May 21 2018

Noman’s Land Island: A Brief History, and One Man’s Effort to Preserve It


Brian McCarty
MFCC member

Approximately three miles off the southwest coast of Martha’s Vineyard, lies the 628 acre island of Noman’s Land. It had once been inhabited by the Wampanoag Tribe and numerous settlers, but is now desolate and overgrown.

Many visible clues of past inhabitants have already disappeared, since the island has been off-limits to the public for the past 76 years. As time continues to pass, so does the opportunity to record the history first-hand through tangible evidence. 

Through the decades, there have been unusual occurrences reported on or around Noman’s Land. Among other fascinating tales, many believe Norsemen traveled to Noman’s Land (est. 1000 A.D), which may of served them as a seasonal hunting and fishing camp.


A Brief History of Noman's

From the 17th to 19th centuries, the island had several permanent residents, as well as seasonal visitors. Photo courtesy of the Martha's Vineyard Museum

In 1926, a mysterious runic stone with an inscription which translates to “Leif Erikson, 1001”, was located. Much attention has been drawn to the stone, allegedly visible only during very low tides. However, no one has been able to find it in recent years.

There are also numerous shipwrecks in the immediately surrounding waters, giving insight to the island’s many tales of woe. There have been ghost sightings, speculation of Captain Kidd’s buried treasure, and accounts of rum runners. Each story adds allure to the true history of Noman’s Land, which is unique and culturally significant. Unknown places often leave our minds to do the exploring, with great imagination. 

According to the earliest known inhabitants, the Wampanoag Tribe, the island was created when Moshup, a benevolent entity, was building a bridge to a nearby island. As he stacked boulders in the sea, a crab bit him on the big toe. Moshup threw the crab into the water along with several boulders, forming the island. 

  • My Ancesestors were Viking by way of England during the Mayflower. I am intrigued by the Rune Stone left by my ancestors.

      • Any idea or info on the location of the runic stone? All I’ve got from minor research is it might be on the western side of the island and is in shallow waters. i would like to dive on it and take a look myself.

  • When I first saw the link, I misread it as “Norman’s Island.” Since my name is Norm, I thought I would look more closely. What a great video. I’ don’t think I’ll be able to venture out so far in my little Aquasport, but the idea of seeing all the birdlife is intriguing.

    • You can also see a lot of bird life over at Monomoy, which is probably more do-able for you Norm coming out of Harwich. You probably already knew this, but figured I would just mention it in case. ? Glad you enjoyed the post!

  • My grandfather, Manuel Canha (Vineyard Haven) died in a fishing accident (on the Annie May) 15 miles south of Nomans Land on Oct. 2, 1932 in a sudden Nor’easter (with Earle Wade, also from VH). They were supposedly 15 miles south of NML.

    I have newspaper clippings I can send. I’m curious if you have any comments, or information that you can provide. Perhaps the types of currents, weather patterns, or anything so I can minimally understand what happened.


  • I’m currently doing research on the affects on munition disposal at sea within our local area. If anyone has any science/history related questions to the cape/Islands, I’d be happy to do some further investigation.

    • Hi,
      I came across your article while searching online for info on Noman’s Land Island. A friend of the family, Bertrand Wood, lived on the island in the 1920’s and 30’s and wrote a fascinating book of the island’s history and his personal experiences. One of the bookstores on Martha’s Vineyard or the local historical society may have copies. I still have several copies and also photos when we last met with Bert in 1998 when he was 95. Nice to see the interest in the island and the fishing in the area.

  • Gentlemen, thank you for the positive feedback. I enjoy digging into the science and history of the places I frequent. Though Nomans remains off limits for good reason, it deserves aknowledgement for being a significant place in New England fishing history. I encourage each of you to explore your favorite fishing areas, to gain a better understanding that can help protect the environment and local biodiversity.

  • I am impressed by the amount of detail in the article. I’m a history buff, especially about the early natural history of Cape Cod. Great story. Thanks for sharing it.

  • Rabbits multiplying out of control on an island without predators? Who could have foreseen that?
    A very interesting article.
    Thanks Brian

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