August 28, 2012

Tonight was absolutely gorgeous.  After the thunderstorms moved through the wind backed right off and the skies cleared.  Might as well go fishing. Instead of targeting big bass on the bottom tonight at the Cape Cod Canal I decided to mix things up and go for numbers instead of size.  I rigged up a super light

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A New Spin on the Cape Cod Canal Night Bite | August 28 Report
June 29, 2012

*Hello everyone, you will need Adobe Flash Player to view the below files. Give the videos a try first, and then if they don’t play you probably need to install Adobe. You can download Adobe at the below link. Adobe Flash Player Thanks! Cape Cod Bay fishing forecast Cape Cod Canal fishing forecast

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Cape Cod Bay and Cape Cod Canal fishing forecast
June 18, 2012

  Cape Cod Canal Fishing Report Once again the Canal fished well this past weekend.  While I was at my buddy’s wedding I received numerous Cape Cod Canal fishing reports from guys who did well Saturday morning at the Ditch. Thanks guys for the solid intel – if only I was able to make it

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Exciting Week on Tap at the Cape Cod Canal | June 18 Report
June 5, 2012

It has been one heck of a morning! Today began at 2:45AM up in Boston.  I had spent the past few days in Brighton with Lauren, but after hearing about big bass in the Cape Cod Canal I knew I had to get back to the fish. I was just about the only car on

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45.7 Pound Striped Bass | June 5 Cape Cod Canal Report
June 5, 2012

Well there are some really big bass in the Canal right now. I heard that the fishing yesterday was absolutely incredible.  Just about everyone I have talked to had a banner day yesterday.  Many fish in the 20-40 pound range were caught. I would confidently say that there is probably more than one 50 pound

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Mid-Canal Area
May 11, 2012

Cape Cod fishing reports It has been one heck of an incredible week here on Cape Cod!  If you haven’t yet signed up for the MFCC newsletter, be sure to do so by the end of the day today.  This week’s newsletter will recap this past week’s fishing events and highlight the dramatic increase of

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Cannibalistic Bass | May 10 Report
May 9, 2012

After releasing that 36 pounder I got right back to casting. Each cast was producing at least a good solid whack or two.  Jeff and I continued to provoke some really impressive surface strikes for the next 30 minutes. I decided to call it quits at around 8:30AM so I could get back home, write

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Mack Blitzes at the Cape Cod Canal
May 5, 2012

Cape Cod Canal Fishing Report May 4 Sometimes you just have to stay up for 24 hours straight! Yesterday was one of those days.  I woke up at 5am for a meeting on Friday and finally finished filleting and cleaning up just before 5am on Saturday.  I guess I better get used to this whacky

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Night Shift at the Cape Cod Canal | May 4 Report
April 20, 2012

Many Cape Cod fishermen said the bass would be back early this year.  This past winter was more of an elongated cool start to spring than anything else.  Water temps have been way above normal.   Right now some areas around Cape Cod have water that is in the mid to high 50’s.  I’m happy to report that all

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First Keeper Striped Bass of Season Caught at Cape Cod Canal