December 16 2022

Monomoy Tackle “Stocking Stuffer” Giveaway


This week we launched a new members-only giveaway here inside our forum for three separate "stocking stuffer" packages from Eddy of Monomoy Tackle.

To enter, please login with your My Fishing Cape Cod username and password, and then leave a comment at the bottom of this thread inside our forum. Eddy will pull the 3 winners on December 18th.

The first name drawn will be ‘Winner 1’ and will have a choice of any of the three stocking stuffers. The second name chosen will be ‘Winner 2’ and have a choice of the remaining two stocking stuffers. The third name, ‘Winner 3’ will receive the remaining prize.

Here are the items up for grabs...

Stocking Stuffer 1
Black Sea Bass Jigging Rig
Pair of B2 Tandem Rigs
3 Ounce Chrome ‘Spearing’ Minnow Jig

Stocking Stuffer 2
2 Ounce Slim Profile Hardshell Jig - Green Mac
1.5 Ounce Slim Profile Hardshell Jig - Silver Blackback
1 Ounce Peanut Hardshell Jig - Mirror Herring
1 Ounce Sandeel Jig - Monomoy eel color

Stocking Stuffer 3
1 Ounce Slim Profile Hardshell Jig - Orange Shrimp
1 Ounce Slim Profile Hardshell Jig - Silver Blackback
3/4 Ounce Peanut Hardshell Jig - Bunker
1 Ounce Heavy Bait Metal Jig - Monomoy Mac

Once again, to enter the giveaway please leave a comment on this thread inside our members-only forum. 

Happy Holidays! 🎣

  • Nice thoughts Eddy part of life is helping others and in some small way your kind jester does that with good spirits . The lucky winners will get a little karma for next years fishing season. Peace and prayers

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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