Sprinting after Striper Blitzes [VIDEO]
September 25, 2015

Wow! I cannot believe it has been a full week since I embarked on this journey. What an experience it was walking and casting the 27 miles from Coast Guard Beach in Eastham, to Race Point in Provincetown.A lot happened each day of the journey, and in this post I ...

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Scenes from Day 1 of “The 27 Mile Journey”