I can sense that I am once again starting to turn into a nocturnal creature. The past couple of nights I have been up all night, going to bed when the rest of Cape Cod is just waking up. It's amazing the influence a little fish can have on your lifestyle.
Yet I love this lifestyle and wouldn't trade it for the world. Monday night I fished the Canal all by my lonesome, and was reminded why most folks choose a warm bed over jagged slippery rocks and a cold wind-driven rain. Last night was much of the same and I actually took cover for a few minutes inside a barnacle laden jetty, in an effort to stay dry.
Throughout it all I felt very calm and balanced, because despite the tough weather I knew this is where I ought to be. I think if something feels right, then you need to do it. Night fishing lonely stretches of shore line feels right to me, so that's what I'll be doing over the next couple of months.
Of course chasing tuna and trolling up a 40 pound bass feels pretty good too, so you can rest assured I will also be giving that a solid go. Summer is just getting started folks and I think we all have a lot of good things in store.
Night Fishing Estuaries with Eels | July 2 Cape Cod Fishing Report
Yesterday evening around 6pm I decided it was time to fish eels. I have been chomping at the bit to toss snakes all season long, and with it officially being July, I figured now was as good a time as ever to give it a shot.
The tides looked perfect for one of my favorite estuaries. This is a spot where bass ride  the incoming tide into extremely skinny water under the cover of pitch black darkness. During the day the place may seem devoid of life, but during the depths of night the place comes alive.
In this estuary, small bass will sometimes feed in just a few inches of water. If you are on the lookout, you can catch these stripers with your bare hands-which is exactly what I did in the below video, filmed during 2012.
However small bass are not the only night time visitor's to Cape Cod's estuaries. Larger fish will venture back into marshes after dark too. One of the best ways to catch these fish is by slinging live eels.
That was my plan going into last night's night fishing excursion. I hoped to sling live eels to schoolies and small keepers in the backwaters of a Cape Cod estuary.
Around 7pm I started eagerly anticipating night fall, but I still had 6 hours to go until the tide would be right. I couldn't help myself so I decided to head over to the estuary early and scope things out.
After shooting that video I headed back home, got some computer work done, prepped the fishing gear and was back at the same estuary, ready to fish, just before 1AM.