December 20

December 20th Cape Cod Fishing Report


Hello and welcome to another edition of The My Fishing Cape Cod Podcast from I'm your host, Kevin Collins, back with you for this holiday edition of the podcast.

We want to wish everybody a very Happy Hanukkah which just started, a Merry Christmas which is coming up this weekend, and a Happy New Year which is coming up the weekend after that. So we are in really the sweet spot of the holiday season, and we wanted to do a podcast to just kind of touch base and wish everybody a very happy and a very merry holiday season.

We've got a great show in store for you today. We've got MFCC founder and creator Ryan Collins, who's about to join us. We're then going to be joined by Ian McPartland of the Goose Hummock Shops, and last but not least Bruno Demir from down at Cape and Islands Mitsubishi. So without further delay, let's dive right into today's program.
Well, as usual, first up on today's edition of The My Fishing Cape Cod Podcast is MFCC founder and creator Ryan Collins. Ryan, how are you today?

I'm doing well, Kevin, coming at you from South Carolina. I'm down here visiting with Lauren's parents. And believe it or not, it's pretty chilly down here. It's probably about 35 degrees right now.

Well, it's about the same weather back home, so you're really not missing much. But unfortunately for you, I was hoping you'd give us a little bit warmer report from down there.

No, a lot of people have the misconception that the Carolinas are warm during the winter and that is not the case. I think they're predicting 16 degrees for this Thursday evening.

Well, you're down there for the holiday and I sure will miss you on Christmas. You alternate between your lovely wife, Lauren's family down there and up here at my house. So this is my year to not have you, but you will be missed here at the mouth of Cape Cod Bay at the Collins compound.

Well, that's nice to hear, Kevin. I'll miss you guys too and merry early Christmas.

So while you're down there, I got to ask you, do you have some of your computers with you? I know you're going to be busy working on season six of MFCC TV.

That's right, and I've had a few people writing and asking when's it going to be back on NBC Sports Boston. And it's going to start February 25th, will be the first episode of season six. And like you said, Kevin, I bring my laptop with me everywhere I go, any chance I get editing episodes. I actually did a whole bunch of editing on the drive down here. Lauren was kind enough to do the bulk of the driving so I could get some editing work done. And we've got a really nice season shaping up from haddock fishing in the spring with Jimmy "The Greek" of On Time Charters. Bruno was also on board for that trip to shell fishing with longtime My Fishing Cape Cod member Richard Banks, to tuna fishing with so many members of My Fishing Cape Cod that I got a chance to go tuna fishing with this summer and fall. That's just a really wide range of fishing adventures that will be part of season six and I'm really excited, as I'm editing to share them with everybody. So if you're interested, day tuned, February 25th will be the first episode.

Rough idea, Ryan, for this season of how many episodes, new episodes we can look forward to?

I'd like to get eight, maybe nine if I'm lucky. It really just boils down to how much time I can sit down and edit. I could pay somebody to do all this. But as a small business owner and as a creator, I just need to have that creative control over making these episodes. So it's just a matter of how much I can produce and my goal is eight, maybe nine.

Now, I know you've also been working with some of the website folks on a lot of technological enhancements to I know you got your Instagram kind of back up and running this year as well. What are some enhancements to the website that folks can look forward to in 2023?

Well, I'm just trying to make things easier, quicker, and better. So for example, if you go to the navigation menu, you'll see I've split things up a little bit more logically. You have categories which contains a lot of miscellaneous items like seafood recipes and giveaways. But if you see species, you can give that a click and further refining and organizing and trying to curate everything we have based on what species of fishing it's related to. And if you click around on the site, you'll eventually notice some other new things and I have a lot in store. I don't want to take up all of today's podcast talking about it, but that's another thing that I'm working on every day during the off season.

Now, between the last time we visited, which was right around Thanksgiving to wish everybody a Happy Thanksgiving and our current visit now right before Christmas, have you got a chance to get out fishing in a time or two in that period before you left for South Carolina?

