December 14, 2020

Back in September of 2018, my mom Kathy and I headed out onto Cape Cod Bay for a morning of tube and worm trolling.During this trip I used my sonar to locate the schools, and then I trolled one tube and worm fished on lead core directly through the center of each school.The majority of

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Tube & Worm Trolling for Big Stripers with My Mom
December 3, 2020

Wind knots are a common issue that frustrate all levels of anglers. A wind knot refers to a tangle in the fishing line that prevents someone from casting and retrieving effectively. Wind knots generally occur anytime you have line twist where the line going through the rod’s tip is slower than the line coming out of

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Wind Knots – Causes & Solutions
November 15, 2020

In today’s video clip, I’d like to share new underwater footage of stripers (and a couple mackerel) chasing and attacking a 5in white fly.  I filmed half of this footage during August in Cape Cod Bay, and the rest of the footage during October in Buzzard’s Bay. At the time, these stripers were feeding on peanut bunker.

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What It’s Like To See Striped Bass Chasing & Attacking Flies Underwater
November 7, 2020

If you are a surfcaster, and would like to meet other surfcasters from My Fishing Cape Cod, then this would be a great event to attend!MFCC Meetup is a speed networking format that enables everyone to connect with each other through multiple rounds of five-minute, one-on-one conversations. You can catch up or discuss a particular

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Surfcasters’ Meetup | Friday November 13th
September 11, 2020

This episode of the podcast was originally published in September of 2020, but the information shared about surfcasting The Fall Run is still relevant today. This episode will be a great listen for anyone hoping to catch fish from the beach this fall on Cape Cod. We’ll cover all sorts of surfcasting topics for finding

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Surfcasting Cape Cod’s Fall Run | with Calvin Toran-Sandlin
September 10, 2020

Usually starting sometime in early or mid-August, peanut bunker arrive along the Cape Cod and Massachusetts coastlines. The peanut bunker schools will remain plentiful in the region throughout September, and often well into October and November.Last week I shared this report about shallow-water peanut bunker blitzes. In today’s report, I would like to share with you

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Cape Cod’s Deep-Water Peanut Bunker Blitzes
September 2, 2020

There is nothing more exciting than a shoreline blitz! In this post you’ll see brand new images and video of stripers on the hunt in shallow water. I filmed the following clips on August 29th and August 30th. On these days peanut bunker were being trapped in shallow by stripers.In this first video from 8/29, a

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Cape Cod’s Shallow-Water Peanut Bunker Blitzes
August 19, 2020

A lot of my striper fishing is done using artificial lures. However, over the past few years I have enjoyed fishing for bass with chunk bait. I’ve found that stripers will often show interest in chunk baits, even during the middle of a hot summer day, when nothing else is working.However, I recently learned a valuable

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Why You Should Match Your Bait To The Size Of The Stripers
July 29, 2020

If that title doesn’t draw you into this post, then I don’t know what will! That’s right, this girl out-fished the “one and only” Ryan Collins, fair and square. Ryan has been meaning to publish this post for a long time. I wonder if the fact that I out-fished him has something to do with why

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How I Out-Fished My Husband
July 18, 2020

The tube and worm is a highly effective striper fishing technique, especially on Cape Cod during the heat of the summer. All my life I have enjoyed trolling tubes throughout Cape Cod, both during the day and during the night.Over the years I’ve had success with the tube and worm in Cape Cod Bay, Buzzard’s Bay,

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Striped Bass Attacks Tube | Never Before Seen Images
July 17, 2020

Note from Ryan: This post was originally published on August 4th of 2015. I figured now would be a good time to re-publish this post, because there has been growing interest in the forum about raking your own sand eels. This past Friday morning I received a text message invitation from MFCC member “frankzappa” asking

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How to Rake for Sand Eels on Cape Cod
July 10, 2020

This past Tuesday July 7th, I headed out fishing with four members from My Fishing Cape Cod and captain Cullen of Cape Star Charters. It was a memorable trip with a great crew of US  veterans! The group trip was paid for by anonymous donors from MFCC, who jumped at the opportunity to sponsor a trip

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Stripers Attacking da ‘Squid | An Underwater Perspective