April 11 2018

Our 2018 Group Fishing Trip Schedule


Ryan Collins

My Fishing Cape Cod group fishing trips can help you experience some of the best fishing Cape Cod has to offer, at a reasonable, per person rate.

Online registration for 2018 group fishing trips opens this Saturday, April 14th at 8AM. These trips often sell out quickly, so make sure you don't forget to register this Saturday at 8AM!

When registration opens, members of My Fishing Cape Cod will be able to use a special members-only discount code to receive 20% off the general public pricing. The rest of this post will showcase available dates, the types of trips we will be offering, and the cost per person. 


The Goals Of These Trips

Three years ago when we first began offering group fishing trips, the main goal was to get My Fishing Cape Codders out on the water fishing at a reasonable per person rate. However, these trips quickly morphed into much, much more than a "budget friendly" charter option. 

For example, on a typical group fishing trip you will:

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    Learn from an experienced and successful charter captain, Cullen Lundholm of Cape Star Charters
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    Fish areas you may not otherwise ever fish
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    Learn new techniques, discover new areas, and understand seasonal patterns
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    Catch more and bigger fish then if you were fishing on your own
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    Meet other anglers from My Fishing Cape Cod and make new friends
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    Fish with the right gear and learn about the best equipment/lures/baits
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    Get a better understanding of the waters surrounding Cape Cod by fishing them with an experienced captain
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    And do it all at a reasonable per person rate

Available Trips & Dates

All trips will be onboard captain Cullen's new 27' Conch center console. Powered by a brand new Evinrude G2 300hp engine.

All trips are on Friday mornings with my friend captain Cullen Lundholm of Cape Star Charters. I have done my best to outline each of the trips below. As is always the case with fishing on Cape Cod, everything is subject to change based on weather and fish patterns. 

Exact trip times and ports of departure will be emailed to you 24 hours in advance. All equipment is provided and you will be supplied with your own rod to fish with, however you can bring your own rod and reel if you prefer. 

The areas we expect you to fish, and the techniques we expect you to use, are also subject to change. For example, last year we had a topwater plugging trip that was planned to fish off Provincetown/Truro. However, 24 hours before the trip a large school of 20-50 pound fish moved into Buzzard's Bay. In this case, captain Cullen made the decision to live-line pogies in Buzzard's Bay instead of heading across to Provincetown to cast plugs.

All decisions like this are 100% up to captain Cullen, so it is important that you remain flexible. With all that in mind I have done my best to outline below what we expect each trip to feature.

I will personally be onboard for the May 4 Tautog trip and the June 22 striped bass trip. During these trips I will be filming video and taking photos which will be featured on the My Fishing Cape Cod website.

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    May 4 ~ Tautog

This is a "featured trip." Ryan of My Fishing Cape Cod will be onboard for this trip, filming video and taking photos, which will be featured on the website.

Price: $200/member and $250/non-member
Max number of anglers: 5 (plus Ryan who will be filming/taking photos)
Trip length: 5 hours
Trip time: morning (exact time is TBD)
Port of departure: Taylor's Point, Bourne (subject to change based on weather)
Area fished: Buzzard's Bay (subject to change based on fish patterns)
Techniques used: anchoring up and fishing green crabs

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    Friday May 11 ~ Striped Bass

Price: $200/member and $250/non-member
Max number of anglers: 5
Trip length: 5 hours
Trip time: morning (exact time is TBD)
Port of departure: Taylor's Point, Bourne, Falmouth Harbor, or Sesuit Harbor East, Dennis (subject to change based on weather)
Area fished: Buzzard's Bay, Cape Cod Bay or Vineyard Sound (subject to change based on fish patterns)
Techniques used: Live mackerel or casting plugs (subject to change based on fish behavior)

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    May 25 ~ Striped Bass

Price: $200/member and $250/non-member
Max number of anglers: 5
Trip length: 5 hours
Trip time: morning (exact time is TBD)
Port of departure: Taylor's Point, Bourne or Sesuit Harbor East, Dennis (subject to change based on weather)
Area fished: Buzzard's Bay or Cape Cod Bay (subject to change based on fish patterns)
Techniques used: Live mackerel or casting plugs (subject to change based on fish behavior)

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    June 8 ~ Striped Bass

During this trip you may fish off Provincetown, Truro or even down as far south as Nauset Inlet. Due to the distances involved, trips are now scheduled for 8 hours.

