January 11, 2012

Over the past two seasons Chatham has held one of the largest bio-masses of striped bass Cape Cod fishermen have ever seen. It is hard to say why these enormous schools of striped bass have chosen Chatham over other Cape Cod striped bass fishing hot spots.  There has been an absurd amount of bait present

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January 1, 2012

Finding a good place to fish is the most challenging and important aspect of any fishing trip. The best gear and most effective baits won’t catch a thing if there are no fish in the area you are fishing. Therefore it’s important to develop a strategy for finding productive waters. Entire books have been written

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Strategically Use Sonar to Find Big Stripers
January 1, 2012

Viewed on a chart Billingsgate Shoal is the most noticeable and extensive are of structure inside Cape Cod Bay. The Shoal extends from a few miles north of Dennis’ Sesuit Harbor to northernmost point of Wellfleet. Back in the 1800’s a small village of houses was located on Billingsgate Island which once sat just outside

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Billingsgate Shoal
January 1, 2012

It seems that each season striped bass select a different Cape Cod location to infiltrate in amazing numbers. Said another way, certain areas on the Cape fish incredibly well one season while past hot spots quiet down a bit. During 2010 and 2011 the indisputable striper hot spot was the area off Chatham. The fishing

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Provincetown’s Striper Hot Spot: The Bath House
December 23, 2011

Happy New Year (or almost New Year)! I find it hard to believe that 2012 is already upon us.  I can remember those warm, flat calm August fishing trips as if it was just yesterday. With the 2012 Cape Cod striped bass season still months away, now is the time to get the gear prepared

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2012 Seminar: Targeting Big Stripers with the Tube and Worm
December 20, 2011

Over the past several seasons we have consistently found and hooked up with tuna in certain areas around Stellwagen and Cape Cod Bay.  Without a doubt some spots have consistently produced action and sightings, while other regions seem for the most part devoid of tuna life. Take this with a grain of salt and remember

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Tuna Hook Up & Sightings Map
December 15, 2011

Summary: These days it seems like just about everyone has their own theory as to the best way to manage striped bass. Division amongst the striped bass fishing community runs rampant. Ironically, these differing viewpoints over commercial fishing and game fish status may be doing more harm than good to the fish striped bass anglers

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How Division Amongst Anglers Puts the Striped Bass Fishery at Risk
November 29, 2011

Happy Holidays! I hope everyone has recovered from their turkey comas.  Thank goodness Black Friday is behind us.  I had to go to Target that day and am very relieved I wasn’t pepper sprayed.  What a crazy tradition that has turned into. In the spirit of the Holidays I am offering a few special deals

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My Fishing Cape Cod Holiday Deal Specials
November 26, 2011

Live eels produced a lot of big bass throughout the 2011 season.  The night bite was spectacular during August and September.  We also had a few awesome nights in October before the fish moved south. This first video was taken during early September.  The bass moved up tight into 8-15 feet of water under a

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Live Eeling Big Stripers
November 26, 2011

Here is a collection of videos from the past few seasons.  I’m hoping to improve video capabilities for 2012.  I’m thinking underwater cameras will be nice! Until then I hope you enjoy these vids.  Just select a category from the drop down menu.  Be sure to check out accompanying fishing reports from when the videos

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Miss Loretta Videos
November 25, 2011

Whether you are targeting stripers or tuna, fluke or bluefish, using live bait will almost always outproduce the fake stuff.  Enjoy browsing through these categories of live bait fishing, accessible via the drop down menu above. As with each and every category on this blog, more posts and content will be added as time goes

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Live Bait Fishing
November 9, 2011

At a meeting in Boston yesterday morning, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commision did not approve Addendum III, which could have  reduced striped bass fishing mortality by up to 40%.  If the Addendum had passed, recreational and commercial striped bass fishermen could have seen changes in size limits, bag limits and a reduction in the

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ASMFC Striped Bass Meeting: New Perspectives on Striped Bass Management