August 13 2015

False Albie Fishing | A Video Overview Of What To Expect


As we roll into mid-August I find myself starting to think about "funny fish." It won't be long now until bonito, false albacore and other more "tropical" species of fish begin trickling into Cape waters.

Last season I had a blast chasing false albies with my fishing buddy Jeff C. I learned a lot and I had a blast catching false albacore, and watching them bust and feed on the surface.


​In this 7 minute long video I'll share with you some helpful tips and pointers for finding and catching albies later this month and into September.

What do you think? Let me know by commenting below.

  • My favorite time of the year. Luv chasing the little buggers and aggravating myself . Some days 100’s of cast for nary a one other times I have gotten 20 plus in a morning. Can’t wait.

    • Late summer sure is a terrific time of the year. Probably my favorite too.

      I think I will try to get an albie from the kayak this season. Gluck Frank and I’ll keep you posted!

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