September 23 2021

Tuna Attack! Eye-Opening Spreader Bar Footage


Trolling for tuna with spreader bars has been a very productive technique during the 2021 Cape Cod fishing season!

Back on September 21st I had an opportunity to go trolling for tuna with captain Cullen of Cape Star Charters and MFCC member Nathan Valladares.


During the trip I was fortunate to capture some eye-opening footage of a bluefin attacking a spreader bar.

Click play below to watch! 👇

Members of My Fishing Cape Cod can click the button above to watch more footage, and learn more about this trip.

For the latest tuna fishing updates, please visit our Tuna and Offshore forum.

Tight lines! ?

What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

  • Had friends from Worthington (western MA) come to visit us in Harwich this weekend. We were out in my boat on a perfect Sunday afternoon. We went out beyond Monomoy and saw tons of fish on the surface. When we got back to Saquatucket we saw a boat unloading a dressed out tuna. The woman that caught it had the tail in a huge baggie. What a prize.

    The sight of that inspired me to tell my friends about your site and this video. I sent him the link. They’ll be back.

    • Sounds like a great day on the water Norm, and thanks for sharing MFCC with your friends! I really appreciate it. Keep in touch and good luck out there the rest of this fall season.

  • That is freakn insane…pb video footage i ve seen u do….esp since we got 3 recs just like that couple weeks ago…slambam thank yoh ryan…thats a titeline

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