UPDATED ON May 1 2024

How To Catch Green Crabs For Bait

by Ryan Collins

*This post was originally published in May of 2020.

Responsive Video

Over the next two weeks the bottom fishing in Vineyard Sound and Buzzard's Bay should really start to heat up. Big tautog and scup will soon be here in good numbers, and I am chomping at the bit to target tog and scup from boat, kayak and shore.

One of the best baits for springtime tautog is the green crab. Green crabs are an invasive European species, which have taken up residence in many of Cape Cod's estuaries and marshes.

You don't need to purchase a permit to harvest green crabs, however state law requires individuals to hold a free letter of authorization from the Division of Marine Fisheries. Please contact Kerry Allard to receive a letter of authorization at 617-626-1633 or at [email protected].

In this post, I will bring you with me on a brand new fishing adventure into one of Cape Cod's many scenic marshes. However, this time we'll swap the fishing rod for a crab pot.

Cape Cod's Spectacular Marshes

The marshes and estuaries of Cape Cod are a beautiful environment to visit. This past weekend we were gifted with some extraordinary sunny and warm weather, which was perfect for a hike into the marsh.

I always enjoy the peaceful feeling I get whenever I am out in the marsh. The singing of the sea birds, the wind through the reeds, and the rush of water against the marsh bank makes for a wonderful nature experience.

Even if I didn't catch a single green crab, I knew this trip would still be a success. How could it not be a success, when I was surrounded by picturesque dune-scapes and fresh salty air?

Cape Cod's marshes are home to thousands (dare I say millions) of green crabs. However they are also home to numerous species of terns, herons, fish, land mammals and more.

Activities like trapping my own bait make me feel like I am reliving "old Cape Cod". No doubt people have been coming into these marshes for hundreds (perhaps thousands) of years in search of crabs, shellfish and other wildlife.

Baiting The Pot

Aside from enjoying nature and the beautiful scenery of the marsh, my goal during this trip was to test my new green crab pots to see if I could be successful at catching my own bait for bottom fishing.

The pot is specially designed with a hole at the top. Green crabs are climbers (not swimmers) so when they approach the pot, the crabs will climb up the side and fall through the hole.

I also added a stone weight to the bottom of the pot, which I secured in place with zip ties. For bait, I used frozen mackerel that was probably 6 months old. I cut the mackerel into chunks and used a suet cage to contain the bait.

Green Crabs Galore!

I set the pots at dead low tide and allowed them to fish for about 3 hours. I am no expert at catching crabs, so I was very curious to see what would happen.

I also added my GoPro camera to the pot to capture the action. Please click play below to watch the footage! ?

After reviewing the video footage, I learned that it takes time for the larger crabs to climb up the pot and fall in, while the smaller crabs just walk right through the caging.

I also feel that the suet cage (pictured above) was critical to my crabbing success. Without the cage, I believe the bait would have been shredded to bits by the crabs, decreasing the effectiveness of the pot.

In total I caught about two gallons of crabs in under 3 hours. I could not of been happier as I hiked out of the marsh. Fishing success is always a gratifying feeling for me, even if I am just fishing for crabs.

Now all I need to do is find some big tautog and scup to feed these crabs to. Catching those fish on bait I caught on my own will surely make the fishing experience more gratifying.

Best of luck if you head out fishing this week. If you have any questions, then please don't hesitate to leave a comment below.

Tight lines! ?

About the author 

Ryan Collins

I'm fortunate to have grown up on the beach, and I've been fishing since kindergarten. I have great family, friends and fishing experiences to be thankful for. Just being out there is enough-catching fish is just a bonus!

  • Are these traps from Ketcham Supply in New Bedford? If so, do they come with the bait cage or do I need to purchase that seperately? Thanks!

    • Yes Paul, the traps came from Ketcham Supply. You don’t really need the bait cage (I don’t bother using it anymore to be honest) but if you want those cages you can get them from anywhere bird seed is sold. They are most commonly used to hold suet cakes for birds. Good luck!

  • Great primer on catching green crabs for bait. I would offer that using a few chicken legs in the pot will also have them attracted. To obtain a few days of crabs , it might be better to use a larger trap and place it in the marsh or creek over night at your secret honey hole . I have one that still has a little life left if any wants to borrow it. You just need to show me your free permit from the state to do so . Some like the smaller one and some like the larger ones , but both work , one not cut, with just the claws removed and the other cut in half with a good pair of scissors. Peace and Prayers

    • Hey Karl, I just applied for my authorization and would love to take you up on borrowing your trap if the offer is still on the table? Thank you either way

      • Mik e no problem once you get your permit give me a call I am in Sandwich 508 888 8401 I will need to do a little work on it but hopefully i will get to it before you come over Peace and Prayers

    • Hey Carl, I got my authorization letter and would love to pick up that crab trap sometime this week if that works for you. Call me and I’ll come to you, thanks again
      Mike Remlinger

  • Great information and awesome video! Are folks catching them commercially and if so, who buys them wholesale? Seems like with this species being an invasive there would be some incentive to fish for them?