I have. I went out on December 5th. This was the most exciting adventure I've been on recently. I joined tuna fishing with Captain Cohen, and that was a pretty awesome trip. We left before sunrise out of Green Harbor in Marshfield. Fish [inaudible 00:05:54] in bank was out on the bank before the sun rose, but we're marking bait as soon as we got there. And as soon as a little light came on the horizon, we had no problem catching bait, hooked up to a really big fish, probably 45 minutes into having baits in the water, ended up losing that fish. It went berserk maybe 25 minutes into the fight. And myself, as the angler on the rod, I wasn't quick enough to release the tension on the line to loosen the drag. I had it out probably over 25, 30 pounds of pressure and I should have backed it off real quick, but I didn't and that resulted in the hook getting pulled.
And then, Kevin, you fished with Captain Cohen before. I think he has a fixed sense when it comes to finding tuna, especially giants. So I couldn't believe it when we reeled in our lines after losing that fish and left the area, I never would've done that. But according to everybody he was talking to, the bite had died. Nobody else was hooking up so he felt it was in our best interest to go searching for fish. And when you know it about 10 miles later we're marking bait, we see one mark, that's all it took for him to decide to put lines in the water. And boom, 15 minutes later, we hooked up 91-inch fish. We were fortunate enough to land this one, and we were back home early afternoon.
It was a pretty awesome trip, especially for December. I'm not out there a lot during December. I know you're not out there much during December, so it was a great way to end the season.

Now switching gears a little bit to freshwater, I know some of the members too have been reporting positive reports on the freshwater front, especially concerning trout.

Yeah, absolutely. And do you have the trout time, 2022 forum thread pulled up in front of you by any chance?

Yep, Ryan, I'm currently in the forum. I'm looking at the trout time 2022 thread. I've scrolled down to the bottom. It looks like our latest post here is from MFCC member Graham Stevens, who's got a beautiful picture of a rainbow with a really kind of speckled pattern on the side.

That's cool. Yeah, I'm actually looking at that right now. So thank you, Graham, for posting that. I mean, it looks like there's been quite a few guys in here catching fish. Mike Marcus, who I know you've talked to on the podcast, Robbie Sturtevant. Let's see, who's this post from right here? Yohan, he's always posting in there, Mike Dixon. Couple nights, Brooks, he's in... The colors on this fish, Kevin, can you describe what you're seeing?

Yeah, I mean, the one from Graham is stunning. It's got almost a dalmatian polka dotted pattern on the side. If I scroll up and look at Robbie's, he's got one here, a male brown that he thinks he's holding. That's really cool. It almost looks like a cheetah or leopard print on the side. So definitely some really unique colors to this fish.

Absolutely, and unique ways of catching them, too. I see some guys are using inline spinners. I know there's folks on MFCC who fly fish for them throughout the winter. I really enjoy this time of year because I often forget about the freshwater fishing opportunities that we have here. But wintertime is the time to do it. And if you're looking for help, this trout time thread is a great place to start. For me, growing up I was always into striper fishing. For a lot of people, it's the other way around. They start with trout and freshwater and then get into saltwater. So a lot of the folks here have been fishing for trout their whole lives, and they can really help you find success quickly, which is really great, especially if you have some young anglers or if you're a dad or a mom that oh wow, all of a sudden you learn that your kid is...

Oh wow. All of a sudden you learn that your kid is starting to fish. They enjoy fishing, but you don't know where to begin. Then this trout time thread is a great place to get involved. So thanks for pulling that up, Kevin. I appreciate it.

No problem. And I think another cool thing, we talked about website enhancements. Something that I just noticed that was helpful to me is when I'm scrolling through a thread, let's say I'm not a huge freshwater guy. I plead guilty to that. I need to be better in trying to explore all the different kettle ponds and unique opportunities that Cape Cod offers. But I'm predominantly saltwater, so I haven't visited this thread in quite some time, and it kind of picks up at the very last post you might have looked at, or way at the top if you haven't been to that thread before. Now if you just use the regular scroll bar way over on the right-hand margin, it's going to take you a while to get to the bottom. But there's another scroll bar within the actual forum itself, well within the right-hand margin that you can just click on and drag up and down. And it got me to the bottom in no time and that's like a nice, easy little shortcut.

