November 15 2020

What It’s Like To See Striped Bass Chasing & Attacking Flies Underwater


ryan and lauren collins

In today's video clip, I'd like to share new underwater footage of stripers (and a couple mackerel) chasing and attacking a 5in white fly. 

I filmed half of this footage during August in Cape Cod Bay, and the rest of the footage during October in Buzzard's Bay. 

At the time, these stripers were feeding on peanut bunker. Please click play below to check it out! ?


If you haven't already noticed, I've recently become very interested in filming underwater footage of fish chasing and attacking lures. In fact, I think I enjoy the challenge of capturing a nice underwater shot, just as much as I enjoy the challenge of catching a big fish!

Over the next few weeks I'll probably release more short video clips like this one, as I work on editing new episodes of season #4 of My Fishing Cape Cod TV. New episodes will start airing on February 13th on NBC Sports Boston.

If this is your first time visiting My Fishing Cape Cod, then you'll see I often provide additional content and information for our members who financially support the website.

If you are a MFCC member and are interested in learning more details about this video, then please click here for the extended members-only report.

In the members-only report you'll get access to:

  • An additional 3+ minutes of underwater fly fishing footage
  • Information about the camera equipment I used to film this video
  • General information about the location where this was filmed

What do you think about this video clip? Please LMK by commenting below.

Tight lines! ?

What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

  • Hi Ryan,
    Your underwater work is a great addition to MFCC and has allowed readership new insights into our fishing experience enjoyed “on Cape”. I recall my reaction while on this summer’s CapeStar charter for Veterans sponsored by MFCC. We all boarded with personal fishing and weather gear and you showed up with bags of cameras, drone and other paraphernalia. I thought, Whatever happened to Ryan the fisherman? Your video post afterwards was a real kick to view having experienced onboard action. Keep them coming !

    • LOL, you are correct Jack, that these days I do more filming than fishing. I still of course enjoy catching fish, but I really enjoy watching them from above and beneath the surface of the water. I’m glad you’re enjoying the videos and our trip back in July was a lot of fun. Cullen and I are hoping to organize more trips for 2021, so hopefully we can all fish again next season. Thanks as always for reading MFCC and tight lines! ?

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