August 4, 2022

How Striped Bass Position Themselves in the Monomoy Rips

by Ryan Collins

Over the past couple of weeks I have really enjoyed using my drone and underwater cameras to film fish and marine wildlife on Cape Cod. If you were able to watch the recent menhaden or humpback videos then you know what I mean! I really enjoy the challenge and reward of filming fish in unique ways.

When I was kid I would often dream about what it looked like down there along the bottom of the ocean. I would also ponder how things looked for the sea gulls and terns which flew above. To my amazement technology has now made it possible for us to see the images we once could only dream about.

Drone & Underwater Video of the Monomoy Rips

The footage above was filmed at the Monomoy Rips on July 27th, 2021. It originally appeared in season 5 of My Fishing Cape Cod TV.

Even though this video is now over one year old, I wanted to re-share it, because I hope people will gain a deeper appreciation of striped bass after watching. I also find it very peaceful watching fish and it helps to keep me in a good mood. Plus according to my analytics, not too many people have seen this footage before, so I figured it would be beneficial to re-post.

I hope you enjoy watching these amazing fish as much as I do! Please let me know what you think by leaving a comment below.  ✌🏻

Tight lines! 🎣


PS-For the latest Monomoy area fishing reports, please visit the Monomoy striper action topic inside our members' forum.

About the author 

Ryan Collins

I'm fortunate to have grown up on the beach, and I've been fishing since kindergarten. I have great family, friends and fishing experiences to be thankful for. Just being out there is enough-catching fish is just a bonus!

  • Fascinating footage!

    What would you estimate the size of these fish to be? I was thinking low 20s?

    I was surprised how much they move around, constantly repositioning.

    My arms almost reflexively want to toss a soft plastic as I watch this!

  • Thank you for re-posting. I am impressed by the footage from below and above. It definitely gives us a minute understanding of how the fish and rip tides interact in this particular event. Very fascinating.

    I too enjoyed the calming and peaceful feeling I get watching this video.

    Thanks again.

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