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I'm fairly new to the canal but used your jig and drop technique and man can I tell you, it payed off!
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Cape Cod Canal Etiquette & Common Courtesy
Common Canal Courtesy & Etiquette Don't cause problems! Learn exactly what you need to know to fit in at the Cape Cod Canal.

The 7 Part Canal Week Course
The Cape Cod Canal is a very interesting place to wet a line. Actually, I really cannot think of a more unique place to fish, especially from shore. In this section I am going to share with you an overview of the Canal. We'll take a look at the Canal's structure and life. At the end we'll talk about how striped bass use the Canal for migration and feeding purposes.
If you are serious about learning how to catch striped bass at the Cape Cod Canal, then it's important to understand at least some Canal lingo. On top of that, if you are hoping to blend in well with the regular Canal fishing crowd, then learning proper Canal etiquette is a must.
Over the past few decades the Canal has become famous for it's bass blitzes. These are the days when thousands of fish invade the land cut, and feed aggressively on prey such as mackerel, menhaden and herring. If you are fortunate to get lucky, and happen upon such a blitz, you probably will never forget it.
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