June 23 2013

MFCC Podcast Session #2


I can't believe it is already Sunday again. The weeks just keep on trucking by.

This past week was a lot of fun. The weather was pretty fantastic and it definitely felt like summertime on Cape Cod. This coming week is looking pretty wonderful too, both from a weather and fishing perspective. It should be a great week for the beach and for the boat.

I think you will have a lot to look forward to if you plan on fishing Cape Cod this week.

Recap of this Past Week's Fishing

In today's second ever edition of the My Fishing Cape Cod podcast, we'll start off by recapping this past week's fishing excursions. I was able to get on the water twice this past week, and I enjoyed perfectly calm and sunny conditions both days.

On Tuesday I kayak fished a section of Woods Hole and then Barnstable Harbor with a buddy of mine. We found plenty of small stripers, bluefish and a whole bunch of no-see-ums (those brutally annoying sand fleas LOL). I don't fish from a kayak often so this was a great all around experience for yours truly.

Then on Thursday my Mom, Dad and I headed east of Chatham for a chance at a giant bluefin tuna. The amount of life we stumbled across out there was pretty staggering.

Night Fishing Estuaries & Inlets

With summer now here, catching bass from shore during the day will become a bit more challenging. If you want to increase your odds of a decent fish, consider heading to an estuary or inlet after dark.

Up second in this podcast we'll talk about 3 ways to fish inlets after dark.

  • Jigging the bottom
  • Stickbaits in tidal pools
  • Drifting live eels

Over the years I've used these 3 techniques quite often when fishing inlets and estuaries after dark. They work well and are a lot of fun.

Next Week's Fishing

Last but not least, we'll wrap things up by discussing this coming week's fishing plans.

At this time of the season there is a lot to choose from, whether it's striped bass, sea bass, bluefish or bluefin tuna. Aside from different species there are many different places and environments worthy of a cast. From Stellwagen Bank to Cuttyhunk, I am a little torn as to where to fish this week.

You can listen to all of this and more by clicking below.

Tight lines, take care and enjoy the sun,


click here to listen

Show Notes

kayak fishing woods hole and barnstable harbor

tuna fishing east of chatham


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