February 15 2023

Ice Fishing off Cape for Pike, Lakers & More

by Ryan Collins

With the exception of a few subzero days, this winter on Cape Cod has been quite mild. It hasn't been cold enough to go ice fishing on the Cape, but nevertheless some of our members have been making the trek out west and up north where safe ice can be found much more easily.

In this report I'd like to share a few of the most notable ice fishing catches I've seen being shared inside our members' forum. From big pike to lake trout, I have enjoyed following along with our members' ice fishing adventures! 🐟

Beautiful Pike Through the Ice

Robbie Sturtevant has been a member of My Fishing Cape Cod since February of 2021, and since that time he's contributed a lot of terrific reports and posts inside our forum. His most recent fishing adventure took him up north with a few of his good buddies.

The crew had a great day on the ice earlier this week, landing several pike, some largemouth bass, and some pickerel. The biggest pike was landed by Robbie's friend and was between 38 and 39 inches long.

Robbie's best pike measured in at 35 inches. It was Robbie's second time ever going ice fishing and that pike was the first he's ever caught through the ice.

He promises he will return for a shot at an even bigger northern.

Lake Trout Fishing in Maine

It really is amazing how much colder the weather can be once you drive off Cape. Because Cape Cod is surrounded by saltwater, our air temperatures are almost always milder than locations further inland.

You won't find sights like the one in the photo above anywhere on Cape Cod, but if you head up to Maine there's certainly plenty of snow and ice.

And Maine is exactly where 2nd year MFCC member Russ Glinos escaped to this past weekend.

Russ had a great time ice fishing on the northern end of Moosehead Lake. His group of three landed around 40 lake trout.

It was Russ's first time ice fishing Moosehead and he recommends the trip to anyone thinking about it!

Local Ice Fishing

Longtime My Fishing Cape Cod member Adam Perrot couldn't let the winter season go by without at least getting on the ice once. He was fishing a local pond, but even with open water in the middle of the pond, Adam was able to find safe ice tucked away in a northern cove. 

Adam jigged a few holes, managed a few bites, and landed a nice rainbow trout. It's probably the only local hard water fishing Adam will get a shot at this season, but it's better than nothing.

In Conclusion

I have not personally done any fishing recently, as I've been spending most of my free time editing footage for season 6 of My Fishing Cape Cod TV, which begins airing 9:30am EST on Saturday February 25th on NBC Sports Boston. I hope you'll tune-in!

However, I have been getting outside each and every day. In fact, this morning my dog Rosie and I happened upon quite the discovery during our morning walk through the woods...

I had always dreamt about finding a deer antler! To say I was pumped-up would have been an understatement.

Spring (and saltwater fishing) may still be a few months away, but trust me it will be here before we know it. I hope you have a great rest of your week, and as always, tight lines! 🎣

For more ice fishing

Please visit our ice fishing topic inside our members' forum.

About the author 

Ryan Collins

I'm fortunate to have grown up on the beach, and I've been fishing since kindergarten. I have great family, friends and fishing experiences to be thankful for. Just being out there is enough-catching fish is just a bonus!

  • Very nice! Such a beautiful area! In a past life I spent a lot of time up in Greenville and Shirley Mills. You said northern Moosehead…what town were you in? Obviously Greenville is “southern” Moosehead but I sure loved that area!

      • I stayed at a place called “The Birches” like 20 years ago. I think it was in Rockwood. No idea if it exists anymore. The road from Greenville to Rockwood was always our go-to moose spotting route.

  • Looks like a Great time and congratulations. I have 2 questions. Did you cut that many holes so the fish can be landed easier- I have never seen that, also why is the bucket in the ice. Are you chumming or does it help shiners

    • that was a “live well” we werent fishing out of it. the orange bucket insert was covering the only hole in the well while we dealt with getting the hook out/getting a few pictures. then when she was ready, down the hole she went. just makes it easier to deal with bigger fish, not that mines a monster. thank you!

  • Thank you Robbie for the report. I am exploring Exuma in the Bahamas, and will be wetting a line too. M.F.C.C. members seem to be everywhere.

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