Yes, that's a great shortcut. And another way you can use that is you can go back to say the surf casting thread from several years ago, and you can think to yourself, "Oh wow, I know I'm going to be on Cape the week of August 2nd through the 10th." You can scroll to August 2nd and see what was happening this past year during that week, and you can do that for the last decade. So you can start to find patterns that develop in the forum, and then you can use that information and apply it to your own fishing and become more confident knowing that wow, this specific region of the Cape produced well during this specific week. I'm going to be here on Cape that week. Here's some information that can help me plan my outings. So yeah, thanks for bringing that up Kevin. There's so much features in the forum and on the site and in all technology really that it's just a matter of spending time on the app or time on the site to really feel comfortable and know how to use it to the best of your ability.

So as we get to the new year, Ryan, and you work your way back up to Cape Cod from South Carolina. I know you're going to be attending the Cape Cod Salties meeting at the Yarmouth Senior Center. Talk a little bit about that event that's coming up here the second week of January.

If anybody's around January 11th at the Cape Cod Salties meeting at the Yarmouth Senior Center, it'd be great to see you there because the Salties have organized a discussion with Diane Turco. She's an activist here on Cape and she knows a lot about the situation with the Plymouth Decommissioning and Holtec, which is the company that's considering dumping millions of gallons of radioactive contaminated water into Cape Cod Bay. If you're interested in learning more, which I am, I'll be there on January 11th.

Any idea Ryan, on what time that event starts?



6:00. Usually they run through some club information for the first half an hour, so Diane might not start talking until like 6:30, 6:45, but doors open at 6:00.

Perfect. And I know there's also going to be an event coming up on April Fool's Day, April 1st. There's going to be a series of seminars at the Cape Cod Conference Center, probably almost similar to our Cod and Coffee event we had in late March of this year, just kind of kicking off the season. And that's going to be sponsored by our good buddy, Bruno Demir from down at Cape and Island's Mitsubishi.

That's right. So we're going to make Cod and Coffee a bigger, better event. We'll be a little longer. We'll have more speakers. We'll have captains talking about cod fishing and haddock fishing just like last year. But we'll also be touching on new seminar topics like shellfishing, recreational lobstering, and who knows what else. It's a day in the works, but we've got some great speakers already committed. So yes, April 1st, and that's at the Cape Cod Conference Center in Hyannis.

I can't wait for that. I was privileged to be part of Cod and Coffee last year, and you hit on two things that I've really gotten into the last couple of years. A lot of it due to COVID but shellfishing certainly I've really gotten into that over the past two to three seasons, got my license and then this year I got my recreational lobstering license for the very first time. So really looking forward to that event because I know I, for one, can now officially speak to some of this stuff that I know folks are going to be talking about.

Absolutely. And I have shellfish that I've froze from this past summer that I'm still having over linguini, so it's just a wonderful opportunity to learn a new skill, whether it's shellfishing or a different type of fishing, and just participate in that Cape Cod lifestyle that we all just dream about living, catching your own fish and also meeting other members from the site. It would be a great opportunity for that.

And one thing I want to mention Ryan, is we're here officially during Christmas week and Hanukkah just started as well. So Happy Hanukkah to everybody and those that celebrate. We want to let our audience know that as a MFCC sponsor and MFCC members, Joebaggs is offering 30% off almost all products from now until January 1st, you can go to to place an order. Do folks need a promo code or anything, Ryan, on that?

I don't think so Kevin. You'll just notice that some of his products are marked way, way down. And he also has a whole list of discounted or discontinued products that are really marked down. So I was talking to Joe this past week and he just wanted to extend that message out to any of the listeners, so there you have it. If you're looking for some gear, you can check it out.

