October 15, 2014

The entire MFCC crew and I had arrived at the previous evening’s hot spot just as the sun crept above the horizon. As a group we had walked 45 minutes in darkness, through woods and along a cliff, to get to this spot at this very moment. I could see several birds hovering over water no

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“Big Bass Territory” | Part #2 of the MFCC Fishing Trip
October 15, 2014

During the day time when fishing among boulders I’ve found that pencil poppers and large swimming plugs work pretty well. I wanted to cast far out and reach some of the boulders and rocks that were holding farther offshore. So instead of donning a wet suit and swimming out to those boulders, I tied on

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EXTENDED REPORT “Big Bass Territory” | Part #2 of the MFCC Fishing Trip
October 14, 2014

I’m really happy with how the MFCC member fishing trip turned out and I’m looking forward to doing it again during 2015. In this 16 minute video report I’ll share with you a full recap of Day 1. I feel this video report will be of great value to you if you ever plan on

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MFCC Member Fishing Trip | Day 1 VIDEO REPORT
October 13, 2014

I was standing on top of a giant boulder, a good four feet off the ground, arms wailing in the air in a desperate attempt to gain the attention of several MFCC members who were several hundred yards away. We had been walking for miles, as a group, through some of the most difficult striped

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Peanut Bunker Bass Blitz | MFCC Member Fishing Trip Part #1
October 13, 2014

(Continued from the report Peanut Bunker Bass Blitz | MFCC Member Fishing Trip Part #1) This MFCC member fishing trip began at 9AM in New Bedford, at the Cuttyhunk Ferry Company. First to arrive was Ned Bean, followed by Jim Murphy, Todd Jarvis, Ryan Turcotte, Jane Simposon, Tom Simpson and of course my own parents,

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EXTENDED REPORT Peanut Bunker Bass Blitz | MFCC Member Fishing Trip Part #1
October 11, 2014

Way back during early spring of 2014, while fishing for schoolie stripers, I dropped my GoPro Hero 2 camera into a puddle. The circuit board instantly fried and the camera died on the spot. DOH! I’ve broken or lost a total of 4 GoPro cameras since starting MFCC, and I knew it would be at

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How Being A Generous Person Can Help You Catch 30 Pound Striped Bass
October 9, 2014

A couple of weeks ago I was driving down the mid-Cape highway as I often do. I spend a lot of time on this stretch of road en route to Cape Cod’s beaches, bays, harbors and estuaries because I like to go fishing. On this day I noticed a clear cutting operation going on and

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It’s Time We Made Cape Cod’s Environment A Priority | PLEASE READ
October 8, 2014

I was extremely fortunate to stumble upon a terrific night bite just last week and catch stripers up to 30 pounds all alone on the beach. It was an awesome experience! This week, bass up to 40 inches have been pushing baby pogies and sand eels right up onto the sand in certain areas on Cape.

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VIDEO REPORT | Cape Cod’s Fall Run Night-Time Beach Bite
October 7, 2014

The air was cool and the wind had finally backed off. It was a gorgeous night to be on the beach. The clock had just ticked past midnight as I made my first cast of the evening. Three or four cranks of the handle was all it took to generate a bite. I set the

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Cape Cod’s “Fall Run” Night-Time Beach Bite
October 7, 2014

I stood there in the darkness, with a good fish on the line, enjoying life. This is what Fall on Cape Cod is all about! The striper pulled hard and strong, and I let her take line when she wanted to. There was no need to rush this fish to shore. I wanted to make

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EXTENDED REPORT | Cape Cod’s Fall Run Night-Time Beach Bite
October 5, 2014

The technique we used at Hydrographer’s Canyon incorporated a simple trolling spread which consisted of spreader bars, single lures, and skirted ballyhoos. On Mike’s center console we are able to run a 7 rod spread with a long and short outrigger, two flatlines close to the boat, and a long line down the middle. In

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Our Super Simple Strategy For Fishing Hydrographer’s Canyon
October 4, 2014

This trip took place August 9-10, 2014 and is written by MFCC member Andrew Massard, aboard MFCC member Mike Starr’s boat “Goin South” out of Oyster Harbors, MA. The crew for this trip was Andrew, Mike and Mikey Pajolek. My heart sank as the status of my flight changed from delayed to cancelled. I called

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Hydrographer’s Canyon Fishing Report | With MFCC Member Mike Starr