May 22 2015

Easy Access Fishing Spot: South Cape Beach


Hello My Fishing Cape Codders! I hope you are well.

It's me, Garet again, with another fishing trip to tell you about. 

Last week ​I tried for bluefish off South Cape Beach in Mashpee with Ryan and my Dad.


Click play below to join myself and Ryan for a 5 minute podcast report about why South Cape Beach is a good fishing spot for people who require easy-access.


After you're done listening, you can scroll below for photos and my written report.​

Easy Access Spot:
South Cape Beach

fishing south cape beach for bluefish on cape cod

During this trip I was graced with the presence of Ryan and my Dad.

fishing for bluefish off south cape beach

Ryan brought us to South Cape Beach in Mashpee, which I feel is a good "easy access" spot for people who can't walk very far in soft sand.

We hoped to catch our first bluefish of the season.

Ryan told us that bluefish often feed here.

fishing south cape beach mashpee

*Note from Ryan - This blue was caught last season in Wellfleet, but South Cape is probably my #1 favorite place to target bluefish during the spring on Cape Cod.

But despite our best efforts we did not catch a thing.

However we still had fun, and anytime out fishing with Ryan and my Dad is a good time.

We did see an awesome sunset, and it was a beautiful night.

sunset at south cape beach in mashpee
south cape beach dunes mashpee, ma
south cape beach at sunset

But it sure got chilly when the sun went down. Good thing we didn't fish much longer after sunset.

By now you are probably tired of hearing me talk, so until next time take care!


What do you think? Let me know by commenting below.

About the author 

Garet Suomala

My name is Garet Suomala. I've had to overcome a lot of things in life, but I have a strong faith, and loving friends and family. I'm also a happy graduate of "Project Forward" at Cape Cod Community College.

  • South Cape beach has great access and is a convenient launch point for beach treks for fishing and exploring.
    When blues are in everyone is a catcher with bent rods up and down the beach. When they exit it is a lonely game but a great way to practice casting and work out those winter calcium deposits in shoulder joints!!
    I find spring and summer fishing most productive at night but mostly for the shark fishery that comprises not only SCB but the whole Southside of Cape Cod. It has been described as a shark nursery by fisheries scientist Greg Skomal. Last week I was fluke fishing a mile out and caught two shark pups <18" long, species unknown.

    • Truro is a wonderful area Rich. The oceanside beaches are legendary for striped bass fishing, however over the past decade or so a population of large grey seals has invaded the oceanside beaches.

      You will probably see the seals if you venture to places like Head of the Meadow, High Head, Ballston and many other access points on the oceanside of Truro. I recommend exploring and fishing these beaches because they are legendary, but odds are the seals will drive you away.

      With that in mind do not be afraid to venture to the bayside. Less seals on the Cape Cod Bay side beaches in Truro. Use Google Earth and you will find access points. High tide is usually best either at night or around sunrise/sunset.

      Tight lines! And if you need extra assistance I am now offering coaching calls over the phone >

      • very informative on where to fish early spring time.would like to read about Billings Gate And Brewster area.
        Ryan I have a brand newPenn Conflict 6000 With aTsunami Trophy Series11’rod. I would like to see a young boy or girl that is interested in fishing to be given this outfit In MFCC’s Name . I was talking with Jeff Miller and he said the kid you people gave it to last year was estatic and was down the canal every day. who should I see about this?

  • Is there any good overnight parking around these south facing beaches.. Coming from Boston I usually fish plum Island, Canal and some beaches in day. Planning my Sat night to hit canal and want to find some blues… I know a lot of beaches close gates around 9pm or so which make it difficult to warrant a drive south… going to take June 9th off and hit south cape all day though..

    • Hey Bill, I believe it’s actually Mashpee Town Beach parking lot which is open all night. It’s located right next to South Cape. I’ve never fished there all night but I know folks who have.

      June 9th is coming up quick! I hope you find some life when you go.

  • Went there yesterday with my girlfriend for my birthday and hooked up with a gator bluefish only 10 minutes after arriving on a bucktail. First time ever going to this spot and we went because it was on MFCC recommended fishing spots map so thank you!!

  • Nice job Ryan,

    A little early for SCB, but the blues should be moving in any day now. Inside Waquoit Bay is one of my favorite areas on the Cape.

    FWIW, come late July and early August, South Cape Beach is a great Beach-Sharkin’ spot at night. Hook into a 100-lb brownie and forevermore striped bass will make you yawn (wink).

    It always amazed me how sunny-day beach-going folks get spooked at the idea of sharks, not knowing that they commonly swim right up shallow into 3 feet of water, right next to shore.

    Maybe there’s an MFCC Beach-sharkin’ trip some night in the future…?


    • I would LOVE to get a report/article with photos of a nice 100 lb brown shark. That would be something.

      Thanks for the tip on that John. I know Ryan Franklin (member here on the site) caught some browns at night somewhere along the southside last summer.

      It does amaze me too how the beach going folks have no idea!

      FYI – my Dad bumped into a guy who lives on the Plymouth waterfront, and he saw a seal with a big bite mark on its side this past winter.

      Looks like the Great Whites are year round residents.

  • Hi Garet,
    I enjoyed meeting you at the MFCC breakfast. You might want to check out that spot in Orleans that I talked to you about. A long dock that gives easy access is right next to the parking lot. It’s best in the Spring before the water heats up. Great for schoolies or maybe bigger fish at night
    Another easy access spot like South Cape is West Dennis Beach. The fishing beach is right in front of the parking lot. Also a good spot to find bluefish this time of year.

  • You may have also been graced with my son and I that day depending on when you got there. Though we caught as much as you did we did see a large Schoolie pulled out two fishermen down from us. I expect it will be busy with both fish and fishermen this weekend. As this is one of my favorite places to surf fish and very close to me I’m sure I’ll see some of you there.

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