September 16, 2012

“Oh boy,” I said as she stepped into my car.  “Don’t look down at your feet.” A shriveled, decaying eel was lying on the floorboard of my Ford Focus.  I had been on the water for the past few days and didn’t notice that I had accidentally left an eel to bake in my car.

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Live Eel Fishing 101
September 16, 2012

Striped bass fishing can be a downright overwhelming task. Then again there are those days when the bass just seem to find the fishermen. One particular trip during the middle of August 2010 could certainly be classified as one of those rare occasions when big striped bass are easy to come by. The wind was howling

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Understanding Striped Bass Behavior
September 16, 2012

One of the most daunting tasks, especially in our neck of the woods, is locating quality fish.  It does not matter what species of fish is targeted, the ability to consistently find fish on each fishing trip is half the battle, and is the most important ingredient to a successful season. Locating fish is very

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Developing a Strategy for Finding Big Striped Bass
September 14, 2012

This past week I saw one thing I have not seen yet all season – A LOT of tuna boats from out of town. If there are tuna guys coming up from the Vineyard, then that tells me there is something happening out there.  The giants are most certainly back in good numbers as I

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Extended 9/8 – 9/13 Report
September 5, 2012

September is when Cape Cod’s estuaries start to heat up again.  Now through the end of October is a great time to fish an estuary for striped bass and bluefish, so I’d highly recommend getting to one asap! Last night I waited for night to fall before heading down to one of my favorite estuaries.

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Catching a Bass with my Bare Hands | September 4 Report
September 5, 2012

Cape Cod’s many creeks and estuaries fish very well during May and again during September and October.  Of course you can find sporadic action throughout the season in estuaries, however I find the action to be most consistent during the spring and the fall. There is an assortment of bait for striped bass and bluefish

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Locating Big Fish at Night in the Back Waters of Estuaries
August 31, 2012

Late summer is my favorite time for fishing from a boat.  The weather is usually pretty nice, there are more striped bass and tuna around, and they are typically on the aggressive side. I’m really looking forward to this weekend and the early part of next week because of Saturday’s predicted northerly breeze.  An onshore

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Weekend Fishing Forecast | September 1
August 28, 2012

Tonight was absolutely gorgeous.  After the thunderstorms moved through the wind backed right off and the skies cleared.  Might as well go fishing. Instead of targeting big bass on the bottom tonight at the Cape Cod Canal I decided to mix things up and go for numbers instead of size.  I rigged up a super light

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A New Spin on the Cape Cod Canal Night Bite | August 28 Report
August 28, 2012

Sometimes it’s great to simplify things and head out on foot with a small spinning rod in hand. I think the key to finding good action on small fish at night at the Canal lies in targeting the areas directly underneath the bright white lights on the Cape side  of the Ditch.  That’s basically what

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Extended August 28 Report
August 23, 2012

There’s a lot of life throughout Cape Cod Bay right now. Over the past 2 weeks we have had great white sharks, dolphins. porpoises, ocean sunfish, bluefish, striped bass and a host of other marine life inside the Bay.  All this life means one thing – there is a ton of food out there for

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Extended Striped Bass Fishing Report
August 22, 2012

Just about any beach on Cape Cod has the potential to cough up at least a fish or two.  However you can increase your odds of catching a fish by bringing the family and or significant other to areas that have some sort of structure or fish-attracting feature. This could be a boulder field, a

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Combining Beach Days with Fishing
August 18, 2012

Things change awfully quickly in the world of striped bass fishing.  As soon as you think you have them figured out, the fish throw you a curve ball and leave you scratching your head. Earlier this week we found boat loads of bass in relatively shallow water, less than 30 feet.  These areas were for

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Deep Water Bassing | August 15 and 16 Report