Well, I'll give you a quick taste of home really quick. The northeast wind that had been kind of hammering us over the weekend has subsided, the rain has stopped and the bay has flattened out. And I'm looking out my window at a beautiful sandbar in the sun setting, kind of silhouetting the sandbar. So it's just reminding me here in the middle of the winter that warmer days are coming and I just really can't wait for the 2023 season.

Yes, spring is on the horizon, but don't rush it. Enjoy the now, enjoy every day, it's a gift. And Cape Cod during the winter is a wonderful place to be. And you never know what you're going to see, whether it's a whale out there on the ocean or if you turn around, you might have a whitetail deer behind you, snowy owls. Wonderful, wonderful time of the year, even though it's a little cold. So Merry Christmas everybody, Happy holidays, Happy Hanukkah and I'll talk to you all again in 2023.

Well, next up on this week's edition of the My Fishing Cape Cod Podcast is our good buddy, Ian McPartland from down behind the counter at the beautiful Goose Hummock in lovely Orleans, Massachusetts. Ian, how are you on this beautiful Christmas week?

I am doing fantastic. We're staying busy. A lot of people have been coming in the last couple days stocking up on those last minute gifts and stocking stuffers, so we've been pretty steady here for the last couple days.

So as we tape this on the 19th of December, it's Christmas week, Hanukkah just kicked off. So Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and happy New Year to everybody out there. And I know people have probably been streaming into the shop, as you mentioned, it's got to be pretty busy with people getting last minute gifts for the fishermen in their life.

Absolutely. Yeah, I mean, and just the outdoorsmen in general. So fishing gear is obviously for us, but then we do have a lot of Grundens for just, everybody needs to dress appropriate for the weather. We got a really sunny day, but it's still pretty chilly out there, so whatever you need, we got you.

So in addition to the Grundens, one of the things I've been down to buy, especially in the off season, because I feel like you guys still have them in the winter and they get really kind of gobbled up during the summer. You used to have, and you can correct me if you still have them, these really nice sims, kind of like SPF guard, dri-fit, not just the long sleeved T-shirts but the hoodies too.

Absolutely. Yeah. We got some hoodies, we got some medium duty jackets as well. All the way from the basic stuff to their full pro dry set. So we got a little something for everybody.

Yeah, it's not only to keep you dry and warm during the winter, but some of the stuff you guys have from Sims especially that have actually worn out fishing with Phil, it's great SPF, it's like SPF 30 when you're wearing it, so it's awesome.

Absolutely. Yeah, I mean I am fair skinned, so that is a absolute requirement for me for whether I'm out just surf casting or a lot of long days spent in the kayak, you know?

And I know you've been freshwater fishing a little bit. Give us a little bit of a freshwater report from yourself and folks coming into the store.

Yeah. So obviously the wind has been blowing here for the couple the last couple days, but with a lot of these ponds access points, as long as you can find yourself in the lee, you can have some really good action. So I try to go at least three times a week, maybe four times a week for some year after work, and I will just go down and maybe spend an hour and a half or two choke a couple of shiners and throw the jerk bait for a little bit. And especially in the last couple weeks, I've gotten some really big pickerel and-

... couple weeks I've gotten some really big pickerel and the perch are just getting so fat. So I'm cooking these perch and they're fighting like bass. It's a lot of fun, especially on the ultra light rod.

You been hearing any trout reports, too? It seems like on the website for MFCC, the trout thread has been really active.

I've been fishing Barnstable. I live in Marstons Mills area, so I've been swinging by a lot of the Marstons Mills ponds. I had two nights back to back where one night I got a five-pound brown on a shiner, and then the next night in the same spot, practically the same time, I got another nice four and change on the jerk bait, too. There's some big fish, and I think that as long as the weather is appropriate and you can dress up going after dark, you can get some really big browns this time of year.

I know that the weather has been really challenging the past week with this north-northeast wind. It's been very chilly, but I still heard of folks going out the first week to 10 days of December going after giants. Is that pretty much all done now?

Yeah, I think that most people have pulled their boats and have kind of pulled it in. But, yeah, they will be out there super late as long as the weather windows are there. It's amazing. Even, I was talking to a gentleman that'll go unnamed, but he was catching good size bluefish on the Sound side till just a couple weeks ago. The world is a-changing, that's for sure.