    Mark Nash

    • I’m glad you enjoyed the post Mark! Yes, some people do catch them commercially and sell them to bait shops. For example, my friend Tommy from Maco’s Bait and Tackle in Wareham catches them commercially. Keep me posted with any other questions. Thanks!

  • I have been after green crabs on the lower cape for food and because they are predators of shellfish for a number of years. When I had a trapping letter in 2016, I got a ton in a tidal river mouth, using Chinese crawfish traps and frozen sea clam guts for bait. They are very good tasting, but even the big ones are not very rewarding to pick out the meat. Even egged females, taken with a clam rake off the beach, are not much because the eggs are tough. The claws and some of the bodies, maybe. The chefs who’ve used them make a stock, which is delicious and much less salty than clam broth. There is a commercial fishery of the softshell moults in the Mediterranean, but no one has figured it out for wild ones here. I love your trap, and may try something on the design, with tighter mesh, since the little ones are the most predacious. I would also note about the big ones that they are even feistier than calico crabs and so handle with thick gloves! Footnote for colors: Yellow and orange are common on the underside, but there is a range even locally. A quicker identity is shape, no swimmerets, and dark color on top.

    • Thanks for the awesome comment Mark! I really appreciate you sharing your experiences with green crabs. I had heard about people eating green crabs, but I wasn’t sure if that was true or not. Now I know! Hopefully you can figure out a good recipe/method. Keep in touch and thanks again for the interesting information.

    • Hey Keith, I’m glad you enjoyed the video!

      Here is a link to that crab pot. This week I also tried minnow traps (with the openings widened) and they worked great too.

      LMK if I can help with anything else. ?

  • nice touch with your go pro and cage for bait, I bottom fish the mouth of the merrimack river and the crabs are a real pain, these crabs have an orange hue to them, and one outfit was commercially fishing them, do tou think these are sub species of the green crab, and if they would be good bait? They seem to be about the same size. Maine is trying to make a delicacy out of green crabs b y getting them when they molt and have soft shells and serve them in up scale restaurants. I used to fish when I was younger at a place called Priscillas landing, just before nauset beach parking lot on the left, I would launch my boat or walk all the way to the new cut, good times good fishing and beautiful views and great clamming back then! Mike from western ma. on the deerfield river

    • They make great bait for tautog, sea bass and scup, and I’ve also caught some nice stripers on them. So basically yes, I think it would be worth a try using the crabs! LMK how that goes. ?? Thanks for sharing the nice memories about Nauset and info about these crabs being served up as a delicacy. I would like to meet the chef who is able to make a green crab taste good! LOL. Gluck Mike and thanks for commenting. ?

  • Thanks for the inspiring article Ryan.
    Knowing my wife enjoys catching crabs and tog fishing I went ahead and called Ketchum in NB to place an order for a green crab trap. When I got there to pick it up I ran into another MFCC’er doing the same thing. Nice to meet you Benjamin!

    Our new trap will be soaking tonight!

    • LOL, wow no kidding! That is awesome to hear. I hope both of you guys find some crabs. I wonder if green crabs are plentiful in your area? I guess we will find out soon. Let me know how things go!

  • Nice job Ryan! Are other crab species like fiddler or rock crabs good baits as well for bottom fishing?

  • Thanks for info Ryan I’ve been trying to find the green crabs in the taunton river with little to no success. Definitely more action around the marshes . I’ve got the minn kota with the spot lock if you ever want do some togging.

    • Good to know Jim, thanks for sharing your insight. Marshes certainly seem to be the best. And thank you for the Minn Kota spot lock tog trip invite! Using that feature must be a nice change from have to set and pull anchor.

  • Awesome job Ryan!!! Great pics, super-cool video, informative text; thanks so much!! BTW, brilliance on the suet feeder!! So simple, but amazingly effective!!

  • Hello Ryan,
    Great job on the crabs!!!! As always your videos are always awesome.
    Excuse my ignorance but how do you store the crabs until you go for Tog? (I have never been but will be trying it out this year)

    • Hey Kevin,

      I store the crabs in a 5 gallon bucket, and I keep them in a dark cool place – usually my shed or the basement. They will easily last for over a week, stacked on top of one another in the bucket.

      LMK if you have any other questions. ?

    • Hey Jack ?? I keep the crabs in a 5 gallon bucket, stacked on top of one another. They will survive for easily a week (probably even longer) as long as you keep them in a cool shady spot. LMK if I can help with anything else and I hope all is well!

  • There is a required Letter of Authorization from Kerry Allard at Marine Fisheries, [email protected]. The requirements include marking your trap with your Authorization Number and report your harvest at the end of the season. Not a big deal. It is rewarding as you point out, it’s like raking your own sand eels, but not as tiering.

    • Great Jay, thank you! I appreciate you sharing that information. ??

      Catching the crabs is definitely rewarding, and I’d also like to rake some sand eels this summer.

  • Wow! super cool! Beautiful view of the Marsh. Great job catching the crabs. My brother took his boat out for the first time this morning and texted me a pic of the Tog he caught. I got another text tonight of the tog cooked and on his plate for dinner. What a tease!

  • {"email":"Email address invalid","url":"Website address invalid","required":"Required field missing"}

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