April 9 2021

Cape Cod Fishing Report | Early April 2021


The spring migration of striped bass is about 3 weeks away from reaching Cape Cod. Fishing for squid, haddock and tautog will also heat up as we progress into the month of April.

This podcast was recorded on April 9th, and in this show you'll get fishing reports from Ryan Collins, MFCC members Bruno Demir and John Figmic, and Erik Wisniewski from the Goose Hummock Shops.

Our next fishing report podcast will be two weeks from today, but once the Cape Cod  saltwater fishing season really gets going we will plan on publishing these fishing reports and podcasts weekly.


We're also working to include a wide array of guests to help provide fishing reports for more areas around Cape Cod and the Islands. We will keep you posted on developments. ✌?

A full-length written transcription of today's podcast is also available at the bottom of this post. For a quick preview of the guests and what is discussed, please scroll below. ?

When we talked with MFCC founder Ryan Collins, he was freshwater fishing at a pond in Bourne. Ryan was also recently at the Bournedale herring run, but so far he's yet to see any big schools of herring there.

In addition, there's been plenty of giveaways happening on My Fishing Cape Cod, and Ryan gives us all the details in our conversation. Details about the May 8th long-distance casting competition, as well as the October 2nd team surfcasting tournament are also discussed.

Ryan goes on to summarize some of the top recent catches from the MFCC community, which includes fishing for white perch, trout and shellfishing. 

According to Ryan, squid ought to arrive by the end of April, and if this spring is anything like last spring, then schoolie stripers will show up in Buzzard's Bay around the same time.

Second in today's lineup is Bruno Demir - My Fishing Cape Cod member and owner of Cape & Islands Mitsubishi.

Last week Bruno stopped by the Stony Brook herring run in Brewster and was greeted by dozens of sea gulls and some nice schools of river herring. Bruno also thinks some anglers have already been out targeting winter flounder with sea worms.

Another species which Bruno is hoping to target this spring are haddock. Haddock are wonderful eating, and they are already being caught just north of the Cape. According to Bruno, anchoring up and fishing fresh clams is a good bet.

Members of MFCC can access Bruno's full report by clicking play below, or by reading the podcast transcription. ?

Third in today's lineup is John Figmic, resident of Sandwich and a member of My Fishing Cape Cod.

So far this spring John has been chasing trout at the Cape's kettle ponds, and he's also been out digging clams and oysters. During the season, John splits his time between fishing the beach and fishing the Cape Cod Canal.

Right now John thinks we'll start seeing herring in the Bournedale run very soon, but he hasn't seen any in earnest yet. John thinks that maybe another week or 10 days and the herring run will get going.

Members of MFCC can access his full report by clicking play below, or by reading the podcast transcription. ?

We finish up today's podcast with a conversation with Erik Wisniewski of the Goose Hummock Shops in Orleans. 

Freshwater fishing has been on fire according to Erik, with anglers finding plenty of opportunities for largemouths, smallmouths and trout. 

In addition, Erik provides us with a river herring report, as well as a schoolie striped bass forecast. 

Members of MFCC can access Erik's full report by clicking play below, or by reading the podcast transcription. ?

Podcast Transcription

Well, hello and welcome to another edition to the My Fishing Cape Cod podcast here from myfishingcapecod.com. I'm your host, Kevin Collins back with you for our first podcast in the month of April. And this will be a traditional fishing report podcast. I know we've been mixing it up a little bit between the fishing reports and also some great interviews with some of our members and other folks around the fishing community on Cape Cod.

But this will be a traditional fishing report and we've got a great lineup of guests for you on today's show. We're going to start off with MFCC founder and creator, Ryan Collins. Next up will be our good buddy Bruno Demir from down at Cape & Islands Mitsubishi. Next up will be a first time guest on the podcast. It'll be MFCC member John Figmic who will join us to talk about fishing the Cape Cod Canal among other things. And last but not least, Erik Wisniewski from down behind the counter at the Goose Hummock shop in Orleans. So without further delay, let's dive right into today's program.

Well, as usual, our first guest on this week's edition of the My Fishing Cape Cod podcast, is none other than MFCC founder and creator Ryan Collins. And Ryan's joining us via the phone as usual. Ryan, how are you this beautiful morning?

I'm doing very well, Kevin. Thanks for asking. Right now I'm overlooking a little pond down the street from my house. It's so calm seeing that you can see the reflection of the trees on the pond. It's just like a mirror.

Click here to read the full podcast transcript...

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