November 19, 2016

Ryan Turcotte Yesterday, for the first time, I fished Rhode Island, hoping to catch a few migrating stripers. I put in a lot of effort bouncing around from place to place. Most places had signs of life and plenty of bait but the fish seemed to be staying far offshore where I could only watch the feeds

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November 18 Rhode Island Surfcasting Report
November 10, 2016

Ryan Collins This fishing trip began yesterday afternoon around 2:30pm. After a fairly long drive I popped out of my car, eager to check the inlet and nearby beach. There were birds and a seal diving and feeding in the crests of waves. I saw a small splash, which I thought may have been a striper.

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Impressive Schools of Young Striped Bass
November 7, 2016

Yesterday I was shocked to be catching monster bluefish during November! Big blues are still around if you know where to look, and are willing to travel. Yesterday actually began with micro-schoolies jumping and chasing bait in the early morning sunlight.
After catching a few micros I noticed a large flock of birds working hard over what appeared to be some very large bluefish. I quickly reeled in my line and began to carefully hustle down the jetty rocks.

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Monster November Bluefish
October 31, 2016

This October I’ve been surfcasting different locations, including spots around the Greater Boston area, in search of late-season striped bass.

I am having fun exploring new places, and catching a few stripers here and there.
During this trip (which took place on October 25th) I was surprised to encounter hundreds of cormorants, diving and feeding.

With so many cormorants in the area, I figured there must be bait around. Can you imagine the amount of baitfish required to feed a giant flock of cormorants?

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Surfcasting Greater Boston for Striped Bass
August 31, 2016

Ryan Collins 10 days ago my bachelor party buddies and I fished Prince Edward Island with captain Troy of Bruce Brothers Charters. The target was giant bluefin tuna. Prince Edward Island is one of the best places in the world to catch and observe the largest tunas on the planet. However, I also wanted to investigate

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Tuna Fishing PEI with Bruce Brothers Charters
March 20, 2016

Ryan Collins This trip began before sunrise nearly one year ago, on May 22nd, 2015.  My friend Jeff Coates and I were en route to New Hampshire, to target big smallmouth bass as they prepared for the spawn. Although we would fish in New Hampshire, it is also very possible to target spawning smallmouths here

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Targeting Squam Lake’s Smallmouth Bass
March 17, 2016

Michael Mathias ​In the Great North Woods, in the State of New Hampshire, about 15 miles south of the Canadian border, lies one of the Northeast’s finest fishing destinations. In and around the small Town of Pittsburg, the mighty Connecticut River runs through the landscape, weaving its way to Long Island Sound-some 407 miles to

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Fly Fishing the Upper Connecticut River – Pittsburg, NH
March 14, 2016

Danny Guadagnoli The trip north from San Jose del Cabo, Mexico is a winding drive through dried riverbeds and a desolate landscape of endless cacti.  The many wooden crosses lining the narrow highway serve as a reminder that you’re in a wild place and ought to exercise caution. It was late June, and my dad

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Surfcasting East Cape, Mexico
March 8, 2016

Captain Jason Colby At least once or twice a winter I go to visit my mother in the Boca Raton area of Florida.When I arrive for one of these visits, I purchase a temporary fresh and saltwater fishing license, and the first morning I am easily found by looking out my mother’s back window towards

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Warm Air & Freshwater | Targeting Floridian Bass
February 18, 2016

Danny Guadagnoli My first trip to Los Cabos came shortly after the first time I saw a picture of a Roosterfish in The World Atlas of Saltwater Fishing. With a little convincing of my mom (my dad was on board the moment I was), we were in Cabo San Lucas, the southernmost tip of Baja, strapped

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Surfcasting Los Cabos, Mexico
February 15, 2016

Danny Guadagnoli Every winter, as I know most surfcasters experience, I find myself desperately trying to replace the void created with the lack of striped bass in my life. There came a point as a youngster when I could no longer tolerate this feeling and had to alleviate it the only way I knew how. I

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A Surfcaster’s Escape In Latin America
February 5, 2016

Jim Murphy Here are some things I learned about fishing in New Jersey in early to mid November. New Jersey is big—much bigger than Massachusetts, at least on a longitudinal basis. You may have seen photos and videos of New Jersey scenes in the fishing mags, on Facebook, and Instagram. The photos and videos of big cow

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Fishing New Jersey