July 24, 2024

Growing up I always wanted to see what the birds see, and now with drones it's possible. ⁠This past Monday afternoon I stumbled across a pretty awesome drone videography opportunity... ...

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Tens of Thousands of Fish
March 16, 2024

Harpooning is one of the oldest and most primitive methods of harvesting fish.  Obviously it's been perfected with modern day technology, but the technique itself dates back thousands of years.Back on Sunday June 11th 2023, I went harpooning for bluefin tuna with Tyler Macallister and first mate Sean Davis (who's ...

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Harpooning Tuna off Cape Cod
July 13, 2023

During this trip I braved the traffic (fortunately there wasn't much!) and headed down to Truro for some hiking and photography. Considering it was midday I decided to leave the fishing rod behind, which is always a difficult decision. Fortunately I didn't encounter any blitzes.   However, I did get ...

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Exploring the Wilderness (and fishing spots) of Truro
July 10, 2023

When people think of Cape Cod and sharks, most folks imagine the Great White. Of course Great White sharks are massive creatures, but did you know the Great White is actually not the largest shark swimming in Cape waters?In fact, the Basking Shark is on average 10 feet longer than ...

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The Basking Shark: Cape Cod’s Largest Shark
August 4, 2022

Over the past couple of weeks I have really enjoyed using my drone and underwater cameras to film fish and marine wildlife on Cape Cod. If you were able to watch the recent menhaden or humpback videos then you know what I mean! I really enjoy the challenge and reward ...

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How Striped Bass Position Themselves in the Monomoy Rips
July 28, 2022

There's been a lot of talk recently in the news about the breaching juvenile humpback whale that landed on a boat off Plymouth, Massachusetts this past weekend on Sunday July 24th. The incident caught my attention, but I wasn't all that surprised it happened, because humpback whales have been breaching ...

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How Do Whales Sleep? Watch This Drone Video To See!
July 19, 2022

Yesterday I stumbled across largest school of pogies I have seen in my entire life! The school was 2 miles long (perhaps longer) and several hundred yards wide. I have no idea how many menhaden the school contained but I would estimate it to be in the millions. I had ...

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The Most Epic School Of Pogies I Have Ever Seen In My Entire Life
July 16, 2022

So far this season I've been saving a lot of my favorite drone and underwater footage for this winter's season of My Fishing Cape Cod TV. However, today I wanted to share a cool clip of a giant bluefin tuna for members of MFCC to check out.This fish was hooked ...

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What Giant Bluefin Tuna Look Like When Viewed From Above
February 14, 2022

In this video you'll take a flight over the town of Brewster. Featured is Cliff Pond, the Brewster Flats, Paine's Creek and Flax Pond.All of this footage was filmed on Cape Cod on December 1st 2021 using a DJI Mavic 2 Zoom.Click play below to watch!👇Location 1: Cliff PondLocation 2: ...

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A Trip Through The Town Of Brewster
December 17, 2021

Cape Cod is home to many beautiful locations. The first person to correctly name the 4 locations in this video will win a MFCC hat!All of this footage was filmed on Cape Cod during the summer of 2021. I am sure many of you will recognize these areas.Please click play ...

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The Cape Cod Challenge: Can You Name These 4 Famous Locations?
November 26, 2021

During 2021 I had many awesome opportunities to go fishing with members and fans of the My Fishing Cape Cod community. In many instances this proved to be extremely helpful. For example, in the following video, MFCC member and owner of Cape & Islands Mitsubishi, Bruno Demir, is driving his ...

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Bluefin Tuna Feeding | Caught on Drone
November 2, 2021

At 11am this morning I was fortunate to encounter and film via drone a big striper blitz along the coastline in this general area of Cape Cod.I caught a few striped bass during this trip, but the best part was observing the striper blitz from above!To watch a preview of ...

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November 2nd Striper Blitz Caught On Drone