October 11 2021

Bioluminescence on Camera | Thresher Shark


Last week while tuna fishing in Cape Cod Bay I hooked into a big thresher shark.

I happened to have an underwater camera rigged up on the line, and when the shark dove deep I was surprised to see bioluminescence on the tips of the thresher's pectoral fin. 


I thought the footage was absolutely beautiful which is why I am sharing it online. Check it out by clicking play below! 👇

Responsive Video

And for anyone who is wondering, the shark was released and is hopefully out there somewhere right now living out its life. ✌🏻

Best of luck and good luck if you make it out fishing this week.

Tight lines! ?

What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

  • Thanks for including this very peaceful and beautiful video, demonstrating that not all fishing video has to be heart pumping non-stop action.

  • I’ve seen blue bioluminescent activity basically nonstop at this little estuary that’s loaded with bait on the south side in Falmouth. I’ve fished there pretty much every day since the last week of sept. After consistently seeing the blue patches moving through the night water in 3 different sizes, it seems like they’re bioluminescent plankton who are being eaten by baitfish, causing the baitfish to glow. The glowing baitfish are then being eaten by 25”+ stripers and it’s crazy, you can see the fish swim right in front of you with big glowing stomachs. At first I thought I was nuts but I’ve had a few other anglers observe the exact same thing

    • That is nuts! I’ve never heard of that happening before, but it makes sense to me. Sounds like you are having an awesome October witnessing all these cool phenomena and catching quality bass. I might venture down your way sometime soon. Keep an eye out for me! LOL

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