April 10 2014

Trout Fishing On Cape Cod Report | Day 2


So far this spring I have been having a lot of fun trout fishing on Cape Cod. During my most recent Cape Cod trout fishing trip I was able to catch a beautiful rainbow trout, and explore one of the Cape's most scenic freshwater kettle ponds.

That was a great trip, and since then I have been chomping at the bit to give trout fishing another try. Fortunately spring has arrived here on Cape Cod, and the weather for trout fishing could not be any better.

Cape Cod Trout Fishing Report | Day 2

trout fishing on cape cod

I arrived at a gorgeous little pond which we'll talk more about in the extended fishing report. The sun was bright and I appreciated the warmth.

There was a small beach in front of where I had parked, so I figured the beach was as good a starting point as any. I made my way down into the crystal clear, cold water and started casting around.

trout fishing on cape cod report

I then noticed a point of land, north of my position, that jutted out into the heart of the pond. Perhaps this point provided access to deeper water, and would be the perfect spot to intercept trout as they cruised around the pond.

Minutes later I was walking along a path that meandered through the woodlands, en route to the above mentioned point of land.

The Best Fisherman Of All

cape cod trout fishing hawk

Once I arrived at the point of land, I confirmed that the spot did provide perfect access to deeper water. The spot also afforded me an expansive view of the entire kettle pond.

Out over the center of the pond circled a Red Tailed Hawk. Like me the hawk was fishing, likely for the same trout I hoped to catch.

The sky grew darker as the sun began to set, the wind died and the pond's surface soon resembled a pane of glass. I could now see that trout were surfacing out in the center of the pond, underneath the circling hawk.

The hawk then ceased its circles and made a sudden turn towards me. She came down close to the surface of the pond and soared directly at me, turning upwards at the last moment to perch herself on the branch above my head.

trout fishing report cape cod

There the hawk remained, perched above my head, watching me cast out into the pond.

Just minutes later I noticed that the surfacing trout, which had been holding offshore, were moving in closer to me. The fish were undoubtedly headed directly at me.

I wondered if the hawk, perched directly above and behind me, knew that the trout were on the move, and had intentionally positioned herself in the exact right spot at the exact right time.

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