
January 26, 2025

Ever wondered what to do with that unexpected skate in your catch? As someone whose husband regularly brings home surprising seafood treasures, I've discovered that pan-fried skate wing isn't just good - it's downright extraordinary.Think of it as flounder's sophisticated cousin, with a unique texture and sweet, delicate flavor that

January 14, 2025

Let's talk about the time I managed to turn a perfectly good striped bass into something even better - despite those impossibly tiny curry paste jars that seem designed by someone who's never actually cooked before. But hey, who doesn't love a good kitchen challenge, right?Ingredients (The Stars of Our

December 22, 2024

All my life my mom, dad and I would enjoy lobster bisque together every Christmas Eve. So with Christmas on the horizon, I wanted to make sure I shared this recipe. It's a hearty, comforting and easy-to-make holiday meal to say the least!Want a meal that's quick and easy to

December 7, 2024

Most fisherman fishing for jack crevalle are doing it for sport. After all, jack crevalles do produce violent topwater bites and drag blistering runs, which make anglers like my husband Ryan go crazy! Unfortunately, jack crevalle are typically not considered to be a good fish to eat. Similar to bluefish,

November 24, 2024

Last week I shared an old favorite tautog recipe called Parmesan Crusted Tautog. Now I would imagine that many of you have plenty of tautog fillets in your freezer after this productive fall tautog season, so I figured what better time than now to share another blackfish favorite of mine!In this

November 10, 2024

Tautog is one of our favorite fish to both catch and cook on Cape Cod.  With it's hearty white meat, it holds up well to almost any way of cooking.And now that's November, I figured what better time than now to republish this post! Afterall, tautog are one of the

September 15, 2024

This recipe was originally published in June of 2019. Late summer is a good time to find bluefish on Cape Cod, so we figured now would be the perfect time to re-publish this post.Raise your hand if you're one of the billion people who think bluefish taste oily, fishy and

September 8, 2024

Today I want to share with you a recipe I created using fresh tuna steaks and a throwback to my days of living and working in Wellesley, Massachusetts.This recipe is perfect as an appetizer, or it can be made into the main event for a meal.  I used homemade pita

September 4, 2024

False albacore are not typically regarded as a good fish to eat.If you don't treat them properly, albies will make a bloody mess when you fillet them, with lots of dark red meat that maybe only the dog would consider trying.Albies are typically not regarded as good to eat, but

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Video: Mediterranean Roasted Tautog

In this recipe, tautog is simmered and roasted in a Mediterranean style sauce of freshly chopped tomatoes, spices, herbs, capers and golden raisins.

Members-Only Video: Stuffed Quahogs with Chorizo

In this video we'll dive for clams, shuck the clams, and ultimately cook them on the grill.

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Did you know we have an entire forum dedicated to Cape Cod seafood? Click the button below to check it out!
