May 13

Saltwater is Heating Up! | May 13th Fishing Report


Freshwater fishing is still a great option right now on Cape, but most anglers are turning their attention to the salt. The first schoolie stripers of the season are here, but don't forget about scup, tautog and haddock.

In today's podcast report we hear from Ryan of My Fishing Cape Cod, Ian McPartland of the Goose Hummock, and MFCC member Bruno Demir of Cape & Islands Mitsubishi. Click below to listen-in!

About the author 

Kevin Collins

Kevin spent a decade with the New England Patriots and New England Revolution producing podcasts and other digital content. Currently he is the host and producer of the podcasts here on My Fishing Cape Cod. Kevin grew up on the beach in Plymouth, MA and has salt water running through his veins.

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