April 8, 2013

During 2012 we enjoyed some phenomenal mackerel fishing.  Massachusetts Bay was loaded with mackerel, from Stellwagen Bank all the way through the Cape Cod Canal.  I personally believe that our inshore ecosystem was extremely healthy during 2012, which in turn attracted mackerel in hordes. If you spent any time inside Cape Cod Bay during the

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Live Mackerel Fishing from Shore
December 8, 2012

Over the past 8 Cape Cod surf fishing seasons I would estimate that I have purchased roughly 11,520 sea worms from Jeff, Bruce and Sheila over at Canal Bait and Tackle.  Along with the worms I would add in another 1,440 Gamakatsu circle hooks, 1,000 yards of leader material and couple rods and reels here

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Secrets of Upper Cape Cod’s Beaches
October 19, 2012

Yesterday was a flat calm sunny October day – perfect for fishing Cape Cod in the boat.  I had my folks with me yesterday, my mom Kathy and my dad Jake.  Two very nice people! My mom recently had surgery and had half of her left lung removed.  Pretty serious stuff.  Thankfully the procedure went

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Eeling and Plugging Late Season Stripers | October 18 Report
October 16, 2012

It sure felt like mid October tonight as I set off down a long vacant beach.  There was a chilly stiff breeze blowing in from the northwest, but the abundant sunshine helped to thwart the wind chill.  The air was crisp and it smelt fishy. I had high hopes for tonight’s trip after receiving some

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Gorgeous Conditions and Great Fishing | October 15 Report
October 12, 2012

Boy has it been breezy recently!  Those familiar NW winds of early autumn have been rolling through with abandon the past couple of weeks.  I’ve had to cancel 4 trips over the past week and half due to the winds. But that is to be expected; after all it is October on Cape Cod.  The summer

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Surf Fishing Report and Fishing Forecast | October 12
October 2, 2012

October is known as the month of the “cows.”  Hawgtober is what a bunch of Canal guys used to call it when I was younger.  There is no doubt that if you want a big bass, now is the time. However over the past few seasons I have personally noticed that October has been slightly

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Cape Cod Striped Bass Fishing During October
September 21, 2012

Well it is now officially autumn and right now is a great time to start fishing Cape Cod’s many beaches and estuaries.  As the water cools and the days get shorter, the fishing along the beachfront, inside estuaries and outside creek mouths heats up.  This is a great time of the year to surf cast

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Blues and Bass from Shore | Late September Report
September 21, 2012

When it comes to topwater plugging I have always had my best success at estuaries during the outgoing tide at the mouth of the estuary.  Creek mouths and inlets (basically two names for the same thing) offer many solid opportunities for folks casting pencil poppers, polaris style poppers, creek chubs and “walk the dog” type

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Topwater Plugging Creek Mouth’s During the Outgoing Tide
September 16, 2012

Last night was absolutely incredible.  The weather was out of this world perfect.  It was so clear and calm that I could see the stars reflecting off the water’s surface in every direction all around me.  If only the weather could be like this more often! This is a fantastic time of the year for

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Scorton Creek Fluke and Old Harbor Stripers
September 5, 2012

September is when Cape Cod’s estuaries start to heat up again.  Now through the end of October is a great time to fish an estuary for striped bass and bluefish, so I’d highly recommend getting to one asap! Last night I waited for night to fall before heading down to one of my favorite estuaries.

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Catching a Bass with my Bare Hands | September 4 Report
September 5, 2012

Cape Cod’s many creeks and estuaries fish very well during May and again during September and October.  Of course you can find sporadic action throughout the season in estuaries, however I find the action to be most consistent during the spring and the fall. There is an assortment of bait for striped bass and bluefish

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Locating Big Fish at Night in the Back Waters of Estuaries
August 28, 2012

Sometimes it’s great to simplify things and head out on foot with a small spinning rod in hand. I think the key to finding good action on small fish at night at the Canal lies in targeting the areas directly underneath the bright white lights on the Cape side  of the Ditch.  That’s basically what

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Extended August 28 Report