This post was originally published on August 19th, 2019. With catches of albies now being reported inside our forum, I figured now would be a good time to re-publish this post.
Ryan Collins
False albacore usually show up in good numbers throughout Cape Cod and the Islands beginning in early September.
Personally I have not encountered any false albacore yet this season, but hopefully that will change soon! The first false albacore of the year could show up any day now.
Today I would like to share with you some helpful tips and strategies for fly fishing for albies here on Cape Cod.
This video was filmed during a taping of My Fishing Cape Cod TV, with Dave Steeves of the Goose Hummock Shops and
You can watch a preview of the video by clicking play below. ?
Members of My Fishing Cape Cod can watch the full 6 minute video tutorial by clicking here.
Nice video!
Thanks for watching Leslie! ??