November 22 2013

MFCC Podcast 007 : Season Review & How To Find Bass Along Desolate Beaches


In this session of the My Fishing Cape Cod Podcast I take look back at the 2013 Cape Cod saltwater fishing season. Specifically we will talk about this year's bass and tuna bite, how to find stripers along desolate beaches and even answer some of your Facebook questions at the end.

For me personally this past season was a huge success. The boat ran well and I safely made it through the year, which is about all I can really ask for. The fishing was pretty darn good too.

To produce this podcast I worked with my technically savvy cousin Kevin, who helped add in some pretty intense voice over and sound effects. This is a big step up from my previous podcasts!

More specifically, in this podcast you'll find out about:

  • How the fishing at the Cape Cod Canal compared to the 2012 season
  • The Chatham striped bass biomass
  • The lack of tuna in close to shore
  • What the real measure of Cape Cod fishing success is
  • Tips for locating striped bass from the beach
  • How thinking like a bass can help you catch more big stripers from shore
  • Why it's so important to remain aware and "in the moment" while fishing alone at night
  • Tips for fishing slack tide at the Canal
  • How to locate the Canal's holes and rips
  • Advice for reading and understanding your sonar
  • Plus a whole lot more!


Big Time Bass Blitz | June 25 Cape Cod Surfcasting Report (there is a video of bass feeding in 1 foot water at bottom of post)

Right click here to download the MP3 file


If you enjoyed this episode and have 3 seconds, please let me know on Facebook by clicking the link below:

Click here to let me know you enjoyed it on Facebook!


Every once and a while, I’ll be recording podcast episodes that are completely driven and made up of questions asked by you, so if you have any questions that you’d like potentially answered on the show, simply record a voicemail over on my Speakpipe Page.


I say this a lot, but thank you for a really awesome 2013 fishing season. I had a blast and it was great meeting many MFCC Members and blog readers.

Stay tuned this fall and winter for upcoming posts, podcasts and the NEW My Fishing Cape Cod TV (more details on that soon).

Tight lines!

reports spots information 573

  • dear ryan happy thanksgiving to you as well. i did well with the stripers in tha month of oct.but you needed a boat to get them. the fish 18 to 42lbs were hitting 4-6oz diamond jigs in 35ft of water. this occurred on the south shore of long island. as far as surf it was tough sledding, a whole lot of time for alot of shorts. i was waiting for the big bite reports from you in the surf as i always considered the cape lala land..tight lines tim!!!

    • Hey Tim,

      Those fish just love diamond jigs. Gotta love that initial bite. Glad you got into some good ones during October…you did better than me that is for sure!

      I got a few bass up to 34 pounds from the beach this season, but it took a lot of effort. Even in “la-la land” the big ones are tough to find! lol

      Tight lines to you as well,


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