May 27, 2014

Tautogs are a popular, fun and delicious fish to catch from a boat. An anchor, rocky nook, and some green crabs are all you need. Of course that is bare-bones minimum, and there is no doubt that a top-notch sonar, chart plotter, boat and captain, will help you put tog in the boat. But how

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Tautog Fishing From Shore Report
May 27, 2014

I felt slightly bad for “stealing” Andrew’s fish out from under him. However I feel he didn’t mind all that much as long as one of us fooled the fish! For its size the tautog pulled quite well and I was nearly sure the fish would be of keeper size. Yet I still had work

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Extended Tautog Fishing From Shore Report
May 26, 2014

My father and I had to move quickly if we wanted to make the tide before sunset. It was late in the day and we still had another 7 miles of beach driving, and 1 mile of beach hiking left to do before we would arrive at the spot. The weather was picture perfect. Not

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Heading Off-Road In Search Of Stripers
May 26, 2014

It had been a little while since my Dad tagged along on a surfcasting excursion. Generally he is more of a boat guy but he does thoroughly enjoy walking the beach and trails through the dunes. So as I settled in and began casting, my Dad chose to find a comfy place in the sand

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Heading Off-Road In Search Of Stripers | Extended Report
May 23, 2014

The weeks just keep on trucking by and the fish continue to cooperate on good ole’ Cape Cod. Right now you can catch striped bass, scup, bluefish, tautog, a variety of other bottom fish, and before you know it, bluefin tuna. In this post I want to share with you some highlights from this past

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Cape Cod Fishing Highlights & What To Expect Memorial Day Weekend
May 21, 2014

Catching stripers is always fun, but catching stripers in “skinny” water is more fun. I would be hard pressed to find a more thrilling scenario, than seeing a nice bass in just a couple feet of water, and then casting to that bass, and watching that bass engulf the bait right before my eyes. I

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5 Tips For Finding And Catching Cape Cod Stripers In Skinny Water
May 20, 2014

It had been a good trip, and I had caught fish, but I could not help but feel I had missed out on a few key opportunities. The 35 inch bass that swam by me in just 2 feet of crystal clear water, was one example. I had to leave because at high tide the

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Cape Cod Flats Fishing Report | Skinny Water Stripers
May 20, 2014

Other stripers continued to pop and swirl on the surface as I reeled this first fish in towards the tidal flat on which I stood. It felt cool to be standing here, on a piece of sandbar, nearly one mile from dry land, with a fish on the line. The sun was setting and the

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Extended Cape Cod Flats Fishing Report | Skinny Water Stripers
May 17, 2014

This past month I’ve spent my nights hanging with my girlfriend Lauren or working on the computer, reading an enlightening book or having a staring competition with our cat Izzy. It’s been riveting. It had been 6 months since I fished the beach at night, and 6 months is far too long a time to

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First Night Bite Of The Season
May 17, 2014

The bass soon realized that was something was not right. I imagine this realization is what sparked a powerful run down current, which resulted in a small amount of line being pulled from my reel. My flimsy fishing rod was bent into the shape of a parabola. I pondered the word parabola, as I looked

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First Night Bite Of The Season | Extended Report
May 16, 2014

There is a lot of life infiltrating the Cape’s waters right now. This past week I encountered everything from scup to squid, striped bass to horseshoe crabs, tautog and sea herring and many other species. I saw some of the first keeper striped bass of the season and heard a few rumors of fish at

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Here’s What Happened This Week Fishing On Cape Cod
May 15, 2014

It was dark and I couldn’t see a darn thing, but I knew that there were striped bass somewhere in front of me. Every other minute or so, I would hear a sudden SLAP as another aggressive striper sucked down some poor little baitfish off the surface. The scene was picture-perfect. It was one of

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Best Topwater Striper Action So Far This Season