November 15 2013

Fishing Brewster | A Tropical Paradise


Fishing in Brewster Massachusetts has to be one of the most unique fishing experiences in the entire state.

In certain areas, during particular tides, the sandbars seem to stretch for miles in each and every direction. On a sunny and warm day it is easy to trick yourself into believing that you are fishing the tropics, and not Cape Cod.

fishing brewster ma

On warmer than usual days it can even feel as if you are in the tropics. With no shade for miles and a strong sun above, you best be sure to pack plenty of sun screen.

fishing in brewster massachusetts

Fishing in Brewster

Brewster is best known for its flats fishing for striped bass. In this section of Cape Cod Bay sand flats extend for miles during low tide. Ambitious fishermen can walk these flats in search of stripers.

Do be sure to keep a close eye on the weather and the tide. A hand held GPS as well as a compass is an absolute must. Being stuck on a sand bar, in a fog bank with an incoming tide is definitely not a situation you want to put yourself in.

Yet when done safely, the fishing here can be fun and productive.

brewster flats fishing

Most anglers fish with lures or fly patterns that resemble the most prolific bait in the area - the sand eel. Fresh dead sand eels also work extremely well.

However don't be afraid to try other baits you may find lurking in the shallows.

brewster ma fishing

Surfcasting is not the only thing to do in Brewster. Fishing Cape Cod Bay and the Brewster Flats via boat is also popular. You can stay in close and sight cast to bass and blues, or head to deeper water for a chance a true trophy striper.

Trolling a bunker spoon or tube and worm rig off Brewster's beaches is a good way to target any larger fish lurking in the area. Do not be afraid to venture out into 50 or more feet of water, especially during the the height of the summer.

brewster striped bass fishing

Brewster Fishing Tips & Strategies

Stripers arrive off Brewster early in the season. The month of May is a good time to start looking. Bluefish generally arrive a bit later in the spring/early summer.

Expect the shore fishing to slow down a bit when the heat of July and August sets in. This is a good time to head out in the boat and fish Cape Cod Bay hot spots like Billingsgate Shoal for a bigger fish.

While fishing Billingsgate keep an eye out for tuna, especially in the deeper water to the west of the Shoal. I have been surprised by big tunas here before, typically in water depths greater than 80 feet during the summer and early fall.

Tide plays an important role when fishing Brewster, especially over the flats. Always keep an eye on the tide when fishing on foot. If you are unsure about where you are heading, or not 100% confident in where you are fishing, then play it safe and retreat back to the main land as soon as the flood tide begins.

It is easy to get yourself stranded on a sand bar, up to a mile from dry land. No fish is worth that.

More Info on Fishing Brewster

If you need more information about fishing in Brewster you can always reach out to use via our Facebook page or by leaving a comment below.

Stay tuned to the Weekly Spot for upcoming articles on fishing in the town of Brewster. You can also check out the below posts and reports about my own experiences fishing Brewster for stripers:

In Conclusion

Brewster, MA is a great town in which to wet a line. The scenery alone is worth the trip.

If you'd like to learn more about fishing Brewster, then leave a comment below or sign up as My Fishing Cape Cod member. I am happy to help.

Tight lines and take care,


  • Ryan, fished the flats 3 days in a row ….. didn’t see so much as 1 rod bent and that was a guy in boat out of reach. It’s true the place is beautiful but I will take the ponds of the waquoit area any day….. guess I’m too old for that 2+ mile walk …. best of luck …..

  • Hi Ryan,

    My name is Jocelyn and I am with Dwellable. I am looking for fun and authentic blogs about Brewster and yours happened to catch my eye. If you’re open to it, shoot me an e-mail at jocelyn(at)dwellable(dot)com.

    Hope to hear from you soon!
    – Jocelyn

  • Made it down once this past summer, but conditions were less than ideal. Looking forward to the coming season. It certainly is beautiful. . .

  • Nice report ryan, I think a spring trip to the flats is taking shape in the fishy part of my mind. The real draw is shear vastness of the flats which seem to be accessible along many different localities . Yep! It may be time to expand the cape horizons a bit past the canal and Falmouth.

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