July 8, 2011

A report!  Finally! With all the website work, other shenanigans, and recent Fourth of July activity, it’s been a while since I’ve been on the water-and even longer since publishing a fishing report.  Nevertheless here is the first of what should be many more to come. After a very slow showing off Barnstable during our

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Lot of Bait, Few Nice Bass – July 7 Fishing Report
June 28, 2011

The tube and worm is one the strangest, yet most effective methods of catching striped bass in the waters surrounding Cape Cod.  Three foot long tubes routinely catch two foot long striped bass.  18 inch tubes often catch bass pushing well into the 40 pound range. Needless to say there is a lot of mystique surrounding this deadly

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Tube and Worm Advanced Techniques for Big Striped Bass
June 24, 2011

These articles are for your benefit.  I have written them with you in mind.  From the beginner, to the seasoned veteran, I hope you can all take at least one piece of information with when you go. None of us have all the answers!  I am also continuously learning, and believe me, I have a

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My Fishing Cape Cod Articles
June 24, 2011

Often time’s anglers become puzzled as to what bait or lure to use in a certain scenario.  There exists today hundreds of different ways to catch a striped bass. Bass can be caught by fishing with mackerel, pogies, squid and herring.  Stripers are hooked by surface plugs, diving plugs, darters, shad bodies and jigs.  Linesiders

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Tube and Worm Trolling for Big Striped Bass
June 23, 2011

This article was published during the spring of 2011. This particular afternoon, now a full decade into the past, was unusually warm by Cape Cod standards.  I recall driving into the South Cape Beach parking lot and noticing how the sun reflected nicely off the white caps that were heaving in at the beach from

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Surfcasting South Cape Beach for Blitzing Bluefish
June 23, 2011

  Click here for the latest Cape Cod tuna fishing report This giant tuna article was published during the spring of 2011. The jaunt from Plymouth to Stellwagen Bank’s legendary southwest corner had been rather uneventful. Fortunately the seas had been smooth and the sun was shining, yet as we pulled the Miss Loretta onto

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Giant Tuna are Back on Cape Cod