May 23, 2012

It never ceases to amaze me just how big some striped bass grow to be. Back in the day there were reports of 100 plus pound striped bass being caught up in nets off Cape Cod.  Of course we all remember the recent new world record 80 plus pound striper caught last year on a

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70 Pound Bass to the South | May 22 Cape Cod Canal Report
May 23, 2012

Unfortunately I was skunked yesterday but I still had fun and feel as if it was definitely a good decision to go down to the Canal in the rain.  You just never know unless you go. There’s been a good amount of fish moving through the land cut this past week so hopefully it will

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Spring Time East Tides
May 22, 2012

I met up with a good friend of mine yesterday to do some surf casting for striped bass.  Garet is a young man from Cape Cod who loves to fish, watch Boston sports and eat at Old Country Buffet. A few seasons ago Garet joined me on a live eel night fishing expedition.  During that

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Smallest Fish of 2012 | May 21 Report
May 20, 2012

If only every trip could be this fun and productive! I met Anthony, Tom and Adrian this morning at 4AM.  The guys were all fired up and so was I.  We had picturesque, flat calm, crystal clear conditions.  Needless to say the morning had a ton of potential. Both Tom and Adrian were looking for

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Best Trip of the Year So Far | May 20 Report
May 19, 2012

During the Fall large schools of striped bass use the Canal as conduit to the south. Just like in the spring, bass use the Canal as a shortcut of sorts – a shortcut that just happens to often times be chock full of bait and prey items. Each Fall is different. Some Falls produce incredible

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eCourse 8 | The Cows of Late October and Early November
May 17, 2012

There’s certainly nothing wrong with fishing the Cape Cod Canal or other well-known areas.  These spots are well-known for a reason.  They produce great fishing and big fish. Yet in my opinion one of the best aspects of fishing Cape Cod is the plethora of incredible, virtually unknown fishing areas.  Almost every rock and sand

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Hot Top Water Action | Buzzard’s Bay Surfcasting Report May 17
May 17, 2012

The conditions could not have been any better for a surf casting trip. There was absolutely no wind, sunny skies and warm temperatures.  This is what fishing during May is all about! Fortunately the bass were abound during this trip.  As previously mentioned I only caught 4 fish, however I had 14 good solid top

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Little Island
May 15, 2012

It’s an exciting time of the season to go fishing off Cape Cod. I heard numerous reports today of guys catching over 400 pounds of mackerel.  That is a TON of mackerel.  I can only imagine how messy their boats were! Mackerel infiltrate the waters around Cape Cod each spring.  However some springs are far

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Live Mack Barnstable Harbor Spring-time Bite
May 14, 2012

During May and June the Canal sees a lot of migrating striped bass. Big pushes of bass occur every week or so, with thousands of stripers moving through the Canal. The surface and day time fishing can be extremely good during this early part of the fishing season.

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eCourse 7 | Night Fishing during the Dog Days of Summer
May 11, 2012

Cape Cod fishing reports It has been one heck of an incredible week here on Cape Cod!  If you haven’t yet signed up for the MFCC newsletter, be sure to do so by the end of the day today.  This week’s newsletter will recap this past week’s fishing events and highlight the dramatic increase of

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Cannibalistic Bass | May 10 Report
May 11, 2012

The Canal has been great all this week.  Just about every report in New England is talking about it, so I would expect there to be some congestion at the Canal Saturday and Sunday-at least in the morning. The good news is that some of the best action has been happening during the middle of

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Top Waters During May at the Ditch
May 9, 2012

After releasing that 36 pounder I got right back to casting. Each cast was producing at least a good solid whack or two.  Jeff and I continued to provoke some really impressive surface strikes for the next 30 minutes. I decided to call it quits at around 8:30AM so I could get back home, write

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Mack Blitzes at the Cape Cod Canal