March 4 2014

MFCC Podcast Session 010: Listening To This Is All I Needed Today. What My Dad Can Show You About Fishing With Your Son Or Daughter


In this session of the My Fishing Cape Cod Podcast I interview MFCC member and longtime Cape Cod native Jake Collins...who is also my Dad!

Why am I interviewing my Dad?

Well I recently realized that many of you fish with your sons and daughters, which is really awesome. I grew up fishing with my dad and the experiences we had together are moments I know I will always remember and cherish.

I understand that you want to do the same when you go fishing with your kids You want to create good fishing experiences, wonderful memories and pass the fishing tradition down to the next generation.

If you take a kid fishing then I would like to commend you. I can't thank my dad enough for getting me into the sport, and my mom for being OK with it! I highly recommend listening to this podcast if you will be fishing with a child this coming season.

More specifically, in this podcast you’ll find out about:

  • What Cape Cod fishing and boating was like during the "Good Ole Days"
  • What motivated my Dad to raise his family next to the ocean, despite the high cost of living
  • Why it is more important now than ever to get kids outside and into nature
  • Some of the best ways for a young father to introduce his son or daughter to fishing and the ocean
  • What not to do when taking a kid fishing for the first time
  • How you can create life-long fishing memories with your kids, despite your hectic work and life schedule
  • The #1 most important thing for people who are newly retired, or approaching retirement, to know about what to expect in the "Golden Years"
  • Plus a whole lot more!

At the end of the podcast I will also share with you some of the father-son fishing experiences  that you shared with me on the MFCC Facebook page.

Special thanks to my cousin Kevin Collins for producing this podcast!

Right click here to download the MP3 file


If you enjoyed this episode and have 3 seconds, please let me know on Facebook by clicking the link below:

Click here to let me know you enjoyed it on Facebook!


Every once and a while, I’ll be recording podcast episodes that are completely driven and made up of questions asked by you, so if you have any questions that you’d like potentially answered on the show, simply record a voicemail over on my Speakpipe Page.


I know I say it a lot but thank you for your recent support of My Fishing Cape Cod TV. I just began producing episode #2 so definitely stay tuned.

Tight lines!


  • I don’t know how I missed this before now, but just wanted you to know that I really enjoyed the interview with your Dad. Like your Dad, I introduced my son to fishing and the outdoors when he was young. Now that he is a dad himself he is passing his love of the outdoors to his children. The old saying that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree is appropriate with regard to you and your Dad and my kids as well. By the way, your interviewing skills are top notch. If ESPN were smart they would sign you to a long term contract right now.

  • Ryan, I hope you realize how blessed you are. Your dad sounds like a great guy. I hope my son (who is now 46 yrs.old) has good memories of all the fishing we did together. When he was 14, I taught him how to drive on a frozen lake while ice fishing. His mom didn’t really approve of that-haha. I also have wonderful memories of the two of us sleeping on the beach and surf fishing. I enjoyed the podcast very much. Terry

    • I sure do realize Terry, I am a very luck guy – as is my Dad.

      It sounds like you and your son share similar memories 🙂

      There’s not much better than spending time fishing good friends and family!

  • I very much look forward to episode two; as I retire this spring. Thanks for your efforts.
    Mike P
    Mean Mary

  • Hello Ryan , I enjoyed listening to you and your dad talking about the early years on the Cape , I’ve had the pleasure to meet a couple a people in Wellfleet who have been there their whole life and speak the same great stories about the fishing , clamming , and living on the Cape . I also have had the pleasure of coming to the Cape since 1965 and every year spend more and more time up here enjoying the beaches , my boat and quiet beauty of the National Seashore and brought my three daughters up the same way , they love the boat , clamming out on Billingsgate , and once in a blue moon they’ll pick up a fishing rod , what can I say . I’m also getting close to retirement , 8 more yrs and agree 100% with your dad’s advise staying active and healthy and in the salt air , it is the best medicine !

    • Thanks Brian! Sounds like you, my Dad and I all have a lot in common. Nothing better than the beach.

      I also think it’s nice how you can enjoy fishing and the Cape with your daughters. I’m sure they will always remember the times spent fishing and clamming with you.

      Tight lines!

      • Wow, what great memories you and your dad share, I wasn’t fortunate enough to share the fishing experience with my dad but I was able to share it with my 3kids who all took some of their first steps on the beach. They were out there with me until all hrs.and all kinds of weather. While they don’t do much fishing these days they have a deep respect for the fish, the fishermen and the environment, and of course a childhood filled with surf casting memories.

        • Thanks Art, they sure are nice memories.

          I’m real happy to hear about the experiences you are able to spend with your 3 kids. I am sure they will carry that respect for the ocean and the environment with them all their lives.

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