September 5, 2023

This post was originally published on August 27th, 2018. With albie season in full swing, we figured now would be a good time to update and re-publish this post! This is the perfect time of year to start thinking about false albacore. Now is the time to do your research! I refer to research in

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7 Tips To Help You Catch More False Albacore
September 10, 2018

Brian McCartyMFCC member With all the different variables in fishing, how do we know what techniques or tackle works best? To produce better results, we must first understand how the striped bass views the underwater world. By understanding its’ sensory perception, we can fine tune our fishing to be more successful on the water.Sensory perception

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Striped Bass Sensory Perception As It Applies To Anglers
May 28, 2018

Brian McCarty Sustainability of the Striped Bass population is crucial, and is a practice that begins with individual fishermen.  With the 2018 Striped Bass season now upon us, here are seven tips that should be considered to limit your environmental impact.  These tips will cost you absolutely nothing, and can make an incredible difference in

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7 Tips That Support Striped Bass Sustainability
May 21, 2018

Brian McCartyMFCC member Approximately three miles off the southwest coast of Martha’s Vineyard, lies the 628 acre island of Noman’s Land. It had once been inhabited by the Wampanoag Tribe and numerous settlers, but is now desolate and overgrown. Many visible clues of past inhabitants have already disappeared, since the island has been off-limits to the

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Noman’s Land Island: A Brief History, and One Man’s Effort to Preserve It
July 30, 2017

Brian McCarty On July 26th, MFCC members Dex Chadsey, Ned Bean, Alberto Pina, Alex Ben David, and I, Brian McCarty made a pilgrimage to “fishing Mecca” – Cuttyhunk Island. Located between Buzzards Bay and the Vineyard Sound, Cuttyhunk is the southernmost of the Elizabeth Islands. Cuttyhunk is about a mile and a half long by three-quarters

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Surfcasting Cuttyhunk with My Fishing Cape Cod