June 14 2018

How To Not Slip On The Rocks @ The Cape Cod Canal


Ryan Collins

The rocks along the banks of the Cape Cod Canal are notoriously slippery, and it is very easy to take a tumble if you are not careful.

In fact, I am honestly amazed that more people do not injure themselves when fishing at the Cape Cod Canal.

Wearing korkers is a great way to help ensure steady footing on the slipperly surface of the canal's rip-rap. However, korkers can be expensive and believe it or not there is a much less expensive solution.


In the video below, My Fishing Cape Cod member Garth Goodknight shares with us his budget-friendly way of staying safe while fishing along the slippery rocks of the famous Cape Cod Canal.

Please click play below to watch.

This video was filmed and edited by My Fishing Cape Cod intern Andrew Burke. Andrew is available for hire and can be reached via [email protected]

Here's a link to the Frog Togg boot studds that Garth is talking about in the video.

This season make sure to take it easy on those rocks! If you incorporate the tips that Garth has shared, then you will definitely lose your footing less often and probably prevent a tumble or two.

As always please let us know what you think by commenting below, and good luck out there fishing this week ?

Tight lines!

What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

  • Decided not to wear my Corkers on day Three cause I was doin “alright”
    Bad decision. And as I lay there on the rocks lookin up at the stars…

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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