October 31 2024

Late October Striper Fishing at the Monomoy Rips

by Gretchen Stiers

On Tuesday (10/29/24), I was fortunate to fish with Capt. Tyler Putney @Flatliner Charters and three other members of MFCC for striped bass.

We left from the Bass River/Smuggler’s beach boat ramp about 8:30 am and headed east toward Monomoy Island.

We were all wearing layers since the temp was a “balmy” 34 degrees when we left the dock. Jeffrey Cotto (@jcotto44) was happy to have on his balaclava starting out. Nicely, the sun warmed things up to about 54 degrees by midday.

Jeff Cotto of Barnstable joined MFCC during April of 2024 and in his first year as a member has gone on numerous MFCC trips for stripers and tuna!

Capt. Tyler took us past Monomoy to the Shoal shown below, where we started fishing with 9” Docs, a proven topwater lure for catching stripers.

Tim Wright (@twright01) was ready to go as soon as Capt. Tyler gave us the go ahead to start casting. Tim brought along his fishing buddy Ray on the trip, who also had a good time out on the water.

Tim Wright joined MFCC during April of 2022 and he's also been onboard a bunch of MFCC fishing trips throughout the 2024 season.

Capt. Tyler kept the boat moving throughout the area shown below.

While there were gannets and many different kinds of sea ducks out on the water, we only saw one instance of them plunging into the rips after bait.

On Tuesday, however, the fish just were not interested in hitting the topwaters. Nicely, MFCC member Jeffrey Cotto had brought along two 2.5-ounce Monomoy Tackle (MT) paddle tails (blue mojito and key lime) made by @CousinEddy that he wanted to try. They proved to be extremely effective for getting down to the bottom of the rips where the stripers were hiding out on Tuesday.

2.5oz Monomoy Tackle Paddletails were the hot lure during this trip. MFCC members can use their member-only discount code to get 10% off all paddletails.

Eight of the ten fish we caught were on those two MT paddle tail lures!

The author, MFCC member Gretchen Stiers, with a healthy late October striper!

Here's Tim (@twright01) bringing in a nice one with the key lime MT paddletail lure.

We caught two other stripers on a white Hogy paddle tail and a mackerel Savage Gear Sandeel jig. The sinking lures were the ticket on Tuesday! I

I want to thank Jeffrey @jcotto44 for bringing the MT paddle tails and Capt.Tyler @Flatliner for keeping us in the rips and getting us on the fish.

At the end of the day, we each brought home a slot size striper for dinner.

late october monomoy striped bass
late october monomoy striped bass

Fishing with Capt. Tyler and my new MFCC friends on Tuesday was the perfect way to end my offshore striper season. Now, it is off to the beach for more fall surfcasting!

For anyone interested, you can check out the Monomy Tackle website (@CousinEddy) and the paddle tails at https://www.monomoytackle.com/5-paddletail. Remember to use your MFCC member code when you place an order to get a 10% discount.

Tight lines 🎣


About the author 

Gretchen Stiers

Gretchen joined My Fishing Cape Cod back in January of 2020 and since that time she's become one of our most active members. From going on MFCC group fishing trips to posting inside the forum, we are lucky to have her onboard as a member.

  • It was a great day out, thanks Jeff for sharing the lures, and Tyler for searching relentlessly for the fish. See you next season.

  • Well done!

    Great write-up as the season winds down.

    Capt. Tyler can keep everyone positioned on the rips and into the fish!

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