Awesome. That's great to hear that. I mean, there is still life out there, and I know if there are bluefish, there are probably some giants out there swimming around looking to eat those blue fish.

That's for sure.

In addition, I wanted to mention The Mighty Fish, right? We mentioned the store. The Mighty Fish is the Goose Hummock's gear website, It looks like you've got a holiday sale up right now, 40%-off on all Ocean Born and SpoolTek lures. You have to use the coupon code FISH, F-I-S-H-40 at checkout for 40%. That's a great deal I wanted to mention.

Yeah, absolutely. I use a lot of the sinking cupped face poppers and the pencils off the beach or in the canal. And then I really do fish a lot of the small four-inch ones, especially in the fall when the peanuts are around, they cast like an absolute rocket. I like just having the one hook off the back just makes it easy for catching, at least for me. So those are definitely staples in my bag.

Yeah, it's been a great year. 2022 has been awesome. We're in for a little bit of a lull through the winter, at least in terms of saltwater. I know you and a lot of folks will be freshwater fishing straight through the winter and into the spring. But it's been a tremendous year. I'm hoping 2023 brings a ton of the same, Ian. But I wanted to thank you on behalf of all the listeners for your many visits with me this year on the podcast, and kind of wish you and everybody in your life a Merry Christmas. Happy Hanukkah, Happy New Year, just a happy holiday season to you and all those you love.

Thank you very much, and the feeling is mutual. Happy holidays, everybody. Be home with your loved ones and be healthy and merry.

Well, next up on this week's edition of the My Fishing Cape Cod podcast is our good friend and proud MFCC member, Bruno Demir from down at the beautiful Cape & Islands Mitsubishi. Bruno, how are you on this beautiful Christmas week?

I'm doing great, Kevin. Hello, MFCC members. Just trying to stay warm, have some eggnog and get ready for the fat man to come down the chimney.

Santa is coming in less than a week. The pressure is on for the last minute shoppers like myself out there. We've got Hanukkah just starting last night into today, so happy Hanukkah to everybody and those that celebrate. We've got a lot going on here, Bruno.

We sure do.

Now, from a dealership perspective, just to get the business out of the way, the holiday is just slam packed. We've got Hanukkah going on right now. We've got Christmas Eve and Christmas, which a lot of people get off. We've got New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. I think people are getting the Monday off now, because Christmas and New Year's are on Sundays. What's going on at the dealership? Are you open through all this chaos?

We will be open limited hours on Saturday. We will be closed for Christmas. But in the retail world, we are open on Monday, and we are ready to help anybody out that is in the market for a car and has any questions or anything we could do to earn their business.

Because I personally think, what a great last minute gift giving idea. Just go down and buy your significant other a car from Cape & Islands Mitsubishi. I mean, why not?

The best part is you don't have to pay for it. The bill shows up a month and a half later.

Now, Bruno, if I come down there and buy a car as a Christmas gift, are you going to put a bow on it or anything for me? Does that come with the car? Like I see on the TV commercials?

[inaudible 00:25:13]. We do. We have a big, red bow that we put on the car and sometimes folks like to take the car home with the ribbon, surprise their significant other. That's an actual thing. We do it all the time this time of the year.

That's the level of customer service you get down from Bruno and his team at Cape & Islands Mitsubishi. So if you're in the market for a car or a last minute gift idea, head on down to see him and his awesome team. Bruno, it's been since Thanksgiving since we've last chatted. I'm probably guessing the Gaviota is now out of the water?

Yes. The Gaviota finally came out of the water on Friday. So, as of Friday, she is on the hard. She's already getting work done on her to get her ready for next season. It was a sad day, but every great season has to come to an end. I was trying to go out, doing the fishing one more time, believe it or not, Kevin. Because a lot of friends out there, mine have made it out there, and there's still some really big, giant bluefin tuna fishing out there. Although that's most likely coming to an end soon. We couldn't get out there one more time, so we packed her up, and we're going to call the season and go at it again next year.

