In today's giveaway we have an assortment of fluke spoons and haddock fishing squid rigs from My Fishing Cape Cod member Eddy Kooyomjian of Monomoy Tackle.
To get entered for a chance to win, all you have to do is simply leave a comment at the bottom of this blog post. I will randomly select a winner on Monday and post the winner's name here.
Pictured below are the fluke spoons and haddock fishing squid rigs. I am also going to toss in a My Fishing Cape Cod hat as part of the giveaway.

I am yet to try fishing with the haddock squid rigs, but I can speak from experience that the fluke spoons work very well on doormat fluke!

If you'd like to see the fluke spoons in action, then be sure to check out this underwater video of fluke attacking the spoons.

Once again all you have to do to get entered for a chance to win is simply leave a comment below. I will randomly select a winner on Monday and post the winner's name here.
Congrats to our winner Kevin Macfarlane! Thank you to everyone who entered. Please stay tuned for more giveaways coming soon.
Tight lines!

Today’s my birthday!!!
Nice gear. Love being a member of My Fishing Cape Cod. Can’t wait to start fishing again!!
Great reading
Bot our first boat last year. Thought cruising around, sipping beer and enjoying the scenery was it. But a friend introduced us to fishing and we are “hooked”. Haven’t tried for fluke yet, but looking forward to new and different adventures this year.
Love MFCC! Would kill to fish with Ryan! Maybe this season?
Awesome looking rigs! Great giveaway thanks
I grew up in New York fishing far Rockaway bay (broad channels ) smitty boat rental fishing for fluke love to upgrade my fluke gear 🤙
I have been looking at these jigs to upgrade my cod / fluke fishing – really nice.
fluking is so much fun. i cant wait!
Welcome home….. looking forward to seeing the new season of MFCC TV
I can’t wait for tight lines.
Fluke is a interested target fish I would love to try.
Good Luck to everyone.
I’m in, just for the halibut
Thank you for the opportunity. Love fishing for both.
Ryan, I look forward to seeing the replay of your show. Unfortunately, I won’t be able to meet you and get your guidance on a “starter”kit at Goose Hummock on March 5th. What a great idea for everyone concerned! Have fun and I’ll “catch” up soon.
and they taste good, too
Never been fluke fishing on the Cape..
Left a comment earlier about Dog Fish. Do a lot of fluke fish from head boats but prefer to bring my own pole and gear. Would love this collection!
Good stuff. I’m in
Some fluke gear will come in handy this season. Thanks.
Cool gift bag. Love your videos
Hello Ryan, I really enjoy reading your articles. I would love to catch a few fluke.
Looking to start fluke fishing the jigs would be a great start
Just retired to the Cape and looking forward to all the fishing!
Hello Ryan. Met you at the Marshfield Fair this year. Greatly enjoy your articles. Looking forward to chasing more than stripers this year.
Hi MFCC! I just bought a new boat snd can’t wait to fish this season!!!! 💟☯️☮️🎣 from south Yarmouth.
Thanks for the chance! I’m not much of a Fluke fisherman but I’d rock the hat big time 🙂
I would like to use these for haddock and fluke.
Hi Ryan, here’s to a great season. Thanks for the chance to win!!
Caught some fluke in 2021 in cape cod bay.
Hello, I’m commenting about the Monomoy/fluke giveaway. Thanks
We will be heading out to Crab Ledge soon enough. Tight Lines and Smooth Seas from St. Pete Sport Fishing of Cape Cod.
I plan to try and land a haddock in my boat this spring. It would be a first for me!
Would love to catch a tasty fluke from shore:).
Keep up the great work Ryan and Lauren. Love what you are doing.
Tight lines:)
Never caught a fluke but would love to! Thanks Ryan!
Looks good
New fishing year…new fishing lures…count me in…that’s a right good deal !
It’s no FLUKE to catch the Best
You have to use the Best!
Hey, Ryan, I have done quite a few trips on party boats for cod and enjoy it greatly I’m sure these lures will help to attract more fish.
Don Comella
[email protected]
Great article on dog fish !
I’m glad you enjoyed the dogfish article Kevin! Also, congratulations, because you won the Monomoy Tackle Giveaway! I will reach out to you via email for your mailing address. Thanks!
My girlfriend and dad have been out fishing me on the fluke front. Maybe these fluke spoons could change the tides for me… 😂
Nice looking spoons
Sounds like a great time fishing. I recently introduced my son to the art of ocean fishing. Although he has yet to catch an ocean fish he looks forward to it all the time and asks when can we go again
This is great! I have yet to catch a flounder/fluke, but I plan on putting more effort into it this season. If you have any tips on what to use or where to fish it would be greatly appreciated. And thank you for another giveaway opportunity.
Josh, thanks a lot for your comment and request for information on fluke gear and tactics for fluke.
There are some things I can offer and hopefully not overstepping. On a podcast I did with MFCC on January 7th, about 2/3rds of the way in we talk about fluke on the outer Monomoy Shoals and Nantucket Sound. Bruno Demir speaks about fluke fishing on several of his weekly podcasts last year during the weekly/biweekly podcasts.
If you have specific questions please feel free to DM me and I am happy to help and answer questions.
Josh, I did a search in the Blog ‘Drifting for Doormats’ and two blog posts came up that are in the MFCC blog. I think those are great articles.
Thank you so much! I’ll be sure to look those over and listen to that podcast.
Eddy back in another time the fluke fishing from the outer beaches was a popular excursion especially in and around Herring Cove. Hatches Harbor and the Point at the Race . I can still recall catching small haddock from the Castle Island Pier in Southy . It is all now boat fishing and having the right stuff . I am sure the above will fill that bill Peace and Prayers ANGLER Carl
Carl, I would love to be able to catch fluke from shore and haddock as well. I know there are some folks on the forum that do.
We have been lucky the last several years to find haddock within view of the Plymouth lighthouse and that saves the long trip to Stellwagen.
hey Ryan
Keep up the good work !
Any thought of in the future having get togethers open to whole group like you did at fishermans landing restaurant before covid ? It seems with all the restrictions coming down things are getting much better
Hey David 👋 Yes! We are going to have a “Cod & Coffee” networking and education event on March 26th from 8am-10am in South Yarmouth. It would be great to have you there if you can attend. Here is a link which explains more.
dont see the link
I will make it a point to attend
Looks like you were able to figure it out. I see you registered a little while ago. Thanks David and I”ll look forward to seeing you on March 26th! Here is the link for anyone else who’s interested in attending https://selz.co/HbZ9jh8