December 3 2017

“Jumbo” Surf-Caught Costa Rican Needlefish


Ryan Collins

When you go surfcasting with lures on Cape Cod, you are primarily targeting striped bass or bluefish. 

Here in Costa Rica, you have absolutely no idea what might bite next when you cast a lure out into the waves. You might hook a cubera snapper, roosterfish, jack crevalle or even "jumbo" size needlefish!

Some folks immediately disregard needlefish and want nothing at all to do with them. I can understand this if you are fishing with live bait, because needlefish are notoriously good at stealing bait and slicing through leaders with their rows of razor sharp teeth. 


However, I view needlefish as a challenge because they are also very difficult to hook and land using lures. I was also shocked at how well big needles fight, and how agile and incredibly quick they are.

Thanks again to my lovely wife @lblackerphotography for the amazing photos of this super cool looking fish. I'm very happy you were on the beach with me at the exact moment this needlefish bit, this past Friday just before sunset.

The Canal Magic Swimmer

Once again the super reliable 6.5in Canal Magic Swimmer fooled this needlefish. I have a ton of confidence in this plug, whether I am fishing in Costa Rica, Cape Cod or anywhere else for that matter. 

If you are a member of My Fishing Cape Cod, you can use your Canal Bait & Tackle discount code to receive 10% off. The discount code will work for the Canal Magic Swimmer, and anything else on the Canal Bait website. 

In Conclusion

Who knows what might happen next here in Costa Rica! In the meantime, back on Cape Cod, our members are still fishing for bluefin tuna, striped bass and of course trout and other freshwater species. 

As always be sure to check our forum for daily local updates being posted by our supporting members, and thank you to the 1,000 members who have chosen to keep their membership active during Cape Cod's offseason. 

Your support as a member is critical to the success of this website, and we all greatly appreciate your support! 

Tight lines,

What do you think?

Let me know by commenting below.

  • Please keep your daily

    Keep these videos coming so I can get my daily fix and also refer back to them to get me thru the winter.

    • Thanks Warren, I was surprised at how well that big needle fought!

      Yesterday I had a massive swirl from some sort of huge fish that was following my magic swimmer. Not sure the species but hoping it might of been the elusive roosterfish. Will try again today.

  • Was there enough meat on the big needle to make a stew?
    Folks here in China would have found a way to enjoy it.
    They seem to be able to cook and eat anything that once lived organically.
    I look forward to seeing your next surprise catch.
    Regards from Shenzhen China.

    • Yes there was a pretty good amount of meat. Lauren actually made ceviche and it was delicious.

      Safe travels and have fun in China. You must be having quite the adventure over there!

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