August 30 2023

The 2023 Boston Children’s Fluke Fishing Trip

by Ryan Collins

If you follow My Fishing Cape Cod closely, then you might have noticed the fundraiser we held to benefit Boston Children's Hospital. We launched the fundraiser on July 28th and within a few short weeks raised over $7,000 thanks to the generosity of My Fishing Cape Cod members!

As a bonus, we randomly drew two names out of the donors to join myself, MFCC member Bruno Demir of Cape & Islands Mitsubishi, and Eddy Kooyomjian of Monomoy Tackle for a day of fluke fishing. The winners were longtime members Leslie Kalinowski of Brewster, and Joe Vaudo Jr. of Sandwich.

Throughout the day we encountered an excellent and consistent bite of keeper-size fluke, and in this report I'll share some of the action and highlights of the day! 🐟

Saquatucket Harbor - August 24th, 2023

It was a flat calm morning and the sky was still pitch dark when I arrived at Saquatucket Harbor in Harwich. I organized all my camera equipment and made my way down to the dock where Bruno kept his downeast boat the Gaviota.

Within a half an hour the crews had arrived. MFCC member Leslie Kalinowski hopped onboard the Gavi with myself, Bruno, Bruno's cousin Al, and Bruno's kids Emir and Ali.

Eddy had his 21 foot Steigercraft tied up alongside the Gavi, with MFCC member Joe Vaudo and Eddy's brother Mark onboard.

Leslie Kalinowski and Bruno Demir, both of Brewster, MA.

Bruno's 30' downeast Gaviota and Eddy's 21' Steigercraft.

Joe Vaudo of Sandwich, MA - member of My Fishing Cape Cod since 2018.

Together we made our way out of Saquatucket into the waters of Nantucket Sound. We enjoyed a beautiful sunrise over the sandy island of Monomoy, and I could feel the excitement and anticipation in the air.

I think we all had a feeling that this was going to be a great day on the water.

Consistent Fluke Action

Upon arriving in this general location off Cape Cod, Bruno setup a drift and we dropped our fluke rigs down to the bottom. During this trip we used a variety of different fluke rigs, paired with 2-5 ounce jigs. 

We tipped our hooks using the baits shown in the image below. 

The sea was flat calm and conditions were picture-perfect. We drifted at around 1.5 knots which is ideal for fluke fishing because it keeps the rigs moving nicely along the bottom.

I waited in eager anticipation to see who would be the first to get a bite.

Just a few minutes later Leslie got a big hit and was hooked up with a nice one!


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The rest of this fishing report is only available to
members of My Fishing Cape Cod.

About the author 

Ryan Collins

I'm fortunate to have grown up on the beach, and I've been fishing since kindergarten. I have great family, friends and fishing experiences to be thankful for. Just being out there is enough-catching fish is just a bonus!

  • We had a fantastic trip! Perfect conditions, Bruno’s boat is beautiful and so comfortable! His boys were delightful and very helpful! Cousin Al was incredible too!

    The fishing was fantastic! That was the first time I had ever caught fluke, we caught so many! Per Bruno, “The cherry on top” was the excitement looking for tuna! Although we didn’t catch tuna, we had a wonderful whale, baitfish, bird and wildlife show!

    I filleted my fluke (first time filleting my own fish) the next morning. The fish was delicious! On Bruno’s suggestion I fried it with a corn flour based product called “Louisiana Fish Fry”. It was delicious and has a nice kick to it!

    Thank you to Ryan and Bruno for such a wonderful trip. I feel grateful for the opportunity to support Boston’s Children’s Hospital.

    Ryan your drone footage of the Gaviota is beautiful! I love the underwater pictures of the fluke too. It’s incredible to see what going on below! Fantastic work!

  • Sounds like a great day for a great cause! I was out in the same area with my wife and kids with same results! we sure do live in a special place!

  • Thanks for all the effort here. I actually work at Children’s running the tech for the philanthropy efforts, so I saw this from the admin end. Great work.

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