October 17 2014

Outer Cape Cod Fishing Report | October 16


I was feeling restless and I think Lauren could tell. Sometimes I feel an odd, uneasy feeling which permeates through my torso.

Through past experience I've learned the feeling diminishes once I see the ocean and begin walking on the beach.

Lauren understands, so without too much discussion I embarked on a 36 hour, overnight striped bass surfcasting excursion, to the famed beaches of Outer Cape Cod.

October On The Outer Cape

outer cape cod fishing report surfcasting striped bass
A view from the edge of America.

Cape Cod's greatest beach runs from Provincetown in the north, to Monomoy in the south. With the exception of several breaks and inlets, the beach runs unbroken as far as the eye can see.

cape cod google earth outer cape arrows

There is little development here, contrasted to other great Cape Cod beaches, like the ones that stretch along the Cape's southside, from Falmouth to Chatham, which have been heavily altered by man.

Henry Beston, in his book The Outermost House: A Year of Life On The Great Beach of Cape Cod captures how I feel when he says...

“Nature is a part of our humanity, and without some awareness and experience of that divine mystery man ceases to be man.”

On the beaches of Outer Cape Cod, one becomes enveloped by nature, regardless of whether or not that was your intention.

head of the meadow beach truro ma fishing

Nature here, is unavoidable. It is completely encasing, and it is everywhere.

During October, vast schools of striped bass migrate south along these beaches. Occasionally these fish come within reach of a cast from shore.

extended fishing report button



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