Garet Suomala
Hey MFCC, Garet Suomala here bringing you another tale of a summer's day on Cape Cod.
Now I know you might be expecting me to talk about fishing, but not this time.
Instead I am going to share 7 fun things to do on Cape Cod besides fishing. So buckle up and enjoy the ride!
#7) Bowling
I have to mention bowling because there is an ally right down the street from my house. I don't want to brag, but I am a pretty good bowler.
So if any of you are in the Hyannis area and want to play a friendly game, I would be up for the challenge.
#6) The Food

A classic Cape Cod lobster roll, photographed at Spanky's Clam Shank, last April before Garet and Ryan embarked on their first fishing trip of the season.
I'm sure you guys could have guessed this one. A big reason Cape Cod is such a nice places, is because of the great "Chow."
Now I am not one to shy away from eating. Its something I do well. We are blessed here on Cape Cod to have so many different cuisines to chose from.
May it be Caribbean food, Chinese, Japanese, Brazilian food-I can go on and on and on. But I won't because I don't want to make you guys hungry.
#5) Warm Summer Nights

Sunset at Newcomb Hollow in Wellfleet. Captured by MFCC member Bill Couture
during Ryan's 27 mile walk/surfcasting trip.
One of my favorite things about Cape Cod is summer. I enjoy the summers here, but don't get me wrong, for people like me who live on Cape year-round, knows how crazy it can be during summer!
But the weather on Cape Cod is often very nice during the summer. Warm nights are perfect for walking outside and going to get an ice cream.
#4) Church League Softball

Summer church league baseball is pretty popular on Cape Cod. Author Garet Suomala
has been playing for the last 5 years.
The fourth thing about living on Cape Cod thats fun for me is my church's softball team. Every Friday evening during the first part of the summer, the guys from our church get together and play softball. I also play on our team, and we always at least make the playoffs.
I also love baseball, and I really enjoy Cape League baseball, which takes place each summer. I don't make it to every game, but when I do go, I always have fun.
#3) Mini Golf at Pirate's Cove
Ahoy matties! Now sit right down and let my tell yee a tale. A tale of a little round white ball, and little fairways.
How do you guys like my Pirate talk?
Yea I suppose it's not very good, aye? I figured I would try, since I am talking about Pirates Cove-my favorite mini golf course on Cape Cod.
#2) Cape Cod Bay Sandbars
On this day my brother Kyle and my sister-in-law Erin came home to Cape Cod from Minnesota for a visit. They could only stay on Cape for a few days, but it was going to be enjoyable just the same.
One day Ryan and his family brought my family out to the sand bars of Cape Cod Bay. It was a beautiful day and we could get our feet wet by walking in the water.

One of the best parts was the ice cream boat!
Ryan soon went out on one of his "adventures" but before we knew it, he came back holding something in his arms.
What he had was something I have never seen before. These were sea clams, and pretty big ones at that. After that little adventure, we took those clams back to our house and cooked them up. The clam chowder was mighty tasty!
You see I am not only blessed with wonderful biological parents who I love very much, but I am also blessed with Ryan's parents, who are like a second mom and dad for me.
Ryan's parents are always happy to give me a ride to a seminar or event, and they also take me out on their boat.
#1) Driving on the Beach
Now Mom it's probably a good idea if you don't read this one, because one day this past January, Ryan let my steer his truck on the beach.

Thankfully he did not let me control the gas pedal, or for sure I would have taken his truck for a swim, and metal does not float!
It was so much fun for me to do that, even though it was only for a little bit. We should have worn shoulder, elbow, knee pads and a helmet, just in case.
Thank your lucky stars I can't drive, because if I could, WATCH OUT!.
Me to dex
When I first started out in the game, I could not afford a boat. We would rent a skiff from Maco’s and fish the upper bay. Dick Hopwood would always see to it that I got the skiff with the biggest outboard that he would put on his boats for no extra charge. I would buy a flat of worms and off we would go. We would troll those worms on Niantic Bay spinners and catch some nice bass. The scup would drive us crazy though. Had many memorable trips out there. Dick always put me on the fish. For his loyalty to me and to this day, if it is bait and ice I need, Maco’s gets the call.
I’m in Florida right now, but your writing brought my mind back to the place I love the most. Thanks, enjoy spring.
Great article Garet! You forgot to mention how much you like milk and cookies and making fun of those Buffalo Bills…
Hi jack. Yes i did, sorry. Nice to here from you. See you soon. Say hi to sharron
Where’s the ice cream boat?
At barnstable harbor
Penguin’s ice cream is the best!
Yes. I don’t go much. I used to, so much fun. Hope to see you at ryans breakfast Dex
Ah. Yes, cape baseball is fun, But fishing is way more fun. See ya soon dex
In the “old days” of being single, the Mill Hill Club would have led off my list …
Ahrrrrrr me buck-o ….
Hopefully we will all be fishing soon
Garet, I enjoyed your very positive post on many things Cape Cod. Especially the part about driving the beach. There were many times I wish I had a fellow like you to run the chase vehicle down the beach as we ran after the fish. I wish for you to live long and strong. Catch em up every chance you get.
Well thank you Gary
Hey Garet,
I love Cape League baseball. The first time I went to a Chatham A’s game it was called early due to fog. You couldn’t see the outfielders and they definitely couldn’t see the ball!