Price: $240/member and $300/non-member
Max number of anglers: 5
Trip length: 8 hours
Trip time: morning (exact time is TBD)
Port of departure: Sesuit Harbor East, Dennis (subject to change based on weather)
Area fished: Outer Cape Cod or Cape Cod Bay (subject to change based on fish patterns)
Techniques used: Casting plugs, live mackerel or vertical jigging (subject to change based on fish behavior)

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    June 22 ~ Striped Bass

This is a "featured trip." Ryan of My Fishing Cape Cod will be onboard for this trip, filming video and taking photos, which will be featured on the website.

Price: $280/member and $350/non-member
Max number of anglers: 4 (plus Ryan who will be filming/taking photos)
Trip length: 8 hours
Trip time: morning (exact time is TBD)
Port of departure: Sesuit Harbor East, Dennis (subject to change based on weather)
Area fished: Outer Cape Cod or Cape Cod Bay (subject to change based on fish patterns)
Techniques used: Casting plugs, live pogies or vertical jigging (subject to change based on fish behavior)

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    June 29 ~ Striped Bass

Some people have mentioned they would like to fish with less anglers, so this trip has a max number of 4 anglers onboard. 

Price: $280/member and $350/non-member
Max number of anglers: 4
Trip length: 8 hours
Trip time: morning (exact time is TBD)
Port of departure: Sesuit Harbor East, Dennis (subject to change based on weather)
Area fished: Outer Cape Cod or Cape Cod Bay (subject to change based on fish patterns)
Techniques used: Casting plugs, live pogies or vertical jigging (subject to change based on fish behavior)

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    July 13 ~ Striped Bass

Some people have mentioned they would like to fish with less anglers, so this trip has a max number of 4 anglers onboard. 

Price: $280/member and $350/non-member
Max number of anglers: 4
Trip length: 8 hours
Trip time: morning (exact time is TBD)
Port of departure: Sesuit Harbor East, Dennis (subject to change based on weather)
Area fished: Outer Cape Cod or Cape Cod Bay (subject to change based on fish patterns)
Techniques used: Casting plugs, live pogies or vertical jigging (subject to change based on fish behavior)

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    July 20 ~ Striped Bass

Price: $240/member and $300/non-member
Max number of anglers: 5
Trip length: 8 hours
Trip time: morning (exact time is TBD)
Port of departure: Taylor's Point, Bourne or Sesuit Harbor East, Dennis (subject to change based on weather)
Area fished: Buzzard's Bay, Outer Cape Cod or Cape Cod Bay (subject to change based on fish patterns)
Techniques used: Casting plugs, live pogies or vertical jigging (subject to change based on fish behavior)

Some Additional Notes

Some people have mentioned they would like to do a seabass trip. Other people have mentioned they would like to target bluefish, flounder/fluke, bluefin tuna, mackerel and other species. I will communicate with you when/if we are able to get these trips scheduled.

Other people have mentioned they would like to fish with other anglers of the same level. For example, novice anglers would fish together with novice anglers, and more experienced anglers would fish together with more experienced anglers. I will communicate with you when/if we are able to get these trips scheduled.

Cancellation Policy

Due to the logistics of organizing these trips, we cannot offer you a refund if you do not show up the morning of your trip. Once you purchase a spot, you are locked-in to that trip, and no refund will be provided if you cannot make the trip. You can have someone go in your place, but finding that person is 100% up to you.

The only reason a trip would be cancelled is if captain Cullen decides it is unsafe to fish due to weather. In this event, you will be offered a full refund or a complimentary spot on another trip of equal value. 

In Conclusion

We may offer additional trips, but we do not have anything on the schedule for now. During August and September our focus for these group trips will probably turn to bluefin tuna. I will communicate the dates for tuna fishing with you as soon as they become available. 

When registration opens this Saturday at 8AM, you will be able to view and register for the trips by visiting our online store. Members of My Fishing Cape Cod can use the discount code below which will give you a 20% discount off the general public price of these trips.

Please make sure to pay close attention to your email Saturday morning at 8AM. You will receive an email as soon as online registration opens. Please click here and enter your email to receive a notification as soon as registration goes live.

Overall our 2018 group fishing trip season is shaping up to be another great one! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, or simply leave a comment below. 

Tight lines ?

    • I understand Roy! Haddock trips are just real tough with scheduling.

      We ran a haddock trip last year, but we had to reschedule 4 times due to weather. Weather can be tough during April out at Stellwagen Bank to say the least!

      With all that in mind, I am still not against trying to put one together. I will have a chat with Cullen this week and see if we can come up with anything.

  • These are great trips and I am hoping I will be able to be onboard again for at least one of them. And if not I am looking forward to seeing the postings from those who do go.

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