Now, I don't want you to give anything away. No spoiler alerts here. But what kind of facelifts are we looking forward to for the Gavi as we head from 2022 into 2023?

One of the interesting things about these Downeast boats, as some folks would know it as a lobster boat, they're old school fishing boats that were made up here in the northeast, for our seas here in the Northeast. One of the interesting thing about these boats is they're all handmade. In other words, it's not like a mass production factory boat like most boats are. Which isn't a good or bad thing, it's just a matter of preference. These Downeast boats are actually built one at a time, by hand, by two or three people at the same time. It's a very customizable setup. One of the things that folks do with these boats, which is pretty common, is actually make them bigger and longer and wider as their needs change through the years of fishing with the boat. The Gaviota is going to be actually three feet longer come next season.

So not only is it gonna be longer, but the space will be in the stern, if I'm correct, and it'll just add to the amount of fishing space you have in the rear of the boat.

That's the reason that I decided to do it, even though it's meant for fishing, it's also, as you know, a pretty comfortable boat. It's got a big wheelhouse with a big bench seat, and everyone's pretty comfy in there on our way out to the fishing grounds. But that took away a lot from the cockpit area, which is the deck in the back of the boat where everyone's fishing from.
As you know, because we do a lot of bottom fishing and fluke fishing on my boat, we were limited to how many people could drop the line off the back of the boat without getting tangled. Now with this new base lift or extension, we're going to easily be able to have six people with rods down off the back of the boat. Obviously, the more lines in the water, the better chances we have at hooking up on a 10-pound fluke.

I'm just afraid I'm going to be heading down to Saquatucket one day on a joy ride and having my coffee or whatever, and I pull in and there's Bruno in the Gavi in the slip, and it's like cocktail hour with wine and cheese, that deck's going to be so big in the slip.

Well, from your mouth to God's ears. I'll bring the wine, you bring the cheese, and let's make this a reality.

For sure. I know that one of my favorite parts about going out fishing with you is the food. You always bring some great cheese and charcuterie meat. You're the hostess with the mostess. The Gavi is like a hotel out there floating around.

It is, man. We've got to keep it comfortable. I love those guys out there with the center consoles. Those guys are hardcore. But I'm an older, overweight man. I can't run and gun like I used to, so we like to go out there with class and style. Keep it classy and comfortable. That's how we fish on the Gaviota.

We've got the ...

That's how we fish on the [inaudible 00:30:02].

We got the cheese, the charcuterie, maybe a little bit of baguette or cracker, and we got the Perrier sparkling water and we're out there just catching fish like normal Cape Cod gentlemen, I love it.

That's it. Keeping it classy.

So we get a great 2023 to look forward to. And Bruno, one other thing I wanted to touch on really quick. Not to rush it and not rush the winter, because the winter is a really cool part of our four season experience here on Cape. But coming up on April 1st, last year in March, you were kind enough to have us down and I was a big part of that event. The Cod and Coffee event that we had right in your showroom. That went so well, we're going to plan to have another similar kickoff event, right around April 1st of this year at the Cape Cod Conference Center. Talk a little bit about that and Cape & Island's Mitsubishi's involvement. I know that it's a little bit of your brainchild and I'm super excited to be there.

