October 8, 2012

Targeting false albacore throughout Vineyard Sound is a great idea during the fall.  Not only can the area be inundated with false albies, but you’ll also have a good chance at catching bonito, stripers and bluefish.  Not a bad scenario to find yourself in. Andrew Inches, a member of the blog, was nice enough to

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Fall Hot Spots for False Albacore
October 2, 2012

October is known as the month of the “cows.”  Hawgtober is what a bunch of Canal guys used to call it when I was younger.  There is no doubt that if you want a big bass, now is the time. However over the past few seasons I have personally noticed that October has been slightly

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Cape Cod Striped Bass Fishing During October
September 25, 2012

Fall is a phenomenal time of the year.  The air has a nip to it and the fish get moving.  There’s also more room on the beaches and out on the water with Labor Day behind us.  The next few weeks are definitely a special time of the season for fishing on Cape Cod. Usually

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Big Bass and Giant Tuna | Fall Fishing on Cape Cod
September 25, 2012

As mentioned in the last article, I really enjoy this time of the year.  You just never know what is going to happen when you head out on a boat, or hit the sand. Autumn Bluefin Tuna Fishing October is a phenomenal year for tuna fishing off Chatham, on Stellwagen Bank and inside Cape Cod

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Fall 2012 Tuna and Bass Fishing Forecast
September 21, 2012

Well it is now officially autumn and right now is a great time to start fishing Cape Cod’s many beaches and estuaries.  As the water cools and the days get shorter, the fishing along the beachfront, inside estuaries and outside creek mouths heats up.  This is a great time of the year to surf cast

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Blues and Bass from Shore | Late September Report
September 21, 2012

When it comes to topwater plugging I have always had my best success at estuaries during the outgoing tide at the mouth of the estuary.  Creek mouths and inlets (basically two names for the same thing) offer many solid opportunities for folks casting pencil poppers, polaris style poppers, creek chubs and “walk the dog” type

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Topwater Plugging Creek Mouth’s During the Outgoing Tide
September 18, 2012

Well it seems like the tuna bite in Cape Cod Bay and the waters surrounding Stellwagen is picking up.  I heard the fleet has been having a few epic days with some very slow days mixed in. I’m not sure how many fish were taken yesterday out there but I know of at least a

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Extended Report September 17
September 16, 2012

The Cape Cod Canal is one of the most challenging and rewarding places along the entire East Coast of the United States to fish for striped bass. Few locations on earth offer the shore bound angler a better chance at hooking a bass in the 40 pound range. The man-made land cut has produced spectacular fishing

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Fishing the Cape Cod Canal for Big Striped Bass
September 16, 2012

The tube and worm is one the strangest, yet most effective methods of catching striped bass in the waters surrounding Cape Cod.  Three foot long tubes routinely catch two foot long striped bass.  18 inch tubes often catch bass pushing well into the 40 pound range.

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Tube and Worming for Big Striped Bass
September 16, 2012

There are quite a few theories floating around about what the tube and worm imitates.  It’s pretty easy to understand why.  What on earth could a two foot long, gyrating piece of rubber, moving slowly through the water column actually resemble in the marine world?

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What Does a Tube and Worm Imitate?
September 16, 2012

The tube and worm is one of the most productive and consistent striped bass fishing techniques around.  Season after season the tube accounts for more big bass (at least in the area I typically fish) than any other technique.

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Top 10 Tube and Worm Tips for Monster Bass