Recommended Gear & Tackle for Fishing Cape Cod
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These days new gear and tackle is coming onto the market at an amazingly fast pace.
Please refer to our Equipment Forum to discuss the newest tackle and equipment. Our members inside the forum are an amazing resource, and we have hundreds of posts about tackle and equipment for fishing Cape Cod.
Striped Bass
You can also call the Goose Hummock Shop at (508) 255-0455 and they can get you setup with quality gear for your budget.

Van Staal VR150 (less expensive options are the Penn Battle 5000 or the Tsunami Shield 5000)
9' ODM Genesis NXG-93 1/2-3oz rod (less expensive option is any Tsunami 8'-9' spinning rod rated for up to 3oz)
Good all-around setup.
This is my "all-around" setup. It works well for most situations and most beaches throughout the Cape Cod region.

Van Staal VR50 (less expensive option is the Tsunami Shield 4000)
Shimano Teramar 7' TMS-X70MH (or any similar 7' rod)
30lb Fluorocarbon Leader
I use this setup whenever possible.
Fishing with a smaller 7' rod and VR50 reel is an absolute blast. Catching schoolies is more fun, plus this rod and reel can also handle big fish. The smaller setup is also much easier for beginners to use.

Joe Baggs Blurple Swarters (nighttime - crush the barbs!)
Joe Baggs 1oz bucktail jig (for working the bottom)
1oz pencil popper (topwater)
Tsunami Shad (midwater column)
5.5in dart spins (midwater column)
The above lures are just the start...
There is an endless flow of lures that work well, and new plugs and jigs are being released at the most rapid pace off all-time. Check out the equipment forum for the latest lures that our members are casting.
Cape Cod Canal
You can also call the Goose Hummock Shop at (508) 255-0455 and they can get you setup with quality gear for your budget.
rod & reel

40lb Fluorocarbon Leader
10'6" Lamiglas Rod (unfortunately this specific rod no longer available). However any 10-11ft rod, such as the St. Croix Mojo Surf 11', that is rated for casting up to at least 5 ounces can work. Please view our canal forum for the latest recommendations.
Good all-around canal setup.
This is my "long casting" setup, and I certainly get some really nice distance with aerodynamic topwater plugs and metals. I've also used this setup for jigging with lures of up to 6 ounces. However, the members in our canal forum are much more up-to-speed with the latest canal rods and reels. If you're looking for the latest and greatest, then definitely check out the forum.

Joe Baggs 4oz Patriot Fish (for working the bottom)
3oz pencil popper (topwater)
Tsunami Shad (midwater column)
4oz bucktail jig (for working the bottom)
The above lures are just the start...
Sea Bass & Tautog
You can also call the Goose Hummock Shop at (508) 255-0455 and they can get you setup with quality gear for your budget.
rod & reel

Van Staal VR50
Shimano Teramar 7' TMS-X70MH
30lb Power Pro Braid30lb Fluorocarbon Leader
75lb Tactical Angler Clip
Use from shore or boat for mackerels, small jacks etc.
I have used this setup to catch jacks as large as 25 pounds, however that was really pushing it. This setup really excels when fishing for spanish mackerel, bonita and small jacks.

Joe Baggs Bottom Dweller Grubs (for tipping the flukies)
For tog, use Togzilla jigs with green crabs. For sea bass, use Flukies with Bottom Dweller Grubs.
I personally find fishing for tautog using crabs and jigs to be easier and more fun than using a traditional hook and sinker. During the spring I've done very well on sea bass using the Flukies tipped with Bottom Dweller Grubs or squid.
Bluefin Tuna
You can also call the Goose Hummock Shop at (508) 255-0455 and they can get you setup with quality gear for your budget.

Shimano Stella 18k or Daiwa Saltiga 6500H
Van Staal 325 spinning rod (the 7' or the 7'8" will work) or a "Crafty Customs" spinning rod which is what's shown above
80lb Power Pro Braid (professionally spooled onto the reel by the Goose Hummock)
Use for casting lures to school-size bluefin tuna.
This setup is ideal for casting lures to tunas that are less than 73 inches in length. I once hooked a 500lb tuna on spinning gear and fought it for 4hrs before losing it, so choose wisely the size of fish you cast at.

100lb Power Pro Braid
Alutecnos Albacore Gorilla 20
Black Hole Cape Cod Special 450G conventional jigging rod
Awesome setup, with incredible leverage, for vertical jigging.
It's "easy" to overpower big tuna using the setup above. This is a great option for vertical jigging to tuna that are holding deep in the water column. You can get much better leverage than you can with a spinning rod.
giant fishing

Alutecnos 80 or Penn 80 or Penn 130 reels
Thrasher Giant rod from the Goose Hummock (call to see what's in stock 508-255-0455 Ext 116)
200lb Cortland Hollow Core main line professionally spooled onto the reel by the Goose Hummock
100 yard 200lb Malin monofilament topshot
Trokar size 9/0 circle hook (match size of hook to your bait)
Albies & Bonito
You can also call the Goose Hummock Shop at (508) 255-0455 and they can get you setup with quality gear for your budget.
rod, reel & line

St. Croix Avid 7' for albie snax and light epoxy jigs
Shimano Teramar 7' TMS-X70MH for heavier lures
Use from shore or boat for albies, bonito, and light-tackle stripers and blues.
I have used the Avid setup with great success for albies and bonito. It casts light lures wonderfully. For heavier lures I use the Teramar rod. The Teramar setup is also good for casting to stripers and bluefish.

White Albie Snax with size 4/0 offset hook
Joe Baggs Resin Jigs of various sizes/colors
There are other lures too...
I primarily use epoxy jigs and Albie Snax whenever I go fishing for bonito, albies or Spanish macks. However, albies in particular will hit an assortment of different lures, including Kastmasters and even pencil poppers. Continue reading below for more ideas.
Costa Rica
You can also call the Goose Hummock Shop at (508) 255-0455 and they can get you setup with quality gear for your budget.
Light Tackle

Van Staal VR50
7' Tsunami 3-piece Travel Rod TSCS703M
20lb Power Pro Braid
30lb Fluorocarbon Leader
75lb Tactical Angler Clip
Use from shore or boat for mackerels, small jacks etc.
I have used this setup to catch jacks as large as 25 pounds, however that was really pushing it. This setup really excels when fishing for spanish mackerel, bonita and small jacks.

St. Croix 7'6" TIS76HF3
30lb Power Pro Braid
30lb Fluorocarbon Leader
175lb Tactical Angler Clip
My #1 choice if I can only bring one setup.
The St. Croix rod is a joy to use for roosterfish and other big inshore species. However, during my 2020 Costa Rica trip, my St. Croix rod snapped mid-cast. For this purpose I always recommend carrying a backup rod, or purchasing a backup rod at a tackle shop once you arrive in Costa Rica.
Heavy surf rod

Van Staal VR150 or VR175
8'6'' Tsunami Surf TSTSS 863H: Action Heavy, 12-25lb, 3/4-3oz
40lb Power Pro Braid
40lb Fluorocarbon Leader
175lb Tactical Angler Clip
Surf fishing for wherever long casts are required.
Where I fish in Costa Rica I prefer to use a 7'6" when fishing from shore, because I like to wade out into chest deep water. However, some areas are too dangerous to enter the water, and require a long cast. I like the above setups for rocky areas, beaches with a dangerous swell, or in any other spot where a long cast is required.
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