It was such a success when we did Cod and Coffee last year. And for those of you that aren't familiar with what it was, we basically invited folks from My Fishing Cape Cod forums to come out for coffee and donuts on a Sunday morning before the seasons started. And we had really an unbelievable panel of guests and we had commercial fishermen. We had folks that owned and owned tackle businesses that are always on the water. And we even had some charter captains that are so hard to get to, some of the charter captains we had on our panel of guests, they're booked for the next three years. You cannot be able to pick the brain of some of these guys with the experience they have unless you could make it to one of these events. And they really are extremely jet up there and showing techniques and things that they do and places that they go to catch fish.
So it was such a great time and such a big hit. Ryan and I decided to do it one more time except bigger. So on April 1st, so April Fools of next year, which I believe falls on a, is it a Sunday? Might be either a Saturday or Sunday. I'll have to look at the calendar, but there'll be more details coming out on it. We'll be announcing our panel of guests this year. Again, they're going to be people that are charter captains and people with knowledge that you normally would never have really had the access to be able to pick their brain just cause some of these guys that go up there to teach us, they're booked every day, all summer long. They start at six in the morning and they get home at six o'clock at night and they're out on the water catching fish.
So these guys know their stuff stuff, but they're so busy, it's hard to catch them unless you get them in the winter. And these guys are nice enough to get up there and teach us a couple things and the knowledge that's that's going to be out there and some of the seminars that are going to be out there at this event for folks to attend. And you're just going to get a ton of information. You're going to walk away with 20 years of experience fishing the Cape Cod in a couple of hours. So it's going to be a fantastic event. There's going to be more coming out on it down the pipeline, but it's keep your eyes out for it. Join the forum, become a member so that you're under up and up on what's going on. But it's going to be a fantastic event and it is going to be at the Cape Cod Convention Center in Barnstable.

Yep. And again, that's going to be Saturday, April 1st. April Fool's Day. Cannot wait. I definitely, I loved the Cod and Coffee event. I can't wait to see how cool this is going to be. It's going to be even bigger and broader and better as we head into 2023, Bruno. But as we wrap up our 2022 season, kind of put a bow on it here as we're up against the holidays and the new year. Just wanted to thank you for again, another year of doing this podcast with me. It takes time out of a busy man's schedule. You've got multiple dealerships to run. You've got a boat to manage, a beautiful family that you're always there for and involved with your children. You've got all this stuff going on. So, I really appreciate you taking the time out of your busy life to not only share with me, but share with everybody that listens to this podcast. And one thing that I learned at Cod and Coffee Bruno, was just that how many people, hundreds and thousands of people listen to this podcast in our little community here every week. So from me to you, just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your beautiful family and just say thank you.

Well, thanks Kevin and thank you for having me on the show. Certainly a win-win for everybody and it's my pleasure to get on here and just try to help folks get on the water and be successful at it.

Well, thank you very much to Bruno Demir from down at Cape & Island's Mitsubishi for joining us on today's program. Also wanted to thank MFCC, founder and creator Ryan Collins for joining the show. And Ian McPartland from down at the beautiful Goose Hummock for his participation as well today and all season long. We've had a great 2022 fishing season and podcast season here on My Fishing Cape Cod. It's been a privilege to be part of this show every couple of weeks, and I'm really looking forward to what the future holds in 2023. I want to mention again one more time, the MFCC sponsor special going on at Joebaggs. If you go to and you're in the market for a last minute gift idea for the fishermen in your life or for yourself for that matter. Nothing wrong with treating yourself around the holiday season. Joe is having a 30% off almost everything sale from now until January 1st. Again, that's to take advantage of that sale. And again, just wanted to wish everybody a very Happy Hanukkah, a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year. Thanks for your loyalty and participation on the podcast and on the website all season long. And we'll be talking to you real soon. I am sure. So this is your host, Kevin Collins, signing off for the final time in 2022 and then until 2023. Tight lines and take care.

Speaker 1:
Thanks for tuning in to the My Fishing Cape Cod Podcast. For the latest local news, information and fishing reports, be sure to log on to From all of us at My Fishing Cape Cod: tight lines and take care.

About the author 

Ryan Collins

I'm fortunate to have grown up on the beach, and I've been fishing since kindergarten. I have great family, friends and fishing experiences to be thankful for. Just being out there is enough-catching fish is just a bonus!

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*The following information and photos were originally shared by members of My Fishing Cape Cod in the Surf belt photos/setup topic inside our members'

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Surf Belt Setups: 5 Examples for Serious Surfcasters

To the southeast of Cape Cod lay the infamous Nantucket Shoals, home to the largest fluke in the Northeast.And this year I'm

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2025 Trophy Fluke Trips with Captain Jimmy “The Greek” Koutalakis