January 29 2019

Behind the Scenes of Epsiode #3: Fishing with My Mom


Ryan Collins

It was late summer on Cape Cod and we were in the midst of an intense heat wave. All week long the mornings had been greasy flat calm and the afternoons scorching hot. 

Leading up to the day of filming of episode 3, I had run several successful tube and worm trips on my boat the Miss Loretta. Not much else was working, as the fish were holding deep along the bottom in cool water, refusing to bite lures and even eels. 

When MFCC TV director/producer Shane Uriot called me during the early afternoon of September 3rd asking for my opinion about shooting an episode during this summer heatwave, I initially hesitated.


I knew the only way I could put the film crew onto fish was by trolling tube and worm, which is not always the most exciting way of fishing, because there can be long times in between bites.

The tube and worm may not be regarded as the most exciting technique, however no one can argue how effective it can be during the "dog days" of summer.

However, an unexpected thought of inspiration struck me midway through my chat with Shane. What if we really mixed things up for this episode, and brought my 67 year old mom onboard the boat? What if we turned the focus from trying to catch big fish on TV, to trying to have my mom catch a big fish on TV? 

Shane immediately loved the idea. Instantly I picked up the phone and called my mom. When my mom Kathy answered, I wasted no time and simply asked "Hey mom, would you like to be on a television episode?" 

That's my mom Kathy in the 12 foot tin boat, with my sister Katelyn front and center, and me in the background - photo was taken at the Sandwich Boardwalk sometime during the mid 1990's.

To my surprise my mom hesitated. She was a little unsure about the whole idea! More than anything she wanted the episode to be a success, and she was worried that she didn't know enough about fishing, or that she would end up losing a big fish or something like that. 

Fortunately her attitude changed after a little pep talk from her son. I reassured her that everything would be OK, and that the viewers would probably get a real kick out of watching her reel in a big striped bass.

The Day Of Filming

The very next morning my dad dropped my mom off at my house at 4:30am. She helped me get the boat ready and we gassed up at a nearby station. By 5am we rolled into the marina where we would meet up with the rest of the film crew. 

We had a great team of people helping out with this TV shoot! As always Shane and lead cameraman Evan Schneider of Hop Top Films was onboard. We also had cameraman Tyler from the Goose Hummock Shop and longtime MFCC member Steve O'Malley standing by as a second buddy boat.

Longtime MFCC member Steve O'Malley (pictured on the right) was the captain of our "buddy boat" during the filming of this episode.

Sea conditions were gorgeous and it was a beautiful summer day.  By 7am we had arrived at where I expected to do most of our fishing for the day. Initially I did not see anything on the sonar, but finally we began marking decent size schools of striped bass in the area shown below.

  • Awesome! Although I was not able to watch the episode (I live in CT) it sounds like it was a wonderful trip – something you and you Mom will remember forever. I am delighted that she is doing so well after her battle with cancer. As a researcher in the cancer field, it makes all the long days and sleepless nights worth it when I see someone beat this dreadful disease. Awesome!!!! Keep up the good work!!!

  • Catching big stripers during the heat of summer, fantastic – photograph of you & Mom with giant striper, PRICELESS …

  • Ryan love the show! Me and my father count down the days to the next episode every week and it makes the time go by waiting for spring to arrive!!!! I only have one complaint about the show and that is that it’s not long enough man hahaha we cant get enough lol hoping that maybe sometime in the future the show will turn into hour long episodes?

    • Thanks for tuning-in Jon! Pumped to hear you and your dad are enjoying the show so much!

      Hour long episodes would be great! Maybe we can do some sort of “hour long” special for the next season. Thanks for the idea!

      • Anytime Ryan and if theres ever a time u need a buddy boat please feel free to shoot me a message me and my father are always out on the water on his 24ft boat and we would be glad to help or fish together!

  • This was a great show! Man! you guys got some huge fish! (I’m hoping your mom doesn’t enter the Fishing Derby 2019!) Fishing with your family is just so fun and special! So happy your mom beat her Cancer! Yeah Kathy! You rock!

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