October 10, 2015

Greetings MFCC! This is fellow member Stephen Madden, letting you know that the trout stocking trucks are out and about this October-one of the reasons why this is my favorite time of the year.

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Why October is my Favorite Time of the Year
June 17, 2015

This is a guest post from MFCC member Matt Linsky. Matt has been freshwater fishing his entire life and I am excited to have him contributing freshwater posts & reports! It was late spring and I just set out on my favorite pond. This is “my honey hole”- a super private spot where I do

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Largemouth Bass Fishing On Cape Cod
April 6, 2015

This week has lots of potential! Many kettle ponds on Cape are finally ice-free, which for me means it’s time to give freshwater a shot. Trout will be my main target this week, but I’m not giving up on holdover striped bass either. Keep an eye on those water temps too, because once it hits

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Cape Cod ” Fishing Forecast” For April 6
April 30, 2014

I popped out from the path in the woods to a serene vista of an untouched and undeveloped freshwater pond. An entire spectrum of blues and greens filled the area around me and I was very pleased to discover that such a place still exists on Cape Cod. The Cape is famous for its saltwater

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Cape Cod’s Hidden Freshwater Paradise
April 16, 2014

There was not a soul around as I made my way into the woods. It was only minutes before I saw another hawk, and then an osprey flying high in the sky. I feel that having these birds around is a good sign because they too are hoping to catch fish.

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Extended Cape Cod Sea Run Trout Fishing Report
April 13, 2014

“Eh boy” is what I recall silently saying to myself as I peered down at the sheer vertical drop in front of me. The gently sloping gradient I had followed through the woods ended abruptly at this very spot, but I still had another 50 yards to cover before I would reach the edge of

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Cape Cod Freshwater Fishing Report
April 13, 2014

I was only fishing for several minutes before I heard a fish break the surface. There was a slight breeze and small chop sweeping over the pond, so I wasn’t able to visually locate the fish. Yet based on the audio it produced, I knew it was just out of casting range. Regardless it was

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Extended Cape Cod Fishing Report
April 10, 2014

So far this spring I have been having a lot of fun trout fishing on Cape Cod. During my most recent Cape Cod trout fishing trip I was able to catch a beautiful rainbow trout, and explore one of the Cape’s most scenic freshwater kettle ponds. That was a great trip, and since then I

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Trout Fishing On Cape Cod Report | Day 2
April 10, 2014

The school of trout continued to move closer to me, and was now within casting range. The hawk above my head calmly watched the action ensue. There were trout right there on the surface, a mere 10 yards in front of me, and I figured I had only seconds until the hawk made her move.

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Extended Trout Fishing On Cape Cod Report | Day 2
April 7, 2014

“Wow it’s calm” is what I recall saying to my buddy Andrew Massard, as I looked out over the pond, which resembled a pane of glass. This was one of those mornings I had fantasized about back when the Cape was still buried in snow. Apparently others had been dreaming of this day as well,

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Cape Cod Trout Fishing Report
April 7, 2014

The trout continued breaking the surface and I continued to get more excited. For a moment the scene reminded me of fishing the Cape Cod Canal, when bass are just breaking here and there. Just like the Canal most of the trout were out of casting distance. Yet some were close enough to shore, and

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Extended Cape Cod Trout Fishing Report
April 3, 2014

Today was excellent! The weather was picture-perfect for early spring on Cape Cod, and on top of that I was able to put a bend in the rod for the first time this season. The even better news is that it’s only going to get better! Both the fresh and saltwater bite will improve with

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Putting A Bend In The Rod For The 1st Time This Season