October 25 2018

Cape Cod Largemouth Bass Fishing From Shore During October


Ryan Collins

In this video I am freshwater largemouth bass fishing from shore on Cape Cod during October of 2018. I am with my rescue dog Rosie, who I am discovering does amazingly well during fishing trips.

She basically stays with me the entire time off the leash and doesn't wander off anywhere which is great. 

The largemouth bass fishing was also great during this trip, with many small ones caught around submerged timber and especially lily pads (which are quickly dying off now that it's getting cold here on Cape Cod).

The lure used during this video is a broken-back Rapala that was passed down to me from a 75 year old fishing friend of mine. Please click play below to watch!


Want to learn more about bass fishing on Cape Cod? 

Then please click below to view some of our top largemouth and smallmouth bass fishing articles on My Fishing Cape Cod.

What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

  • Nice relaxing video Ryan. I’ll be trying ponds first time this year, how about a MFCC gathering/meeting some time soon?

    • Sounds great Igor. LMK if I can help with anything freshwater related. There are some nice places to try fishing up in the Wellesley area as well. I have caught some really nice largemouths in the past at Noanet Pond and Powisset Pond in Dover.

      Lauren and I will definitely be organizing more MFCC meetups! However we are heading to Mexico soon for the rest of November, then we’re home for December and then leaving for Costa Rica January-early February. So a lot going on but I am very much looking forward to hosting more meetups at FV Restaurant!

      • Well have a blast down there! I nearly managed to book myself for CR with you… work. Next time around I will be on it as soon as you have the dates.
        Hello to L:)

  • Rosie sure is a great fishing companion!
    With all those little Bass there must be plenty of forage in that pond. I wonder what is available? Also I bet if you used a baby bass lure or live lined a yellow perch at any drop off you would find some bigger bass.

        • It’s actually a public water source so I don’t think boats of any kind are allowed. I did see a photo of your new boat on Instagram though andit looks sweet! However shoot me a text if you want and I can let you know where the pond is. Bit of a hike from your house.

  • Great little video Ryan! Loved the underwater footage. Rosie is so cute! Looking forward to reading the attached links to keep us all going thru the winter! I feel very fortunate to have a house in Brewster! So many good spots near us! Thanks!

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